
Contingent Workforce Weekly, Episode 602: The Link Between the Future of the Workforce and the Future of the Workplace

An all-new edition of the Contingent Workforce Weekly episode, sponsored by DZConneX, a Yoh company, features a discussion around the “future of the workforce” and its link to the “future of the workplace.” As more and more businesses plan a return to the office, an even larger number of workers are seeking flexibility, empathy, and agility. While a silent labor epidemic rages (the United States has never recorded so many resignations and jobs quit in a single month before this past May), business leaders must leverage the next several months to better understand the proper work model for both productive enterprises outcomes and its workforce.

Tune into Episode 602 of Contingent Workforce Weekly below, or subscribe on Apple Music, Spotify, Stitcher, or iHeartRadio.

Tags : Agile WorkforceFuture of WorkRemote WorkTalentTechnologyWorkplace Culture