
Unlocking Success in the Future of Work: Maximizing the Potential of the Extended Workforce (Upcoming Webinar)

Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research has recently discovered that the extended workforce (also known as the contingent workforce) now comprises 49% of all enterprise talent. This astounding figure represents nearly 15 straight years of growth and represents the agility, flexibility, and value of non-employee talent.

For many businesses, leveraging contingent talent is table-stakes to thriving during uncertain times. Thus, the question at hand is: “How does the extended workforce impact the Future of Work?”

On Tuesday, June 20 (next week!), Beeline is hosting an exclusive webcast that will tackle this question and deep-dive into the elements of the extended workforce that have tangible value in a talent-centric corporate arena. Brian McCourt, the extended workforce platform’s Senior Client Relationship Manager, will join me to discuss:

  • How leading businesses are not only surviving but thriving in times of uncertainty through Best-in-Class extended workforce strategies.
  • Valuable insights on the transformative impact of next-generation automation on talent acquisition.
  • The effective solutions for optimizing the management of today’s rapidly growing and evolving contingent workforce.

Register here for next week’s event or click on the image below. See you there!

Tags : BeelineExtended WorkforceTalent AcquisitionWebinar