
Digital and Human Convergence: The Art of Managed Direct Sourcing (MDS)

Sixty percent (60%) of organizations actively blend digital and human recruitment processes, according to Future of Work Exchange research, reinforcing the notion that direct sourcing must unify traditional talent acquisition methods with innovative direct sourcing technology. This is exactly the foundation of “managed direct sourcing,” which entails a multi-phased series of strategies, underpinned with technology, that drives a continuous flow of candidates who can be engaged and hired in an on-demand fashion. MDS differs from traditional direct sourcing in the sense that it is more controlled, repeatable, and, most critically, highly-scalable.

MDS is typically offered as a services-based solution through a Managed Service Provider (MSP) and augmented with direct sourcing technology offered by an ecosystem of platform partners. An MDS offering will typically drive talent curation and other key program elements, while the direct sourcing platform partner will enable a series of repeatable processes including referral campaigns, nurture strategies, messaging and collaboration, and diversity engagement. What sets MDS apart from traditional direct sourcing is its symbiotic relationship between full-lifecycle, human-led services and agile digitization.

What enables MDS to stand out from traditional direct sourcing programs is its “beating heart,” comprised of a technology stack that can build on the human-led strategy and transform hiring processes to be repeatable and scalable, while establishing new prospect channels for hiring managers. As described earlier in this report, the major differences between MDS and traditional direct sourcing are the factors that frequently impact how the whole of the business finds, engages, and sources its top-tier talent. Businesses with direct sourcing automation are able to execute on “deeper” elements of this talent-led program. With less dependence on traditional, resource-heavy sourcing and recruiting approaches, a “digital-led” direct sourcing program that relies on deep CWM expertise can drive superior talent outcomes.Businesses that have tapped into direct sourcing automation are able to improve their programs with scalable processes that can drive superior talent engagement, help nurture top talent, and boost the overall candidate experience:

  • Direct sourcing automation is an ideal tool to improve candidate matching and talent engagement. A technology-led model requires less dependency on internal staff, drives greater “talent funnel” generation, while also improving the identification of and engagement with high-value candidates. For example, human curation is an excellent strategy for businesses that requires a high-touch approach towards talent pooling. However, the impact of direct sourcing automation adds additional value by improving the overall targeting of candidates by enhancing the alignment of enterprise requirements and available skillsets, and, most importantly, by enabling direct sourcing processes and strategies to be streamlined and standardized across the enterprise. Best-in-Class direct sourcing solutions also offer robust candidate referral functionality that can drive additional talent engagement without the organization spending significantly more time and resources. These capabilities are generally available and optimized within a solution’s mobile application
  • Direct sourcing platforms enable repeatable, collaborative processes with key candidates. The most overlooked aspects of direct sourcing are within its “secondary” phases, particularly talent nurture strategies and candidate communications. While MSP leaders in a managed direct sourcing program will guide businesses to craft/use the messaging they will need to engage candidates after they have been curated and locked into talent pools, the direct sourcing platform can transform these processes into repeatable campaigns that involve both email and SMS/text message communications, ensuring that all candidates feel valued and “in touch” with what is happening within the greater
    organization. This is a key element in fostering an environment of connectivity, openness, and inclusivity. These attributes are becoming more critical for today’s evolving workforce and they allow independent workers to better align their skillsets with specific projects and pick-and-choose how they want to work.
  • Direct sourcing solutions enable users to tap into the power of their brand and culture to attract the best candidates. Compensation is not the only aspect that today’s workers (either traditional or contract) value in a potential employer. Aspects such as culture, diversity and inclusion, and the overall corporate social responsibility of a businesses are crucial factors that can determine whether a candidate wants to be engaged with a potential project or employer. Direct sourcing solutions offer functionality that can help users build “job portals” that leverage the enterprise’s brand, colors, and other unique, marketing-specific attributes. Candidates that align with a company’s brand are more likely to opt-in to receive news about job postings, new roles, upcoming projects, etc. This can be an incredibly powerful lever for managed direct sourcing because it taps into the power of an enterprise’s culture to attract star workers and candidates. This can also foster greater loyalty between contingent workers and their employers, something that is often missed by legacy talent acquisition models.
  • Direct sourcing automation enables holistic reporting that can cascade into other talent acquisition strategies. The intelligence gleaned from direct sourcing platforms and MSP-driven direct sourcing programs can be harnessed for greater workforce planning, particularly when forecasting future utilization of both contingent and full-time talent.
Tags : Direct SourcingDirect Sourcing 2.0Managed Direct Sourcing