
Contingent Workforce

HR and Procurement Align for the Future of Work

It makes sense to assume that the ownership of Future of Work execution rests in the hands of HR executives. With much of the focus on total talent management and talent acquisition strategies, HR spearheads much of the decision-making in those areas. However, another business function also plays a critical role in the Future of Work paradigm — procurement. Shifts in global supply chain dynamics and the transition from cost- to value-based supplier management, means Chief Procurement Officers and their teams are well-positioned to support Future of Work initiatives.

Traditionally, procurement focused on cost savings in the supply base and was measured against those numbers annually. However, over time, CPOs realized the criticality of supplier relationships and the resulting innovations that enabled greater marketplace competitiveness. Rather than squeezing pennies from suppliers, the relationships evolved into collaborative, value-added partnerships.

With a value-based approach, procurement is positioned to lead and support various aspects of Future of Work strategies. Let’s look at what both procurement and HR core enterprise contributions entail, followed by how the two functions intersect to complement Future of Work initiatives.

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Upwork Survey Identifies Fastest-Growing Skills

The world of work is rapidly evolving as technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) shift how work gets done. Enterprises are turning to AI for transformative workplace results, leading to increases in upskilling and technology adoption within the contingent and permanent workforce. This opens the door for freelancers and contractors who meet the skills demand from organizations to leverage new technology for greater efficiencies and substantial insights.

Growth in Data Science & Analytics Category

What skills are needed now and in the future? Upwork, the world’s work marketplace connecting businesses with independent talent, released its report “In-Demand Skills 2024” highlighting the critical skills workers need across a variety of categories. The report revealed that Data Science & Analytics is one of the fastest-growing work categories as generative AI modeling and machine learning produce strong demand from businesses. Upwork revealed that the AI and machine learning subcategory on the company’s platform saw 70% year-over-year growth in the fourth quarter of 2023, as clients and independent professionals collaborate on today’s most cutting-edge projects.

The Upwork report identified several fastest-growing work categories and skill sets where contingent labor can deliver the greatest value. As the examples below illustrate, artificial intelligence and automation in general are heavily sought after for 2024 and beyond.

  • Data Science & Analytics — Top 3 Fastest-Growing Skills: Generative AI Modeling, Machine Learning, Data Analytics
  • Coding & Web Development — Top 3 Fastest-Growing Skills: Scripting & Automation, Database Development, and Web Design
  • Sales & Marketing Top 3 Fastest-Growing Skills: Marketing Automation, Sales & Business Development, Email Marketing.

This year’s “In-Demand Skills” report noted several new skills emerging in the top 10, including medical and executive virtual assistance, as well as development & IT project management and digital marketing campaign management.

Skills-Based Hiring in the Age of Emerging Tech

With the demand for specific skills, organizations are turning more toward skills-based hiring to meet their workforce needs. According to Kelly Monahan, managing director of the Upwork Research Institute, “Every company is vying for the best talent and there remains huge demand for a broad range of skills across the Upwork marketplace as businesses big and small are finding solutions in the growing reservoir of skilled independent professionals,” she said.

“In 2024, emergent technologies like generative AI are having a major impact on the skills-based economy. Of course, business demand for these types of skills is increasing, but we’re also seeing a complementary impact, whereby AI technology is driving greater demand for all types of work across our marketplace,” Monahan added.

Growing Demand for AI Expertise

Monahan’s comments also align with the current influence of AI on the workforce. According to a report released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) entitled, “Gen-AI: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work,” nearly 40 percent of global employment is exposed to AI. As more solution providers integrate artificial intelligence into their offerings, that percentage is likely to increase. Enterprises are turning to AI to streamline business processes and automate tactical tasks that provide workers with more time for strategic planning.

This is good news for freelancers and contractors upskilling or with existing expertise in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics. According to Jacqueline DeStefano-Tangorra, an AI consultant on Upwork, “As technology rapidly changes and more specific expertise is needed, more and more businesses are coming to Upwork to find the solutions they need,” she said.

“Consequently, the demand for my skill set has never been higher. Upskilling and becoming an AI professional on Upwork has opened many doors. I get to work on interesting projects and I am a stronger partner for my clients as I’m more efficient, productive, and can deliver better outcomes,” DeStefano-Tangorra added.

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Announcing the “2024 VMS Technology Advisor” Report

Vendor Management System (VMS) platforms are considered the cornerstone of the workforce solutions market, delivering sophisticated and automated functionality that holistically oversee critical facets of contingent and extended workforce management. Integrated seamlessly with Managed Service Providers (MSPs) in many cases, the VMS model has firmly established itself as a mature and pivotal platform in the ever-advancing realm of workforce management technology.

While early VMS iterations primarily served as automated procurement tools for staffing suppliers, these platforms have metamorphosed into the central “nexus” dictating all aspects of contingent and extended workforce management. Contemporary VMS solutions not only harmonize effortlessly with the principles of the Future of Work movement but also showcase remarkable advancements in navigating the intricacies of the modern workforce. In today’s dynamic, globalized technology market, Vendor Management Systems play a decisive role in charting the course of the “extended workforce.” This term encapsulates the next evolutionary phase, and modern VMS platforms have made substantial leaps in aligning with this progressive paradigm.

Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange are excited to announce the publication of the 2024 edition of its VMS Technology Advisor report, the market-leading guide designed to help procurement, HR, human capital, and talent acquisition executives navigate the complex and mature VMS solutions marketplace. The new report analyzes and assesses the primary VMS solution providers in the marketplace today and offers a variety of strengths, considerations, and market fits for each VMS platform evaluated as part of the rigorous research study.

For procurement, HR, and talent acquisition executives, and especially leaders tasked with managing extended and contingent workforce programs, this is the go-to guidebook for VMS solution selection. Access the report here.

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How Next-Generation VMS Platforms Fuel Agile Automation

In the initial wave of Vendor Management Systems (when these solutions were typically known as “eProcurement for staffing”), simple automation of core requisition and supplier management processes was enough to drive functional value to the procurement- or HR-led contingent workforce programs of that era. As the corporate world evolved, however, businesses realized that the sharp uptick in external talent utilization meant that these workers were becoming not just a bigger piece of the total workforce, but also a more critical one as well. Today, more high-priority projects are led and managed by extended workers than ever before and the percentage gap between FTEs and contingent talent continues to shrink.

In 2024, leading enterprises are diving headfirst into this new era of talent and work, having been:

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Talent Ecosystems for Value Chain Management

Whether enterprises realize it or not, it is time to approach total talent management as an ecosystem value chain. Like supply chains, which are not linear segments but rather a spiderweb of inputs, the total talent ecosystem has a similar construct. With enterprise talent and strategy at the center hub, the various talent inputs such as FTEs, gig workers, contractors, and external talent serve as spokes that feed into organizational strategic objectives. As an ecosystem, it is about accessing the best talent from an arsenal of channels.

Using a sports analogy, enterprises now have a valuable “bench of players” from whom to select for various projects and initiatives. With total talent intelligence, organizations can tap employees with specific skillsets that may not be core to their current roles. Through the utilization of HR solutions, there should be transparency in the full depth that each employee brings to the enterprise.

Total Talent Management…Enabled By Today’s Tech

There are few reasons for enterprises not to have extended workforce systems to enable total talent intelligence and human capital systems integration. Research from Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange indicate that 65% of businesses plan to utilize their workforce solutions to enable total talent intelligence over the next couple of years. And 90% have integration enabled between HR and contingent workforce systems (such as integration between HRIS and VMS platforms).

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DOL Ruling Leaves Uncertainty for Contingent Workers

(Author Note: This article intends to inform about a critical government ruling taking effect in a few weeks as well as encourage discussion on social media. See a post by Christopher Dwyer, managing director of the Future of Work Exchange, this week on LinkedIn to share your opinions and feedback.)

Enterprises of all sizes rely on contingent workers as a critical segment of their workforce and operational support. However, a final ruling on the 2021 IC Rule issued by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has the potential to upend the gig economy when it goes into effect on March 11. The ruling brings into focus how organizations classify an employee versus a contractual worker under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The final ruling presents stricter guidelines on independent contractor classification. The ramifications on labor costs, workforce policy, and talent strategy could be significant.

A Ruling Focused on Guidance

The purpose of the DOL’s ruling is twofold: 1) institute guidelines for how to classify workers as independent contractors and 2) prevent employee misclassification — a serious problem that the DOL says “impacts workers’ rights to minimum wage and overtime pay, facilitates wage theft, allows some employers to undercut their law-abiding competition and hurts the economy at-large.”

According to Acting Secretary of Labor, Julie Su, “Misclassifying employees as independent contractors is a serious issue that deprives workers of basic rights and protections,” she explained. “This rule will help protect workers, especially those facing the greatest risk of exploitation, by making sure they are classified properly and that they receive the wages they’ve earned.”

Separately, the DOL’s final ruling rescinds the Trump era 2021 Independent Contractor Rule that the “department believes is not consistent with the law and longstanding judicial precedent.”

The DOL published the following to describe and explain its final ruling: This final rule rescinds the Independent Contractor Status Under the Fair Labor Standards Act rule (2021 IC Rule), that was published on January 7, 2021, and replaces it with an analysis for determining employee or independent contractor status that is more consistent with the FLSA as interpreted by longstanding judicial precedent.

The misclassification of employees as independent contractors may deny workers minimum wage, overtime pay, and other protections. This final rule will reduce the risk that employees are misclassified as independent contractors while providing a consistent approach for businesses that engage with individuals who are in business for themselves. 

Since the issuance of the final ruling last month (January 9), its reception has trended toward the negative. One of the biggest concerns is the lack of clarity in the ruling itself.

Resounding Opposition Follows Final Ruling

While the ruling is designed to offer protections (e.g., overtime pay, benefits, etc.) for employees misclassified as contingent workers, it brings possible drawbacks to both workers and organizations. Reaction to the ruling was met with criticism and concern by several industry representatives.

Marc Freedman, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Vice President of Workplace Policy — Link:

“The Department of Labor’s new regulation redefining when someone is an employee or an independent contractor is clearly biased towards declaring most independent contractors as employees, a move that will decrease flexibility and opportunity and result in lost earning opportunities for millions of Americans,” he said.

“It threatens the flexibility of individuals to work when and how they want and could have significant negative impacts on our economy. Making matters worse, the rule is completely unnecessary, as the Department continues to report success in cracking down on bad actors that are misclassifying workers. The U.S. Chamber will carefully evaluate our options going forward, including litigation,” Freedman added.

Emily Dickens, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Chief of Staff, Head of Public Affairs and Corporate Secretary — Link:

“The DOL’s action … ‘underscores the importance of clear and consistent regulations, fostering diverse business relationships essential for the demands of the modern economy. HR plays a vital role in ensuring proper worker classification,’ she said.

‘However, the ongoing shifts in regulatory guidance impose compliance burdens and legal uncertainties on HR professionals and business executives.’”

Timothy Taylor, Holland & Knight Labor, Employment and Benefits Attorney (in an article for Law360) — Link:

Taylor’s expressed concerns about the challenges the rule poses for both businesses and independent contractors: “There are no real surprises, but the rule is just going to remain very challenging and very problematic for businesses and for workers who want to retain their independent status across the board,” he said.

Chris Spear, American Trucking Associations’ President and CEO Link:

“I can think of nothing more un-American than for the government to extinguish the freedom of individuals to choose work arrangements that suit their needs and fulfill their ambitions. More than 350,000 truckers choose to work as independent contractors because of the economic opportunity it creates and the flexibility it provides, enabling them to run their own business and choose their own hours and routes. That freedom of choice has been an enormous source of empowerment for women, minorities, and immigrants pursuing the American Dream,” Spear said.

It is clear based on opinions from some of the largest industry groups that we haven’t heard the last about the DOL’s final ruling.

Uncertainties Ahead for Enterprises and the FOW

The true impact of the final ruling on workers, enterprises, and the Future of Work at large, has yet to be seen. However, here are a few closing thoughts on how things could change moving forward.

Labor costs. Should organizations find themselves classifying more workers as employees (who were previously independent contractors), expect a steep rise in labor costs for those employers. Purportedly, to prevent misclassifications and system abuse, there are stricter guidelines around classifying workers as independent contractors.

Workforce planning. With nearly 50% of an enterprise’s total workforce comprised of contingent labor, the final ruling could have significant implications on talent allocation. With fewer contingent workers, how does that affect talent acquisition and total talent management strategies? Having the right talent at the right time could take on an entirely new meaning.

Direct sourcing strategy. A global talent pool to attract and hire contingent workers is a major component of direct sourcing. Enterprises with a focus on skills-based hiring have boundaryless options when it comes to contingent labor. However, a reduction in contingent labor coupled with stricter remote work policies suddenly shrinks the potential labor pool drastically.

Worker flexibility. The benefit of work-life balance for an employee is often viewed as an acceptable tradeoff to higher compensation. The same holds true for contingent workers. The scheduling flexibility and client freedom are just a couple of benefits afforded to contingent workers. Under the final ruling, however, those advantages could disappear under an “employee” classification. For example, a noncompete clause as an employee could affect the livelihood of a contingent worker.

FOW paradigm. A Future of Work principle is about being future ready by sourcing talent to execute today as well as tomorrow. Contingent workers are the backbone of that principle. A government ruling that could impact a large percentage of nearly 50% of the workforce is worth taking a closer look. Enterprises hire contingent workers for many strategic positions. It would serve them well to find a happy medium around labor protections for this critical workforce segment.

The Future of Work Exchange will continue to cover this issue and others like it. We encourage you to provide your opinions and feedback. Follow our managing director and thought leader Christopher Dwyer on LinkedIn to be part of the discussion.

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Elevate Your Future of Work Processes with Blockchain

One of blockchain’s chief benefits is the ability to authenticate and protect information. With today’s decentralized workforces, there is a variety of information possibly at risk, including payroll, insurance, health, and personnel data. Similarly, HR and enterprise recruiters want assurance that potential job candidates and their résumés are authentic and accurate. Blockchain technology has the potential to provide the necessary verification and protection of such sensitive workplace data.

Here are three Future of Work areas where blockchain technology could provide critical verifications and safeguards, particularly for the contingent and gig workforce — from the recruitment to the contracting and payment process.

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To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

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What’s the Proper Way to Structure a “Year of Efficiency”?

Last year, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg boldly proclaimed 2023 to be the company’s “Year of Efficiency” after a whirlwind three years in a post-pandemic business landscape. The efforts to shed roles, cut costs, and downsize expenses, in addition to maintaining innovation and improving its financial resilience, paid off: the company’s $966.60 billion market cap is edging ever-so-closer to the much-desired $1 trillion mark.

A major foundational cornerstone to Meta’s year of efficiency wasn’t just a commitment to driving down expenses and improving spend management; the social media giant shed over 20,000 jobs in 2023 alone in a sector (technology) that saw the loss of over 262,000 positions in the calendar year (and nearly 11,000 in 2024 thus far). While the tech market as a whole hit a rough patch due to less-than-favorable economic conditions and retribution from pandemic-era over-hiring, 2024 promises to be a positive, exciting, and, more importantly, something year for those in the tech world.

Companies across all sectors may consider Meta’s 2023 efforts as some sort of blueprint for how to achieve their goals: cut costs, slash jobs, maintain innovation. Seems easy, right? Nope. The push for “AI everything!” means that businesses cannot just slice-and-dice their workforce at-will as a cost-cutting measure; the skillsets required to leverage AI models, integrate AI technology, and actually use these tools are not just waiting in the backyard.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with wanting to downsize and make operations more efficient; the issue that one of the world’s largest companies touted job reductions as an anchor for their push for efficiency and the danger is that copycat enterprises will believe that they could easily do the same.

For businesses that truly want to buy into 2024 as a “year of efficiency,” there are much more effective means of doing so without disrupting the fabric of their talent base, nor trying to mimic a unicorn-like company that has never truly struggled like so many other organizations. Here’s how contemporary businesses can push a “year of efficiency” agenda in more streamlined, effective, and innovative manner:

(And yes, we get it: layoffs and workforce-downsizing are an accepted aspect of the modern business world and are sometimes necessary when enterprises are faced with economic challenges or other issues that threaten their survival. The point of this article is not to say that companies should avoid layoffs at all costs, but rather take a holistic view of their operations, optimize their application of skillsets, and prioritize innovation.)

  • Align AI wants with AI needs and develop a long-term skills roadmap that supports this strategy. We all know the deal by now: artificial intelligence is a requirement in 2024 (and beyond). The trick here, though, is to figure out exactly how to leverage AI without sacrificing resources, overhead, and sanity (and talent!); many companies today are unfortunately prioritizing AI in the wrong manner by over-dedicating at the expense of other, just-as-critical enterprise initiatives. Businesses must configure their artificial intelligence strategy, understand the skills requirements needed to execute on it, and put the plan in motion with the help of talent acquisition leaders and the human capital team. Specific skillsets, such as data management, applied science, and generative AI, should be centerpieces of a skills-based roadmap from which executive leaders can prioritize from a resource perspective.
  • Optimize the utilization of the extended workforce. There’s a reason why the contingent workforce has nearly eclipsed half of the average company’s total talent base: the inherent cost control, agility, flexibility, and skillsets of the extended workforce provide organizations with a new level of expertise in a rapidly-evolving world. In navigating this paradigm shift, organizations must not only recognize the strategic advantages embedded in the extended workforce but also cultivate a dynamic ecosystem that harnesses the diverse talents and perspectives within it. Innovative programs and solutions, such as direct sourcing, digital staffing, and the continued power of progressive workforce management automation, are key levers in maximizing the efficiency gains driven from the utilization of non-employee talent.
  • Prioritize talent retention initiatives. While we’re very much not in a “Great Resignation” world anymore, there are still many opportunities for talented workers that feel underappreciated, underpaid, and out-of-tune with company or workplace culture to bring their expertise to other organizations. “Skillset bleed” is a real phenomenon in enterprises that do little to improve morale, lack humanity, and fail to lead with empathy and understanding. The cost to replace a highly-skilled worker, especially in light of the new focus on adopting and implementing AI, pales in comparison to the outlays for ensuring top talent is comfortable, appreciated, and feels at-home in an inclusive, diverse workplace environment. Talent retention is not merely a countermeasure against the negative consequences of layoffs; it is a proactive strategy that contributes significantly to an organization’s long-term success.
  • Prioritize “innovation” but balance “efficiency.” Easier said than done, I know. In an increasingly-globalized, frenetic, and volatile business arena, focusing too much on one strategy can result in doom for other critical tactics. Welcoming novel concepts, cutting-edge technologies, and innovative processes has the potential to drive an enterprise towards success, expansion, and distinctiveness. Innovation serves as a catalyst for creativity, unlocking new and exciting revenue streams, as well as positioning the company as a differentiator in crowded verticals. The trick, though, is to create a harmonious balance between being progressive and maintaining organizational effectiveness in regards to costs, expenses, and resources. Specific strategies, such as “customer-centric innovation,” can help businesses home in on what really matters for revenue improvement, while focusing on internal process and workforce optimization will augment the pathways towards efficiency.
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The Four Trends That Will Shape the Way(s) We Work in 2024

By now, we’ve all heard the many elucidations on the year ahead. From predictions and financial outlooks to economic forecasts and market guesses, there are so many thoughts on how the next twelve months will unfold from business, talent, technology, and leadership perspectives.

So, essentially, we’re in for another year in which the Future of Work movement will continue to reshape and transform the very ways we think about how (and why) we work.

2023 was a watershed year. Artificial intelligence fully sped its hype train in circles around both business and consumer personas, while dire-then-rosy-then-dire-again-then-optimistic economic outlooks pushed all of us onto a nonstop financial rollercoaster. The labor market remained (and remains) a tad volatile, even though it’s showing signs of slowing steadily based on jobs data heading into the final five or six weeks of 2023 (with an approximate 12%-to-14% drop in job adds in December from November).

And then there’s cooling inflation, as well, which will (hopefully) contribute to a strong economic year as a better balance between supply and demand converges with a full year of economic and labor market consistency.

The Future of Work Exchange believes there are dozens of factors that will shape the foundation of 2024. Here are, however, four of the most critical trends:

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Future of Work 2024: Predictions for the Year Ahead (Part III)

The Future of Work Exchange continues its series on 2024 Future of Work predictions, courtesy of the industry’s brightest thought leaders and executives. The below insights are peeks into what the year ahead may bring for organizations across the globe regarding talent, technology, and work optimization. (Read Part I and Part II of our predictions series.)

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To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

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