
Calling All HR, Talent Acquisition, and Procurement Execs (and Chief People Officers!)

The Future of Work is here and now. Business leaders aim to optimize the way they engage and source talent, manage their workforce, and ultimately address how work is done. Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange are currently conducting a new research study that will fuel our 2023 research calendar and arm today’s HR, procurement, and talent acquisition executives with Best-in-Class strategies for:

  • Implementing new and innovative technology, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain.
  • Addressing progressive leadership transformation strategies.
  • Optimizing extended workforce management and contingent workforce management, and;
  • Leveraging the best capabilities and solutions for recession-proofing the business (and its workforce) in 2023.

Click here to participate in the new research study, which should take about 15 minutes of your time. All survey participants will receive complimentary access to the Future of Work Exchange’s entire 2023 research calendar, including new research studies on total talent management, direct sourcing, and more.

Tags : Conscious LeadershipDirect SourcingExtended WorkforceResearch Survey