
FOWX Live 2022: Why You Need to Be There

The Future of Work Exchange was designed to be the premier destination for news, insights, and analysis of the Future of Work movement. Everyday, thousands of HR, procurement, talent acquisition, and other business leaders converge to this site to learn more about the changing world of work and talent.

And now, the Future of Work Exchange is bringing those insights to the live stage. “FOWX Live,” an executive regional roundtable event on June 14 in Boston, will be 2022’s most engaging Future of Work-oriented conference focused on the extended workforce, remote and hybrid work, and the technology and innovation driving transformation in how enterprises address how work is done.

We’re in year three of a pandemic that has fundamentally altered the way we think about our leadership, workforce, workplace, and business operations. For today’s business leaders, operating as if we’ll return to 2019 is an exercise in futility. FOWX Live will be the conference that allows executive leaders to learn about what’s working well for other enterprises in terms of how work gets done, how to better manage a distributed workforce, and, most importantly, how to continue navigating a consistently shifting business arena.

Next month (June 14, Harvard Club in Boston), the FOWX Live roundtable event will feature:

  • Keynote presentations on the future of work, talent, and business.
  • Panel discussions centered around the best tactics and strategies for managing remote and hybrid workers.
  • The business impact of Future of Work-era technology and innovations, and;
  • An opportunity to network with like-minded colleagues and spend time discussing (in a roundtable format) the burning issues affecting business functions.

Register for FOWX Live today. Don’t miss out on 2022’s most dynamic Future of Work event.