
Today, AI is prevalent in both full-time/traditional talent acquisition and within the extended workforce arena. Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research finds that nearly 60% of organizations are effectively “blending” AI and human-led processes into the current hiring initiatives, with another 34% expected to do the same over the next 12-to-24 months.

Back in February, I joined Beeline and HiredScore for an exclusive webcast on demystifying the role of artificial intelligence in hiring and extended workforce management. Beeline’s Colleen Tiner (SVP Strategy), HiredScore’s Athena Karp (CEO & Founder), and I discussed how AI could be leveraged to enhance hiring, drive total talent intelligence, and combat the ramifications of The Great Resignation. If you missed the webcast, we’ve got you covered:

Tags : AIArtificial IntelligenceExtended WorkforceHiringWebinar Recap