
For the past decade, Ardent Partners analysts Andrew Bartolini (Chief Research Officer) and Christopher J. Dwyer (SVP of Research and Managing Director of the Future of Work Exchange) have taken executives on a late January ride through the big trends shaping the business arena and the predictions that could come as a result.

2023 will be no different, as Bartolini and Dwyer will join Beeline and iValua for a lively discussion on Thursday, January 26 (10am ET) regarding the big trends impacting both the procurement arena and Future of Work movement right now…and what’s just up ahead for these two distinct areas in the year ahead. Join us as we discuss:

  • How economic factors will impact the procurement function in both the short- and long-term.
  • Why the extended workforce will play a pivotal role in business agility.
  • How next-generation technology and innovation are driving enhanced value to the modern enterprise, and;
  • The big Future of Work predictions that will shape enterprises operations in the year ahead.

Click here to register for this exclusive webcast. Hope to see you there!

Tags : 2023 PredictionsExtended WorkforceProcurementWebinar