
Many times, it’s been said that having the right talent in the right place at the right time is paramount to a successful workforce strategy. While enterprises have often used traditional staffing firms to source candidates, this is no longer a viable option in today’s competitive labor marketplace. Instead, organizations are turning to digital staffing expert networks to recruit and hire candidates quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively.

Transformative Shift to Digital Staffing

The focus on skills-based hiring is helping drive the transformation toward digital staffing. The ability to gain access to candidates with specific skills, competencies, and experience on a global scale is game-changing for many enterprises.

According to a blog post from Upwork, a global digital staffing provider connecting businesses with independent professionals and agencies, says, “As the internet has become a staple in the lives of people around the world, it has also become a central component in the modern job search.

“With the ability to match independent professionals with the skills and experience to perform excellent work to companies looking for the talent that will fit their needs, digital staffing should be a central component in the talent search for companies of all sizes.”

Leverage Digital Staffing Expert Network Offerings

As more enterprises incorporate digital staffing into their workforce strategies, they can leverage certain benefits unattainable with traditional staffing approaches. Several digital staffing providers from Upwork to Jombone, a Canadian digital staffing agency, and others cited a few of the major advantages digital staffing brings.

Cost Efficiency

Traditional talent acquisition methods can be time-consuming and expensive. Digital staffing puts pre-vetted experts from extensive databases into the hands of HR and business managers, streamlining the hiring process. According to Jombone, “Finding the right candidates for your business is critical to success, but paying too much to source them can drain your bottom line before they’ve even worked a single day. This is where a staffing platform can offer a more affordable solution.”

Specialized Expertise

One of the leading benefits of utilizing a digital staffing expert network is access to an often-extensive database of specialized professionals. Project managing a critical initiative and need certain expertise to solve a business challenge? Is there a new role for an expanding department where specific experience is required? Expert networks allow organizations to tap into their expertise to enhance problem-solving capabilities or ramp up departmental knowledge.

Networking and Relationship Building

An overlooked benefit of using digital staffing networks is corporate networking and relationship building. Engage with experienced professionals within expert networks to not only connect on immediate projects and job openings but also future collaborations, partnerships, or mentorship opportunities. Organizations can expand their professional network and tap into a broader ecosystem of experts.

Global Recruitment Pool

As Upwork stated previously, online digital staffing databases have revolutionized talent recruitment and talent acquisition processes. The access to a global pool of talent enables organizations to engage experts from different geographical locations, leveraging international expertise and diverse markets and cultures. Not only does this provide a global reach for talent needs but also broadens the possibilities for collaboration, market expansion, and cross-border projects.

Use of a digital staffing platform and an expert network database is table stakes in today’s quest for talent. It not only streamlines talent acquisition but also generates bottom-line savings. Regardless of organizational size, utilization of expert networks can be a competitive differentiator.

Tags : Digital RecruitmentDigital Staffing