

Upwork’s “Work Without Limits” Conference: Thriving in a New World of Work

“The world of work is changing faster than ever before,” said Upwork Chief Sales Officer Eric Gilpin at the start of the talent platform’s annual “Work Without Limits” summit in Chicago. Gilpin’s opening thoughts echo the evolution of work and talent over the past two-plus years, as Future of Work-era accelerants (and the desire to truly optimize how work is done) rapidly shape the way businesses around the globe operate.

Eric Gilpin, Upwork’s Chief Sales Officer, kicks off the 2022 Work Without Limits event. (Photo credit: Upwork)

Hayden Brown, President and CEO of Upwork, kicked off the conference reminiscing about what it was like when she finally made it to the corner office and when she got an office with a door for the first time in her career. Today, Hayden says, “Every employee can have their own corner office.” There are after all, new rules for work.

One of the major benefits of this new world of work is that control has been democratized. How, where, and even when people complete their work is in more of their control, and this is a huge benefit to all businesses, said Brown. She challenges the notion that the traditional workplace was what drove success, arguing that this misplaced nostalgia is actually caused by the Mandela effect, where false memories can sometimes be shared by multiple people. “The office was not the secret sauce [of business],” says Brown, and “It is time for business leaders to lead instead of react,” and find the true drivers of business value.

Hayden Brown, Upwork’s President and CEO, discusses the new rules of work. (Photo credit: Upwork)

Brown continued her keynote by asking a few challenging questions for business leaders – “Will a location mandate get you the results you want?” and “Are you giving your team the what they need to succeed – the best tools and the best talent?”

The workforce game has changed forever and given the distribution of workforces and of talent overall today, talent access is the key to the new game, part of the new playbook that companies must use to succeed. Contractors will continue to play a larger role in business and the new rules of work must incorporate that view.

Brown believes that Upwork address all of the classic concerns (security and privacy, workforce reliability, cultural concerns, etc.) that business executives may have regarding this tectonic shift in how work is done and the broad shift to non-FTE workers. In today’s world, the leaders that get ahead on this major shift will win…and boldness will be rewarded.

Jonah Berger, Professor at Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, talks about changing the mindsets around enterprise transformation. (Photo credit: Upwork)

The WWL event featured a variety of industry leaders sharing their thoughts regarding the new world of work:

  • “Data gives us the opportunity to be predictable,” said Vito Labate, Vice President, Global Industry Marketing Leader at Capgemini during a panel discussion hosted by Upwork CMO Melissa Waters. In a chat centered around the changes in marketing, this panel highlighted how the application of top-tier freelance talent is a true differentiator (especially within their industry, where personalization is a key factor for clients).
  • “Companies have become a bit more comfortable with distributed and remote teams,” said Deb Elias, Director, Product Strategy and Operations at Chargebee. “Technology has played a critical role in how non-co-located team members to collaborate.” Upwork’s Chief Product and Experience Officer, Sam Bright, led a spirited panel discussion on how “the impossible” could be achieved via new Future of Work concepts (and technology!) in functions like product development and engineering now that they have access to highly-skilled, global talent.
  • “We’re not just listening…we’re counter-arguing,” stated Jonah Berger, Professor at Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania during his afternoon keynote address. “We have to allow for agency; we have to give them back some of that freedom and control.” Berger’s fantastic presentation focused on how business leaders can stop “selling” change and begin changing the mindsets around transformation…a crucial factor considering just how much the world of work has changed over the past few years.
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Delivering Innovation and Agility to the Extended Workforce

The Future of Work Exchange‘s inaugural live event, FOWX Live, was just two weeks ago, but it seems like yesterday that we convened with HR, talent acquisition, and procurement executives to discuss the Future of Work and its many implications on the greater world of work and talent. Amongst the stellar lineup of discussions, keynotes, and presentations, one of the core focal areas for the event was the growth and impact of the extended workforce.

We are excited to share video from our “Delivering Innovation and Agility to the Extended Workforce” panel from the June 14 conference, featuring Sage‘s Jessica Wall, Utmost‘s Dan Beck, and Atrium‘s Nancy Maren:

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FOWX Live: A Recap of the Future of Work Exchange Executive Event

Earlier this week, Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange hosted “FOWX Live,” an executive roundtable event focused on the core Future of Work topics that are driving business transformation. For many in attendance (including me!), it was the first time attending a live event since before the beginning of the pandemic.

First and foremost, FOWX would like to thank Utmost, WorkLLama, and Atrium for their support of this event!

John Healy, founder of and one of the earliest Future of Work evangelists (and a former workforce solutions executive), kicked off Tuesday’s agenda with a spirited morning keynote that distilled various points of research around the Future of Work. “The way people connect with work is broken” is how John began his keynote address, discussing how the world of work has been transformed and requires new and innovative thinking regarding how businesses connect their projects with open talent-led work models.

FOWX Live featured two engaging panels:

  • Atrium’s Nancy Maren, Utmost’s Dan Beck, and Sage’s Jessica Wall discussed how the extended workforce has impacted today’s businesses and how modern HR and procurement leaders can effectively harness the power of both VMS and MSP solutions to not only connect the enterprise with top-tier talent, but how to also drive true innovation and agility within extended workforce management.
  • I joined JLL’s Caitlin Klezmer and WorkLLama’s Kevin Leete for a conversation on perhaps the hottest topic of the day: remote and hybrid work. Caitlin, Kevin, and I discussed how businesses are adapting to fully-remote and hybrid workplace structures, as well as how talent engagement and talent acquisition strategies are shifting to account for the desired flexibility in the candidate pool.

One of the major highlights of FOWX Live was the ability for attendees to converse with each other at “roundtable” sessions on core Future of Work topics, such as remote/hybrid work, contingent workforce management, and technology strategy. These roundtable discussions featured lively discourse around these important areas of the Future of Work movement, and when it came time to “switch” roundtables (attendees could spend 30 minutes each at two different topic-led tables), it was tough for everyone to wrap up the conversations! Truly a highlight of this week’s event.

MA State Rep. Josh Cutler closed out the day as a special guest lunch keynote; Rep. Cutler was a prominent member of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Future of Work Commission. He spent the lunch hour discussing the report’s major findings and how they were applicable to both professionals and businesses alike.

John Healy discusses why the way people connect with work is broken.
FOWX Live attendees listen to Christopher J. Dwyer’s opening address.
Jessica Wall, Dan Beck, and Nancy Maren discuss the agility and power of the extended workforce.
FOWX Live attendees spend the afternoon networking and conversing about remote work, contingent workforce management, and technology strategy.
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That’s a Wrap on FOWX Live!

The Future of Work Exchange held its inaugural live conference yesterday at the Harvard Club in Boston. The event featured engaging panel discussions, exciting keynote speakers, and a lively interaction between HR, procurement, and talent acquisition executives, who discussed best practices, strategies, and solutions for managing the many transformations inherent in the evolving world of work and talent.

Look for a full recap of the event tomorrow here on FOWX. Big thanks goes out to our event sponsors, Utmost, WorkLLama, and Atrium, our fabulous speaker lineup, and of course, everyone who took time to spend a half-day with us yesterday in the heart of Boston!

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Don’t miss the Future of Work Exchange’s inaugural live event, “FOWX Live,” happening a week from today (June 14, 9:30am to 1:30pm) at the Harvard Club in Boston, MA. If you’re interested in learning more about the strategies required to enhance management of the contingent workforce, distributed teams, remote work, and direct sourcing, this is the event for you! We’ve got a fantastic lineup of speakers and thought leaders, as well as the opportunity for attendees to not only network with each other, but spend time at topic-focused roundtables to discuss hot-button issues in the world of work and talent.

Register today…and we’ll see you next week in Boston!

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We’re TWO WEEKS Away from FOWX Live!

We’ve been talking about it for the past month and now we’re only a couple of weeks away (two weeks from today, to be exact!). The Future of Work Exchange‘s inaugural executive roundtable live event is on June 14 in downtown Boston at the Harvard Club (Back Bay) and we’d love to see you there.

Are you a procurement executive that wants to better manage the growing complexities of the extended and contingent workforce? Are you an HR leader that is trying to balance the delicate nature of remote and hybrid work along with the many transformations within workplace culture? Or are you a talent acquisition executive that continues to face momentous pressure in light of The Great Resignation and extreme staffing shortages?

“FOWX Live” is the definitive Future of Work-oriented event of 2022 and you are cordially invited to attend this half-day conference, which will include:

  • Insights and commentary on the transformations within the world of work and talent.
  • Expert panels that will feature the industry’s brightest minds.
  • Opportunities to network with like-minded peers and colleagues.
  • An elegant lunch in one of Boston’s finest venues.

Register for “FOWX Live” or click on the image below. This is not an event you will want to miss!

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FOWX Live 2022: Why You Need to Be There

The Future of Work Exchange was designed to be the premier destination for news, insights, and analysis of the Future of Work movement. Everyday, thousands of HR, procurement, talent acquisition, and other business leaders converge to this site to learn more about the changing world of work and talent.

And now, the Future of Work Exchange is bringing those insights to the live stage. “FOWX Live,” an executive regional roundtable event on June 14 in Boston, will be 2022’s most engaging Future of Work-oriented conference focused on the extended workforce, remote and hybrid work, and the technology and innovation driving transformation in how enterprises address how work is done.

We’re in year three of a pandemic that has fundamentally altered the way we think about our leadership, workforce, workplace, and business operations. For today’s business leaders, operating as if we’ll return to 2019 is an exercise in futility. FOWX Live will be the conference that allows executive leaders to learn about what’s working well for other enterprises in terms of how work gets done, how to better manage a distributed workforce, and, most importantly, how to continue navigating a consistently shifting business arena.

Next month (June 14, Harvard Club in Boston), the FOWX Live roundtable event will feature:

  • Keynote presentations on the future of work, talent, and business.
  • Panel discussions centered around the best tactics and strategies for managing remote and hybrid workers.
  • The business impact of Future of Work-era technology and innovations, and;
  • An opportunity to network with like-minded colleagues and spend time discussing (in a roundtable format) the burning issues affecting business functions.

Register for FOWX Live today. Don’t miss out on 2022’s most dynamic Future of Work event.

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FOWX Live: What to Expect On June 14 in Boston

The countdown is on! Ardent Partners is excited to host its inaugural Future of Work Exchange live conference, FOWX Live: An Executive Roundtable Event, to be held in Boston at the historic Harvard Club. The event, which runs from 9:30am until 1:30pm, will be jam-packed with insights, networking, and real-world case studies regarding the new world of work and talent.

What does the “Roundtable” in your event name mean?

Glad you asked! Conferences can sometimes be overwhelming from an information perspective. Too many keynote speakers, too many breakout sessions, and not enough time to converse with fellow attendees. The “Roundtables” at FOWX Live will follow an engaging pattern: each table will revolve around a particular Future of Work topic (such as remote work, the extended workforce, etc.) and discussions around that topic will be facilitated between attendees.

It’s a refreshing change in the way major business conferences spark activity!

Can you tell me a bit about the speaker lineup?

Of course we can. In addition to this site’s creators (Christopher J. Dwyer and Andrew Bartolini), we’re thrilled to welcome industry luminary John Healy for our keynote address. Sage Therapeutics’ Jessica Wall and JLL’s Caitlin Klezmer are just two of our HR and talent acquisition executives that will share their unique, real-world stories with the audience. We will soon announce additional speakers, as well as a very special guest for FOWX Live’s lunch hour. Representatives from our esteemed sponsors, including Utmost, WorkLLama, and Atrium, will all appear as part of our exciting event lineup.

What about the venue?

The historic Harvard Club, in Boston’s Back Bay, is routinely honored as one of the top places in Boston to hold an event. FOWX Live will be held in the Club’s elegant Massachusetts Room, which is adorned with masterpiece artwork of Revolutionary War heroes, is the ideal spot for an event like this. FOWX Live will also feature a complimentary lunch (a fantastic one, at that!) that will cap off an amazing day of insights and engaging presentations and roundtables.

What is the central theme of FOWX Live?

FOWX Live is a culmination of the Future of Work Exchange‘s first full year as the industry’s preeminent destination for procurement, HR, talent acquisition, and other business leaders seeking to keep up with the latest trends in the transformative world of work and talent. We fully expect to carry over many of those trends within the FOWX Live agenda, particularly how executive leaders can better manage their distributed staff and how to enhance the way they find, engage, source, and manage extended talent.

Why should I attend?

The world of work looks markedly different than it did a couple of years ago. Talent acquisition has changed. The contingent workforce is transforming the way businesses get work done. Technology and innovation are abound and actively altering all facets of enterprise operations. More workers than ever before are working remotely. FOWX Live is the event that will give you the insights you need to thrive in this exciting new era of business. Learn some new tactics from those that are in similar roles and network with your colleagues in beautiful venue (with an amazing lunch!). Register here or click on the image below. Looking forward to seeing you in Boston on June 14!

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Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange Announce “FOWX LIVE,” An Executive Roundtable Event

It’s clear that the world of work and talent has changed. Many facets of modern business have been transformed, from talent acquisition and talent engagement to workplace culture and workplace structure. For today’s business leaders, navigating these revolutionary times requires a Future of Work-first focus on work optimization, enhancement of core workforce management strategies, and major, flexibility-led shifts in how executives think about their talent, their operations, and their workplace.

Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange are excited to announce its inaugural Future of Work event, “FOWX LIVE,” a half-day executive roundtable conference that will bring together business leaders at the historic Harvard Club in Boston, MA on June 14.

The event will include both presentations by industry luminaries and executive roundtable discussions for networking and the sharing of best practices between attendees (as well as an elegant lunch to cap off a whirlwind day!).

Registration is complimentary for procurement, HR, and talent acquisition executives. Sponsored by Utmost, WorkLLama, and Atrium, this event will highlight the major issues driving the Future of Work movement, including:

  • The necessary strategies for managing a remote and distributed workforce.
  • The approaches for navigating a volatile labor market.
  • The Best-in-Class strategies for implementing new technology and innovative tools to enhance how work is done.
  • The ideal pathways to more effective business leadership, and;
  • What the future holds for the world of work and talent.

Register today for FOWX LIVE (June 14; registration begins at 9am ET)!

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