
John Yuva

Expand Your Enterprise and Workforce in the Metaverse

Last week, part one of this two-part series on the metaverse, explored the technologies behind the metaverse curtain and what the possibilities are for the remote and in-office workforce. This week, we’ll examine how companies can leverage the metaverse for greater workforce and operational efficiencies.

The Enterprise in the Metaverse

When it comes to the future of the internet, it is the metaverse that often comes to mind. Integrated technologies working together to form a virtual interactive world. While its current existence offers cutting-edge interactivity, much of the grand potential of the metaverse is yet to come. What lies on the horizon will most certainly influence the future of work and what it means to collaborate and exist as an enterprise.

Currently, enterprises that want to enhance their production processes, for example, can now replicate their facility using digital twin technology. By simulating production lines or other assets, organizations can determine potential failures before they occur and develop mitigation strategies.

Within the metaverse, this same concept can exist but with remote workers’ avatars in a virtual space, viewing a 3D replica of a facility, machine, product, or other asset. The virtual meeting space could be an auditorium or other large venue with global participants representing a cross-section of the product development team and supplier base. It would no longer require expensive travel and accommodate any number of people.

The differentiator between digital twins today and those in the metaverse is the use of technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and Internet of Things to provide photorealistic representations of the asset. Better still is the power of data analytics for real-time feedback to simulate real-world conditions in a virtual setting.

Developing a new product? Simulate a stress test to ensure the expected tolerance levels hold true under real-world conditions using artificial intelligence and machine learning. Working with an architectural firm for a new facility? Not only can you review the blueprints but tour the completed building in its entirety within the metaverse. These are just a couple of examples of how enterprises can leverage the metaverse for operational efficiencies.

Digital Image and the Future of Work

Want to take digital twin technology and apply it to the future of work in the metaverse? Those possibilities are growing. Our appearance can be replicated in virtual worlds — a critical part of our digital identity — in the metaverse. Union Avatars, for example, has a creator tool to construct full-body avatars based on scanned selfies and photographs to transplant into the virtual universe. Thus, it allows an avatar, with our physical representation, to converse with colleagues and customers as we appear in real life.

Taking it a step further, imagine your avatar on its own attending virtual business meetings and taking notes, or completing lower-value tasks, while you focus on strategic projects and execution. Two versions of yourself — physical and digital — accomplishing two different types of work simultaneously. Those possibilities are evolving and could be game-changing for Future of Work strategies.

Born and Operated in the Virtual

For the remote workforce, it can often feel as if the company has no physical existence. The primary use of Slack, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams for communication and collaboration only enhances that sense of the virtual. However, the future is coming where companies are born and operated exclusively in the metaverse, relying on virtual currency for transactions.

Looking for an attractive plot to build your enterprise? A CNET article detailed how millions are being paid for virtual real estate. It is entirely conceivable to build and operate a corporation within a vast virtual economy — populated with avatars working and living their best digital life. Blockchain will be critical to the stability of metaverse financial systems. As the foundational technology for cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to exist, blockchain security is a significant focus.

The possibilities seem endless in the metaverse. There is little doubt that the Future of Work will find its place in this virtual realm. How transformative will the metaverse be for the remote and contingency workforce? Considering the vast amount of data analytics and Industry 4.0 technology involved, entire industries devoted exclusively to the metaverse will emerge. Now is the time to explore what the metaverse could mean for enterprises and their remote workforces. The potential is there for the metaverse to become the next disruptive business force.

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The Impact of the Metaverse on the Business Arena

The metaverse. It is widely accepted that science fiction novelist Neal Stephenson first coined the term “metaverse” in his 1992 novel Snow Crash, where characters access a 3D world through VR goggles. More recently, Steven Spielberg’s adaptation of Ready Player One provided a visual interpretation of the metaverse (The Oasis) with multiple worlds populated by avatars in every describable form. While we’re still years away from realizing the depictions of the metaverse in novels and film, today’s metaverse provides an exciting glimpse of what’s on the horizon for virtual engagement and the future of work.

Metaverse Defined

What is the metaverse? Simply stated, it is a virtual world(s) where people interact as 3D avatars, gaming, socializing, and working. That immersive experience is made possible by several technologies. Virtual reality and head-mounted displays, coupled with spatial technology and augmented reality bring the immersion to life. Other technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence, and machine learning act as the brains for the metaverse, enriching the virtual environment through automated transactions, decision-making, and world-building.

The metaverse ecosystem is a vast network of hundreds of companies from a variety of industries all working toward developing specific metaverse attributes — infrastructure, economy, user experience, etc. And there are many metaverse platforms (e.g., Decentraland, The Sandbox, etc.) to put your virtual stake in the ground as no one owns the metaverse (yet).

Transition from Gaming to Business

Much of the metaverse is rooted in gaming. Unsurprisingly, children (and adults) are well-versed with virtual worlds through Minecraft (140 million monthly players), Fortnite (250 million-plus active users), and Roblox (30 million daily players). This bodes well for future generations adapting to the virtual world of work.  As consumers take several steps into the virtual realm with products like Meta’s Oculus and HTC’s VIVE, corporations are now moving closer to their own metaverse offerings. McDonald’s, Nike, Amazon, and companies in sectors like healthcare, finance, and hospitality are taking the plunge into the virtual expanse.

The culmination of virtual worlds leads to a vast decentralized multiverse of metaverses. The Meta metaverse, the Microsoft metaverse, the Nike metaverse, and so on. Does the future hold a centralized, singular metaverse where users can interact with other virtual platforms outside their metaverse sandbox? Whether it’s attending a virtual conference, reviewing specifications with a global supplier, or brainstorming at a virtual corporate retreat, the ability to engage other metaverses or link them together could forever alter business and the future of work as we know it.

A Virtual Work Future

The pandemic itself propelled the world’s workforce into remote work, ushering in a new normal where video conferencing replaced in-person interaction and collaboration. Today, as many companies recalibrate, there’s an urge to bring remote workers back into the office. Instead, now is the time to embrace hybrid and remote work as the future that it is. The timing for the metaverse could not have been better. It has the potential to offer not only enhanced remote workforce experiences but entirely new business models. Here are just a few examples of how the metaverse could impact and revolutionize the future of work.

  • Talent recruitment. Recruiting talent can become a more immersive experience for candidates through virtual and augmented reality. Application submittals could launch a link to a virtual environment that allows virtual interaction with human resources or company recruiters. Using augmented reality, candidates might be asked to complete certain virtual tasks related to the job. Results of those exercises can provide greater insight into viable candidates and narrow the talent pool to gold and silver applicants.
  • Employee onboarding. Company onboarding can be hit or miss. Some enterprises have a specific onboarding process, complete with presentations and meet and greets. What some companies fail to realize is that onboarding is the first official interaction with a new hire. If that process is disorganized or nonexistent, retention rates could suffer. The metaverse can automate the onboarding experience, bringing to life virtually how the company operates, its mission, and how a new hire’s work is purposeful in achieving enterprise objectives.
  • New Zealand-based UneeQ, for example, specializes in the development of digital humans who serve as AI-powered customer experience ambassadors. With this technology, a company can create a virtual onboarding experience using digital humans to automate the process of introducing new hires to all that the company has to offer.
  • Team collaboration. Much of the metaverse is about social interaction. Critics of remote work and the ability to collaborate effectively are missing the bigger picture. Virtual collaborative technologies are now available from dozens of providers (e.g., Gather and NOWHERE) that are innovating the space. Whether it’s creating a virtual workroom or lounge, gathering our digital selves (avatars) together for brainstorming and deep learning can bring a sense of immersive that can’t be replicated in a 2D Zoom session. One could argue that utilizing cutting-edge virtual technology to collaborate may result in even more out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Training and development. Using virtual and augmented reality, coupled with gamification, training and development can be redefined. Enter a 3D space to learn how to operate a new machine or medical device using haptic gloves to replicate the feeling of a physical object. Or attend a virtual training session followed by activities that test what was learned. All of these examples can be enhanced with gamification elements to build excitement and participation around T&D. Earning virtual badges for completed training modules or high scores on virtual tasks, for example, are ways that companies are flipping the script on learning and development and increasing employee engagement with the process.

The metaverse holds incredible promise for enterprises and the future of work. Part Two on the metaverse will explore how organizations can use virtual reality for product development and operational efficiencies, as well as the emergence of virtual enterprises and economies.

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Can We Measure Empathy at Work?

As part of the Future of Work Exchange (FOWX), we host a regular podcast featuring coverage of industry news, software developments, Future of Work happenings, and, most importantly, conversations with industry thought leaders. Recently, our own Christopher J. Dwyer, architect of the Exchange and host of the Future of Work Exchange Podcast, had the tables turned on him: Afterhours, sponsored by Utmost and hosted by Neha Goel, the company’s vice president of marketing, featured Christopher as part of its Contingent Workforce Radio series.

Neha and Christopher discussed a variety of issues related to the state of talent and the future of work (click to listen to the full interview). This is an excerpt from that conversation. (Note that this excerpt has been edited for readability.)

Neha Goel: As we explore the human element in the workplace, let’s talk about another tenant of the Future of Work — empathetic leadership. Is this something you are seeing put into action? And can empathetic leadership be measured in a meaningful way?

Christopher J. Dwyer: Yes and no. I feel like there is an appointed effort. There is a very focused effort for leaders to be more deliberate in leading with empathy and leveraging conscious leadership tactics. But, I do not think many organizations have a handle on how to measure it.

That is where we need to go as business leaders. It is tough to measure something like that, however, because it is so qualitative. How do we know that we are doing the right things as leaders? Or how do we know that we are leading in the right way? How do we know that our employees are having a positive experience and that they feel safe and comfortable? Do they feel that they are part of an inclusive culture?

It circles back to the question of how to measure those things. NPS scores are not going to help. Informal surveys may give you some type of picture. This is the next big leadership challenge going into the second half of the year and into 2023. It can be difficult measuring not just empathy, but how cognizant you are of your leadership and its impact.

It is encouraging to see that more leaders are very conscious of their styles of leadership. But you still see many leaders who are not flexible and still rigid — the Elon Musk-type celebrity CEO who does not care about flexibility or employee feelings, and insists we need you in the office and you need to be part of the team. (Editor’s note: check out yesterday’s article on Malcolm Gladwell’s horrible take on remote work.)

We are so far past that. I have been saying for over two years that there is no way you can put a positive spin on a worldwide pandemic that has killed so many people. It has disrupted life so much. But if you were to take the positives of the fallout from the pandemic, there are many accelerants from the Future of Work angle that came to light.

You have remote work, the reliance on automation and tech, and the desire to be more data-led to gain a better understanding of where we are going as a business and how we are going to survive. But there is the other piece where leaders need to realize that they need to change their leadership style or risk losing workers.

“I am going to lose the talent that exists in my business, and I do not want that to happen.” I do see leaders doing it, but measuring it continues to be a challenge. I do not think many organizations have that figured out yet.

NG: That is fair. It would be fascinating to have you back in a few months and see potential progress.

CJD: Absolutely. I look at some of the most read articles on the Future of Work Exchange since we launched, and one of the top three articles is a piece on why empathy is the only way forward.

A reason it is one of the most popular pieces is that business leaders are interested in trying to hone their style to be more flexible, more empathetic, and more conscious in thinking about their workforce and their staff.

I remember the early days of the pandemic quite clearly. Memories of COVID-19 close contacts and quarantining, 14-day isolations, and kids unable to go to school. Neha, you have young kids, as I do. How disruptive was it to have kids at home for weeks and months at a time? And remote learning was not exactly a conducive way to learn for them (even though it’s a great way to work, haha).

Truly conscious leaders understood how difficult that was for their staff. And they were the ones who were offering flexible options or realizing that, “Hey, this person needs to sit with his or her daughter as she does second grade remotely. Yes, he or she is going to be offline for a couple of hours, but will be back in the afternoon.”

It is leaders who truly step into their workforce’s shoes and acknowledge what everyone is going through and recognizes the need to support them through this. Those are the leaders who are realizing their workforce is happier. They are more engaged. They know that we are here to support them.

I would love to come back in four or five months and say we have a couple of real-life cases we can share of how a business was able to measure its effectiveness. Did our profits go up? Did we have less turnover? I think those could be some of the early metrics to use.

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Procurement’s View of Direct Sourcing

The role of procurement is ever-evolving. Chief Procurement Officers are executing strategies in a world wrought with immense volatility and unpredictability. While the scale of disruption is unlike anything witnessed in a century, procurement serves as the rudder for many enterprises, helping navigate this uncharted territory.

It is a position that CPOs are accustomed to — think back to The Great Recession from the not-too-distant past. Times of change and uncertainty are when procurement takes center stage. Amid current supply shortages and extended lead times, procurement’s sphere of influence has expanded to talent acquisition and the Future of Work.

What kind of scene did procurement walk into? It’s well-documented how the pandemic forever-altered workplace dynamics when tens of millions of workers shifted from on-premise to remote working. And as the pandemic abated, The Great Resignation took hold with millions leaving their jobs or the workforce entirely. It’s also important to mention that the workforce itself is transitioning from what was mostly full-time employees to nearly 50% contingent workers. The Future of Work Exchange (FOWX) cited in its recent article, Where Does the Extended Workforce Go From Here?, that “FOWX research pegs contingent labor at 47% of the average company’s total workforce, a statistic that is only expected to grow in the months and years ahead.”

Enterprises are now waging a war for talent amidst a highly competitive recruiting environment where traditional recruitment methods alone are no longer viable. It requires a several-pronged approach and internal ownership using direct sourcing to plan, execute, and manage a talent pipeline for the future success of the organization. It’s nearly table stakes to operate with agility and resiliency. The competitive differentiator is attracting talent that brings new outlooks and outcomes to your global market and envisions markets and lines of business yet to be explored. Procurement should be right at home in this environment, adjusting to the intricacies of talent acquisition and the concept of direct sourcing for recruitment.

According to Ardent Partners’ The Direct Sourcing Toolkit, “talent pool creation and development” was the leading priority for talent and workforce management in 2020. And, in 2021, Ardent and FOWX research pointed to talent and skills access as a core priority heading into 2022. The question remains, then: How can procurement approach talent acquisition and a direct sourcing strategy?

First and foremost, it requires collaboration with HR to understand the talent needs of the enterprise. Where are there gaps in specific departments? Are there major initiatives with vacancies in key roles? Does the organization need additional support for promotional or seasonal purposes?

Procurement complements HR in this effort because of its cross-functional relationships and deep understanding of operations and ongoing product development. Leverage those relationships to glean insight into talent issues and where the organization could use support. It may be necessary to form a talent committee with representation from various business units. Communicate the new direction for talent recruiting and the shift to direct sourcing. Since the enterprise is curating and managing its own talent pipeline, leaders should be encouraged to recommend prospective candidates — both passive and active — from their own networks.

As the talent pool(s) builds with new and on-demand candidates, such as alumni, silver medalists, and former freelancers and contractors, they can be segmented based on their skillsets and competencies for various types of roles. Procurement can collaborate with IT to ensure recruitment and talent management applications and platforms [e.g., applicant tracking systems (ATS) and vendor management systems (VMS)] integrate well with the larger enterprise network.

Many enterprises utilize external partners to meet their contingent workforce management objectives. Monitoring various talent channels is resource-intensive and requires a dedicated team. Procurement can lead the search and selection of a Managed Service Provider (MSP), for example, which has access to supplier networks for talent needs across the enterprise and supply chain. Expertise with supplier selection and relationship management pays dividends when procurement leads this effort — cost awareness, contract management, and relationship building with the MSP. It also ensures procurement’s continued involvement with the direct sourcing program and the opportunity to influence its future direction.

Technology is critical to a direct sourcing program. An ATS and VMS are core to attracting and managing a contingent workforce. However, Industry 4.0 solutions (e.g., artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics) are now being utilized with direct sourcing initiatives to fine-tune potential candidate placement and predict talent needs. These technologies are integrated into many manufacturing operations, so it’s no surprise that talent management is now benefiting from a human perspective as well. Here again, procurement is well-versed in the use and potential of AI and predictive analytics. Where are there opportunities to further leverage AI to achieve talent management objectives? How far can predictive analytics provide mitigation against critical talent shortages or succession dilemmas? Imagine using a digital twin to simulate the workforce needs in the next decade?

Procurement has a vital role in today’s talent management initiatives. Leading direct sourcing programs alongside HR is not only good for business, but a necessity in today’s frenetic labor market.

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