
Christopher J. Dwyer

“Culture” is a Foundational Element of the Future of Work

Around a decade ago, a firm I worked for brought in a foosball table to adorn an open space on one side of the office. On my infrequent trips to the company’s HQ (I spent the majority of my time working remotely), I was always encouraged by the hollers, laughs, and general positive vibes from the sales execs and research personnel engaged in competitive foosball tourneys.

I firmly remember interviewing a potential editorial candidate while one such tournament was occurring. “Seems like a fun place to work,” she noted as she looked past the conference room window at the smiles and laughs of my team members. “Sure is,” I said, before moving onto the next stage of the interview.

Ten years ago, a foosball table was enough to reflect a positive work culture to a potential employee. Today, it wouldn’t even come close to cutting it.

“Culture” must be considered a foundational element of the Future of Work movement, with business leaders doing all that they can to ensure that the enterprise comes across as being inclusive, positive, engaging, and a “destination workplace” that is alluring to candidates. “The Great Resignation,” as much as we may loathe the phrase, is a real and viable force that is actively pushing organizations to reimagine their talent acquisition strategies.

Even though culture was important before and during the pandemic, it takes on a different meaning today, considering that: 1) with the Omicron surge beginning to subside, business leaders are finally going to structure more in-office days for its workforce, 2) millions of workers, part of the “Talent Revolution,” are seeking more than just better compensation if they are going to return to work in 2022, and, 3) the harsh reality of talent retention today is this: it’s going to take a lot more for businesses to hang onto its top-tier talent throughout the coming months.

The following elements of culture prove why it’s such a critical piece of the Future of Work puzzle:

  • A company’s business culture is inevitably linked to the company’s brand. Company brand has often been more associated with finding and engaging talent, however, what many leaders forget is that “culture” and “brand” are symbiotically linked in a very profound manner. Is the company culture known for advancement opportunities, an inclusive attitude, and consistent engagement between leaders and workers? These are incredibly crucial aspects that traverse from culture into brand, with workers understand that if these attributes don’t line up, it won’t be worth their time and energy to apply for an open position. Poor business culture can weigh down how the enterprise “looks” from an external perspective; today, that can be crippling in the wake of The Great Resignation.
  • The proliferation of remote and hybrid work means workplace culture is more important, not less. Business leaders have to understand that it’s not March 2020 anymore. Remote and hybrid work are not reactive strategies, but rather foundational approaches for optimizing how work is done. Therefore, these leaders must translate in-office culture and its benefits to those working tens or hundreds of miles away. Remote workers don’t require annoying oversight, but rather empathetic and role-based support in order to thrive in digital working conditions. There’s a major difference between a robotic, “going-through-the-motions” 1:1 video call and a discussion on how a professional can grow, thrive, and succeed. If all business leaders adopted this approach, there would be less of a hesitancy to adopt fully-remote or heavy-hybrid models.
  • Overall enterprise vision is a pure reflection of its overall culture. This doesn’t just mean “make lots of money,” but rather the purpose of the overall organization and what it wants to prove, provide, and produce for the global market. Business leaders that truly want to change their industries begin that journey within, choosing to formulate management styles that are inclusive, empathetic, and promote innovation within the workforce ranks. Want to change the world? It starts with internal business culture.
  • The old adage of “experience first” is still quite applicable. The talent experience is still paramount in today’s hyper-competitive labor market. Everything from the tactical aspects of talent acquisition, such as interviewing, onboarding, etc., and the more strategic elements, like communication and collaboration, goes a long in fostering a workplace culture that is positive and engaging for candidates as they embark on their journeys.
  • Culture is now naturally aligned with the way(s) work gets done. This is perhaps the most powerful attribute of “culture” in today’s business landscape. Workers crave an environment that aligns with their purpose, their goals, their energy, their attitude, their believes, their values, and their journeys. They are going to give as much as they can if an employer can meet most or all of those elements. Business culture permeates across functions, units, leaders, and its workforce; if enterprises are keen on thriving in 2022, they will understand that the very ways they get work done are directly aligned with the overall culture of its workplace.
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Let’s Demystify AI in Hiring

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the premier technologies under the Future of Work spectrum. Along with machine learning, AI has transformed the way businesses think about data and insights, adding an additional layer of depth that was previously out of grasp. As AI became more prominent within the business stratosphere, it quickly moved from merely augmenting existing “Big Data” strategies to becoming a means of transforming both tactical and strategic enterprise operations.

As talent became even more of a competitive differentiator over the years (especially in these evolving times), businesses realized that they required additional support in executing more educated talent-based decisions. Today, AI is prevalent in both full-time/traditional talent acquisition and within the extended workforce arena. Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research finds that nearly 60% of organizations are effectively “blending” AI and human-led processes into the current hiring initiatives, with another 34% expected to do the same over the next 12-to-24 months.

I am excited to join Beeline and HiredScore next Thursday, February 24 (11am ET) for an exclusive webcast on demystifying the role of artificial intelligence in hiring and extended workforce management. I’ll be joined by Beeline’s Colleen Tiner (SVP Strategy) and HiredScore’s Athena Karp (CEO & Founder). We’ll tackle (and answer!) such questions as:

  • Can AI really help my program hire the best talent?
  • What will my legal team say?
  • How can we use AI safely without bias?
  • Are there laws regulating the use of AI for employment decisions that I need to know about?
  • How do I get started on this journey?

Click here or on the image below to register for next week’s event. Looking forward to seeing you there!

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The NFL’s Diversity Problem Is a Wake-Up Call For the Business World

If you don’t know the story by now, here’s a quick recap from Mother Jones:

Earlier this week, former Miami Dolphins head coach Brian Flores filed a lawsuit accusing the league of “systemic racism” and identified examples of teams conducting “sham interviews” with Black coaching candidates without any intention of hiring them.

As evidence, he included text messages with New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick that seem to show Belichick congratulating Flores for winning the New York Giants coaching job days before Flores had even interviewed. In fact, Belichick had meant to text Brian Daboll, who would eventually be named coach. Roughly 70 percent of NFL players are Black, but the only Black head coach out of 32 teams is Pittsburgh’s Mike Tomlin.

There’s a little more to this story, including claims by Flores that he was offered $100,000 per game lost in the 2019 season in order to secure a higher draft pick. That issue, which may end up costing Dolphins owner Stephen Ross his franchise, is only a piece of this entire saga.

The bigger trouble at hand, of course, is this: the NFL has a HUGE diversity problem.

At the time of Flores’ suit, there was only a single Black coach in the NFL (Mike Tomlin of the Pittsburgh Steelers). Years ago, to boost the diversity profile of its coaching candidates, the NFL introduced the “Rooney Rule,” in which the league mandates that teams interview minority candidates for head coaching and senior-level football positions. This clearly has not worked to improve the diversity across the NFL’s coaching ranks.

The rule was adopted and mandated in 2003, when there three Black head coaches in the league. Today? There are three Black head coaches in the league. Something’s not right.

During last week’s Super Bowl media week, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell stated that “a diverse workforce is a better workforce.” (Has he been reading the Future of Work Exchange?) Well, clearly, Goodell cannot be trusted to follow through on this statement, especially because he’s more known for needlessly aggressive punishment for naturally deflated footballs than he is for his track record on diversity.

Granted, the NFL is a different beast than the typical organization in the business arena. Interviews are publicly known, there’s always conjecture about who is going to move where, etc. However, when a multi-billion-dollar entity (not to mention America’s most-watched sport) cannot effectively leverage its vast resources to improve its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) goals, what type of example does that set for every other corporation?

DE&I has become perhaps the most critical non-technological component of the Future of Work movement. Nearly 84% of businesses today say they expect to develop a more inclusive workplace environment over the next 12 months, a statistic that accurately reflects just how important it is for an enterprise to prioritize how it handles diversity and diverse hiring.

The NFL has incredible resources at its disposal; it could easily develop a Chief Diversity Officer (which nearly 70% of businesses expect to implement within their ranks by the end of 2023) that is accountable to all 32 team owners, not to mention the fans and the media. It could create reskilling and upskilling opportunities for diverse coaching candidates to ensure that there is no excuse for passing over diverse talent when major positions are open. And, it should re-tool the Rooney Rule in a manner that moves away from incentives and pushes a better strategy (one of Flores’ issues, which is 100% on point, is that Rooney Rule-led interviews are often shams, as was his with the Giants and Broncos).

For businesses across the globe, this should be a wake-up call. DE&I should be top-of-mind for every organization; “The Great Resignation” is tearing apart the traditional measures of talent acquisition, leaving businesses scrambling to find top-tier skillsets and expertise. Diversity is a gateway into innovation and business progression, enabling organizations with a deeper, more robust community of hyper-qualified candidates that can drive better business outcomes. The “Talent Revolution” at hand dictates that enterprises do all that they can to become more attractive to workers…and that starts by building a diverse and inclusive workplace environment (and culture!).

The NFL’s Rooney Rule has been nothing but a “box-checker” for nearly two decades. The parallels with “diverse spend” goals are uncanny, aren’t they? This is why the NFL’s diversity issues should hit close to home for business leaders. The NFL needs to do more; that’s wildly apparent. And so don’t typical businesses, as well. Fast Company published a piece nearly a year after the George Floyd protests and found that while dozens of the world’s biggest tech companies collectively donated nearly $3.8 billion to charities, there was little movement on the actual change within their organizations; even though societal change was at the forefront of talent acquisition, diverse talent represented a tiny percentage of engineering or leadership roles.

Right now, it is feared that the NFL will take a similar approach and throw money at charity, spin these issues into marketing and communications fluff, and hope that everything blows over. For the business arena, leaders should take a much, much different approach: start truly investing in diverse talent, provide opportunities for growth and upskilling, and, most importantly, view DE&I as a true gateway to innovation, a deeper workforce, and better business outcomes.

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Digital Staffing, Talent Marketplaces, and the “Elastic Workforce”

It’s no great secret that the many layers of talent acquisition and talent engagement have been transformed over the past two years. Businesses, dealing with both a “Talent Revolution” and “The Great Resignation,” continue wage war for skillsets and expertise in an on-demand economy that demands agility and flexibility.

Digital staffing solutions and talent marketplaces have been augmenting talent engagement for a number of years. Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research have been covering, evaluating, and following these platforms for nearly a decade; we have discovered that adoption of these solutions has increased nearly 725% since 2015, a surefire marker of the high-impact, top-tier benefits of these platforms.

There’s a reason why talent marketplaces have become such critical pieces of the Future of Work puzzle: they drive true workforce agility, scalability, and flexibility. Future of Work Exchange research found that, in 2021, nearly 84% of digital staffing and talent marketplace users stated that their extended workforce drove true scalability and flexibility in the face of challenging times. Being able to plug-and-play talent as the market dictates is a powerful competency that can empower enterprises of all sizes with an ability to engage with many of the best and brightest minds in an on-demand manner. Throughout the toughest days of 2020 when uncertainty reigned, companies were constantly reshuffling their workforce strategies.

In 2021, those businesses that could effectively harness the power of a scalable workforce were the ones that entered 2022 with the ability to thrive during evolving labor market conditions. Best-in-Class organizations are 32% more likely to tap into digital staffing outlets for talent acquisition needs. These offerings are often considered enterprise-grade solutions that facilitate real-time and on-demand talent engagement with independent, freelance, or contract workers via a web-based network or portal. Talent marketplaces typically offer “white-glove” or high-touch talent management services (akin to Managed Service Providers) to help their clients source the best-fit talent for their project requirements as well as the automation of core workforce management processes (such as requisition management, talent pool development, and back-end financial operations).

I encourage you to join Bluecrew, Ardent Partners, and the Future of Work Exchange on Thursday, February 24 at 1pm CT for an exclusive webcast on the advantages of the talent marketplace model, its impact on building an “elastic workforce,” and the core workforce strategies required for successful extended workforce management. Click here on or on the image below to register.

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No, For Real: We’re Not Going Back

Last summer, I wrote why the business arena was never going back to “normal,” my arguments owed to the fact that the vast majority of enterprises across the world were now operating in a corporate landscape that encouraged flexibility, innovation, and new and strategic ways of getting work done.

That was in the summer, a time when most of us were just a few weeks removed from being fully-vaccinated and ready for some semblance of normalcy in our personal lives. Could we attend a sporting event in-person? Could our kids finally return to school full-time? Would we be able to have dinner with our older relatives?

We now know that the Delta variant of the coronavirus had much different plans. And, shortly on the heels of that surge, Omicron brought its own playbook.

So now we’re within the end of the winter months. Many of the cities and states that experienced horrible caseloads and hospitalizations around the 2021 holidays and into January are now seeing those waves start to subside. And, inevitably, as things gets better, that question makes its return:

When do things get back to normal?

I was struck by this article in The New York Times by Charles M. Blow this past weekend. Blow writes:

All of us, I believe, were simply waiting to see when our lives would reset, and what the new normal would look like. We still believed that if we did the right things — at least if enough of us did them — that the pandemic would pass and things would snap back to the way they were.

But, as each month passed, and then each year, it became more and more clear that COVID would most likely move from pandemic to endemic.

There are many reasons why our personal lives will never return to normal, given the tremendous change we’ve collectively experienced over the past two years. Blow’s article, “There Is No Post-COVID,” illustrates how “COVID has made us reconsider everything, the meaning of home and work, the value of public space, the magnitude and immediacy of death, what it truly means to be a member of a society. We are still finding the answers to those questions, but the America we knew ended in 2019.”

While business itself doesn’t straddle the line between life and death, a novel virus that has upended the lives of billions of people across the world was always likely to bring permanent change to the way we work, how we work, and, of course, why we work. There should not be a single business leader that could honestly ponder when we would return to the “normal” ways of getting work done.

Societal change has dictated that we invest in and prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion. Technological change has pushed us into new realms of digital transformation and automation. Leadership has transitioned into empathy-led business culture that pushes the “human” side of business into the forefront. Talent has undergone a revolution that has fundamentally altered the relationship between a business and its workforce, resulting in a “Great Resignation” that will forever transform the dynamics of talent engagement and talent acquisition.

We can see, however, how businesses would apply Blow’s quote above to their corporate world. Those early months of the pandemic, well, more like the first year (before the first vaccine campaigns), heavily-dictated just how much we in the business arena yearned for those halcyon days of 2019. No masks, no social distancing, no supply chain disruptions, no economic uncertainty. Instead, we faced layoffs, furloughs, and a veritable rollercoaster ride that seemingly had no end.

But the world has changed tremendously since then, both from personal and professional perspectives. Remote and hybrid workspaces are flourishing, while the power has shifted to the worker in today’s revolutionary war for talent. Businesses now know that the volatility of today’s market can be flipped to become competitive advantages. The economy is thriving. “Adaptation” has become a foundation for the future. Digitization has come full circle and is now driving innovation within the business stratosphere.

And, most important of all: the Future of Work has been realized.

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What is “The Future of Work”?

The state of talent and work in 2022 is very different than it was only several years ago. And, it is entirely different than it was a decade ago. Far beyond the recent impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, major societal changes, the evolution of the worker’s mindset, the realm of innovative technology, and the shifts in talent acquisition have created a new future – “The Future of Work” – one that impacts all workers and all employers. And that future will be based in agility, flexibility, and the transformation of the modern business.

As businesses seek to thrive in these evolving times, it is critical that they base their operative frameworks within the ideal “future state” of work, one that prioritizes better business outcomes and the overall end-to-end optimization of how work is done. Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange define the Future of Work as the strategic optimization of how work gets done through 1) the evolution of talent engagement, 2) the advent of new technology and innovative tools, and 3) the transformation of business standards. Businesses across the globe believe that many significant Future of Work shifts will force them to reevaluate their current work standards, policies, and general practices.

Talent-led shifts, such as worker empowerment (which is fueling “The Great Resignation”), the continued impact of the extended workforce, and the advent of new talent engagement technologies, like direct sourcing and talent marketplaces, are fueling a new era of the workforce.

The power of next-generation technology and innovative tools, particularly digital workspaces (for remote and hybrid work), blockchain, digital wallets, artificial intelligence and machine learning, digital staffing, and talent technology ecosystems, are enabling businesses with the necessary tools to truly optimize how work is done.

The transformation of business thinking, including a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I), developing a more flexible workplace culture and working environment, and creating an agile framework for how talent and work intersect, is a foundational element for how enterprises can future-proof work.

In the coming months and years, businesses will require a deeper understanding of the tools, strategies, and approaches that will ultimately drive the optimization of how work is done from talent, technology, and business transformation perspectives.

Christopher J. Dwyer is the Senior Vice President of Research at Ardent Partners and the Managing Director of the Future of Work Exchange. Connect with him on LinkedIn or send him a note at

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With Ceridian Partnership, PRO Unlimited Doubles Down on the “Worker Experience”

Are we really going to mention “The Great Resignation” in the first line of a Future of Work Exchange article? Yes, we are, but for good reason. Much has been said of the “talent revolution” that is occurring today: workers are finding themselves at a veritable crossroads in which the needs and desire for flexibility and cultural attractiveness are becoming prerequisites for their next career moves. Compensation is key, but the experience is truly paramount.

In a similar manner, much has been written about the “war for talent,” even in pre-pandemic times. For years now, businesses have had to do all that they can to catalyze talent acquisition and talent engagement. When aspects such as workplace culture, business environment, and diversity and inclusion become key reasons why a worker would choose to bring their talents to an organization, the overall “talent experience” suddenly rises as the top differentiator for enterprises in attracting new talent.

To that end, integrated workforce management platform (IWM) provider PRO Unlimited recently announced an exclusive partnership with global human capital solutions provider Ceridian. The partnership will focus on the integration of Ceridian’s unique Dayforce Wallet into PRO’s innovative Worker Experience solution. Extended workers will have direct access to net pay as it is earned; after an on-demand pay request is completed within the Dayforce Wallet mobile app, funds are deposited directly into workers’ Dayforce Wallet accounts (which can then be transferred to checking accounts, withdrawn for cash, used to make purchases, etc.).

“It’s really about rethinking this industry in the sense that the extended workforce is more than just placing and filling roles,” said Jessica Kane, Chief Client Officer, PRO Unlimited. “We want to bring all of that talent-fueled data and intelligence together for the best possible worker experience. Businesses want to attract the best and brightest workers, and this partnership with Ceridian will certainly drive more choice into the overall talent experience.”

Future of Work Exchange research finds that nearly 80% of businesses are now focused on transforming their workplaces into more attractive places to work, a statistic that reflects the core mindset of enterprise leaders across the world: develop an alluring, positive environment in which candidates what to work and thrive.

“Skills have really become the new currency,” said Kane. “We want workers to be able to utilize those skillsets, combined with our data and intelligence, to support them along their career journeys and enable them to choose the right paths. Thinking about the opportunities and the clients that offer these roles, how do enterprises attract workers to these positions? Combining our data ocean and integrated workforce platform with on-demand pay through Ceridian, we can leverage all of these innovations in helping workers purse their passions.”

“Worker Experience is a standalone solution that will revolutionize how businesses transform the overall candidate and worker experience,” said Kevin Akeroyd, CEO of PRO Unlimited. “Functionality such as worker engagement and profiling (amongst other processes) are already integrated into our platform via WillHire, however, this new partnership will enhance those pieces of our solution and push worker experience management into the extended workforce.”

The concept of “day pay” has become a hot topic in the extended workforce world, as industries such as light industrial, warehouses, and other shift-based businesses experience a sharp uptick in the utilization of non-employee labor. As businesses in these sectors strive to build compelling and engaging candidate experiences, traversing into on-demand pay will become a critical measure. PRO Unlimited certainly understands the implications of this innovative market shift, which is reflected in this unique and pioneering partnership with Ceridian.

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Remote and Hybrid Work May Have Issues, But They’re Undeniably Powerful Future of Work Attributes

I’ve long devoured news and analysis related to the concept of remote and hybrid work…and not just during these crazy pandemic times. I’ve been a hybrid worker for the entirety of my career these past 16 years, and, particularly over the past decade, more “remote” than “hybrid.” I’ve stepped into an office only a handful of times since March 2020. Besides my own experiences with the hybrid work, the Future of Work Exchange is committed to helping businesses and workers better understand the implications of such a model, the benefits, how to structure a hybrid infrastructure, and, of course, how the hybrid workplace factors into the digitization of work.

A recent New York Times article by Elizabeth Spiers, former editor in chief of The New York Observer and the founding editor of Gawker, argues that we, as both leaders and workers, have lost some semblance of “work” with it becoming “too casual” over the past two years. “What We Lose When Work Gets Too Casual” highlights that:

“There are trade-offs, though. The loss of workplace formalities like fixed start and stop times, managerial hierarchies with clear pathways for advancement and professional norms that create boundaries between personal and professionally acceptable behavior only hurt workers. Though the pandemic-era transformation of white-collar work seems empowering at first, we should not be deceived: Many of these changes mostly benefit employers.”

Spiers further writes that employers can take advantage of an environment in which the lack of shift formality means that workers will pump extra hours into their work and projects without the extra pay (for salaried employees, of course). This is, in fact, a common drawback to the hybrid model, in which workers cannot seemingly “unplug” from their work and suffer burnout, anxiety, and stress.

It’s often too easy for those work remotely to get caught up in work, to subconsciously allow personal and professional worlds to collide, and to let “casual work culture” become the foundation of a remote working environment. The office becomes home, and the home becomes the offices, Spiers writes. She’s not wrong, as for those white-collar employees that have been working remotely for a lengthy period of time, there is very little crossover between the personal and professional arenas. We stare at our phones checking email, keep our laptops within reach, and spend late nights toiling away. Working at 11pm is just as common as dialing into a video call at 11am.

Spiers’ points are made with good intentions, and she focuses on the fact that this setup mainly benefits the employers. What she is missing, however, is the inherent flexibility that is baked into the hybrid work model. This is what workers crave, it’s what they desire. They want to be able to do the things they want to do without having the pressure of in-person work, long commutes, and endless in-person meetings.

However, there is one idea, above all else, that needs to be taken into consideration. It’s the one driving factor that separates remote work in 2022 vs. remote work in the early months of the pandemic. Businesses must enable their employees with the necessary strategies, solutions, and tools to succeed. Working remotely (or in a hybrid model) does just that, and it’s the most critical argument here. Too much of a “casual” feel to work doesn’t mean that work is being negatively impacted nor does it mean that all remote workers will succumb to burnout (as Spiers writes: “Their personal needs don’t get met because work has so invaded their personal lives that there is no dedicated time for non-work life.”).

Remote work burnout is an issue, for sure. We’ve written about it here on the Future of Work Exchange (rather recently, too!). And I won’t be a hypocrite here: there are many weeks that I’m hitting 70 or 80 hours (or more), as are many of you reading this article. There are times when I sacrifice my personal or family time for work. However, the flexibility will always outweigh whatever imbalances pop up from time-to-time. The fact that I can make breakfast for my kids in the morning or say hi to them in the afternoon instead of being locked in an office? I would gladly take some of those late nights and long weeks for the ability to do these things. It’s a beneficial trade-off, as is the fact that I gain two hours not spending on commutes everyday; I can take the dog for a walk if I have an hour break, or schedule a doctor’s appointment without having to take an entire day off.

The other big point Spiers made in her article is that employers have the ability to “punt” on advancement conversations due to the “informal” environment of remote and hybrid workplaces. She argues that junior and less experienced employees may take on additional work without a clear path to promotions and advancement. While this may be the case in some organizations, I can confidently say that not all business leaders think this way.

The most glaring omission in Spiers’ article is this: she doesn’t mention the “Talent Revolution” happening today, nor the fact that the so-called “Great Resignation” is occurring because of a lack of flexibility within the workplace. Tens of millions of workers have left their roles because of lack of these dynamic benefits, so much so that business leaders are actively trying to configure new ways to find, engage, and source talent based on the overall culture and flexibility of the enterprise itself.

Work may be becoming more casual, but that’s not a bad thing.

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Building the Hybrid Workplace is 2022’s Best Path Towards Digital Transformation

As far back as four or five years ago, you couldn’t escape the greater business discussion of “digital transformation.” The discourse around digital transformation was quite simple and straightforward: enhance organizational efficiency, operations, and functional value through the adoption of automated solutions and digital technology. Now, the conversation may be much more stripped down than the concept itself, however, as implementing enough systems, connecting them via intricate architecture, and driving real solution adoption are all much more difficult, of course.

The other side of digital transformation (particularly business agility), too, is the fact that the “digital enterprise” harnesses the power of digitization to boost internal and external experiences (candidate, supplier, user, etc.) and end-to-end business processes. When this is taken into consideration, the goal of becoming a truly digital enterprise is that much harder, given the interconnections required to achieve these technology-led and business goals.

An enterprise’s best path towards digital transformation today is to capitalize on something that had been organically growing since before the pandemic while becoming a standardized way of operating during disruptive times: remote and hybrid work. The “hybrid workplace” requires many of the same measures that end-to-end digital transformation does, up to and including executive buy-in, the necessary software, and the cultural attributes needed to drive adoption and value.

  • Developing the next great hybrid workplace requires investments and resources akin to a full-scale digital transformation. No one said it was going to be easy, however, if a business had been long willing to invest time, money, and energy into digital transformation, why shy away now? Consider the stakes at hand: the so-called “Great Resignation” is largely occurring because employees desire flexibility, agility, and other aspects not related to compensation. The hybrid workplace is not just a “nice to have” at this juncture but rather a pure business investment that will pay incredible dividends in terms of productivity, engagement, and worker experience. Back in 2016 and 2017, digital transformation was the hottest business topic; let’s take that level of passion for digitization and apply it towards building the next great hybrid workplace.
  • Removing redundancies means a smoother, end-to-end experience for both traditional and remote workers (as well as other key stakeholders, partners, and suppliers). Digitally transforming the workplace to account for a hybrid infrastructure doesn’t just benefit those that primarily work from home. The digital enterprise is founded on a seamless user experience that allows all stakeholders and employees to access data, automation, intelligence, content, etc. in an on-demand manner. By shoring up technology gaps, removing redundancies for access (i.e., too many access points for stakeholders and workers), and providing a near-limitless experience, the greater business benefits from these digital enhancements.
  • An operational hybrid workplace translates into a superior employee/worker experience. While it’s true (and stated above) that workers crave flexibility, they also desire an overall “work experience” that allows them to be productive, happy, and collaborative. During the early days of the pandemic, the shift to remote work was borne of necessity, leaving little room to account for hybrid workplace nuances. Today, businesses have had time to plan and implement the best-fit hybrid work infrastructure and can truly develop a digital workspace that not only is operational and efficient, but also enables workers with a more positive overall experience. Most importantly: they will have the tools they need to be productive and effective in their roles…a surefire factor in keeping them from taking their talents to another organization.
  • Hybrid work technology represents the best of what digitization has to offer, allowing enterprises to set the stage for digital transformation. The simplest reason why developing a hybrid workplace is the easiest pathway to digital transformation? The technology in use is current, modern, and is connected to the core components of the Future of Work movement: it creates accessibility, drives intelligence, and boosts interconnectivity between humans and systems. Digital workspace technology is collaborative in nature and enables communication between functional units, as well as automated, on-demand sharing of data and content. The original foundations of digital transformation, even several years ago, revolved around the concept of real-time connections and superior interconnectivity between workers, leaders, customers, and suppliers. The hybrid workplace of today represents all of the aspects…and more.
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FOWX Notes: February 4 Edition

Some picked-up pieces, news, and insights from across the evolving world of talent and work:

  • As we just wrote yesterday, “The Great Resignation” continues to be problematic for all businesses in the wake of December’s numbers. The number of people voluntarily quitting their jobs decreased by 161,000 to a still-astronomical 4.3 million resignations to close out 2021. Given that we are well over a month since this data was collected, there should be some (cautious) optimism when January’s numbers are released. My thinking is that if this number is reduced by 30%-to-40%, it will show that there has been some progress between businesses and their workers. If not, we’re in for at least a few more months of the stalemate between the two.
  • Fantastic article by Propserix on their blog regarding the advantages of “experienced talent.” In addition to holding down diverse roles, older talent have worked for a greater variety of industries, company sizes, and teams, picking up valuable qualifications along the way. As they’ve aged, they’ve undoubtedly mastered essential skills, engineered unique solutions to problems, and become specialists in specific areas – an advantage to any employer. Their decades of hands-on work, vocational development, real-world education, and proven dedication make older talent ideal team leaders.
  • Former Hudson RPO CEO joins direct sourcing provider Opptly. Exciting times for unique direct sourcing player Opptly, as they name their new CEO in Lori Hock, who was formerly the CEO of Hudson RPO. Lori also spent time as Adecco’s President of MSP Solutions (now known as Pontoon Solutions). Lori and team have a bright future ahead with a solution that prioritizes the power of direct sourcing, talent intelligence, and the convergence of technology and human expertise.
  • Miss the big “Direct Sourcing 2.0” webinar with WorkLLama last week? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Check out the event recording to hear WorkLLama’s Saleem Khaja and Atrium’s Kevin Leete join me for a spirited discussion on the next great evolution of direct sourcing.
  • PRO Unlimited partners with global HCM solutions provider Ceridian. PRO continues its streak of innovative partnerships by integrating Ceridian’s Dayforce Wallet into its Worker Experience platform. This partnership and integration will enable talent on-demand access to earned wages at the end of a day or shift, helping to boost the overall worker experience and improve engagement across the extended workforce. The enhanced Worker Experience solution will launch this summer, with pre-sale available now. (Look for an exclusive piece on this partnership next week on the Future of Work Exchange.)
  • Bullhorn unveils its own venture capital fund. Bullhorn Ventures, which will be led by Bullhorn’s SVP of Alliances and Business Development, Nina Eigerman, will launch with $20M and aims to seed early-stage staffing tech startups and other innovative platforms in the industry.
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