
General Insights

Unconscious Bias Restrains DE&I Efforts

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) is widely regarded as a critical component of a Future of Work vision. It is an important initiative for enterprise and employee unification, engagement, and inclusion for workers of all backgrounds and demographics. Despite those positive intents, DE&I is under greater scrutiny from local and state governments that view such programs as part of a “woke” agenda. However, understanding its value and reward, enterprises across the U.S. continue to foster DE&I principles and integrate them into their recruitment and workforce engagement strategies.

With the current political and social polarization that exists, HR and managers must maintain the momentum of DE&I and further drive its criticality within the organization. Two areas that are extremely relevant today are unconscious bias and employee resource groups. The intent of addressing these two areas is to bring greater awareness to our own biases while recognizing the needs underserved employees in the enterprise who may be impacted by unconscious bias themselves.

Address Unconscious Bias

The University of California San Francisco (UCSF) defines this concept as “Unconscious biases are social stereotypes about certain groups of people that individuals form outside their own conscious awareness. Everyone holds unconscious beliefs about various social and identity groups, and these biases stem from one’s tendency to organize social worlds by categorizing.”

One interesting aspect of unconscious bias that UCSF points out is that it’s “…far more prevalent than conscious prejudice and often incompatible with one’s conscious values.” This is an important statement for HR and managers because it means with engagement, employees can better recognize and quell unconscious bias in their own interactions.

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To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

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Skills-Based Is the New Workforce Frontier

We have recently talked about gamification and digital credentials as strategies for greater employee engagement, collaboration, and skills development. As enterprises re-engineer their workforce architectures toward a skills-based organization, these strategies will play a critical role in that initiative.

Why is skills-based the next workforce frontier? Simply put, traditional, antiquated job description-defined roles are ineffective in today’s volatile business landscape. Enterprises require agility and flexibility to respond appropriately to operational and market changes. A skills-based workforce architecture supports that requirement by aligning employee skills with project-focused initiatives. Deploying employees with specific skill sets to solve problems and ensure business continuity is a Future of Work vision.

Purpose of Work Redefined

With a nimble and responsive workforce, enterprises can leverage their talent using a more holistic approach while generating a greater sense of work purpose for employees. According to an article in Training magazine, “Skills-based organizations have a more agile and employee-centric approach to work where employees are valued for their skills rather than their job title, level, or educational qualifications.”

“It is a new operating model of work where employees are matched to tasks and projects based on skills, capabilities, and interests. Focusing on skill sets instead of job experience can help organizations optimize their talent pool.”

However, the success of this workforce model depends heavily on the ability to define work within the enterprise. What is the work that can ultimately provide a competitive advantage in the marketplace? Where in the organization does the most critical work reside? What skillsets and capabilities are most valued to accomplish the work required? How does the enterprise capture, structure, and utilize skillset data?

The critical answers to these questions are all part of the foundation of a skills-based structure.

The rest of this article is available by subscription only.

Introducing a New Subscription Model

To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

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Artificial Intelligence Streamlines Contingent Workforce Management Decision-making

In today’s labor and economic climate, enterprises cannot afford to make poor hiring decisions. And with 47.5% of an organization’s workforce comprised of contingent workers, per Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research, an extended worker hire is just as critical operationally as a permanent employee. The ramifications of a hiring mistake — whether it’s an extended or permanent role — can cost businesses 30 percent of the employee’s first-year earnings, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. However, artificial intelligence is now shaping the future of contingent workforce management (CWM) to help avoid those employment missteps.

CWM Optimization Through Artificial Intelligence

Through artificial intelligence, enterprises can harness the value of structured and unstructured data to streamline contingent workforce management decision-making. AI also opens the door to new user experiences to better attract, acquire, and retain top-performing talent and improve operational execution — all leading to cost savings. Using prescriptive analytics for CWM optimization is an evolving but critical piece of AI strategy. While artificial intelligence has existed for a decade or more, the wider scope of its capabilities is only now being utilized.

Subsets of AI, such as machine learning (ML), predictive analytics, and natural language processing, coupled with complementary technologies like augmented reality and the metaverse are game changers for contingent workforce management optimization.

Putting Artificial Intelligence to Work

Enterprises and HR executives who are not at least exploring the possibilities of AI’s impact on CWM will find themselves at a competitive disadvantage when sourcing talent and executing extended workforce strategies. Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research cites that 80% of businesses expect AI to transform CWM in the year ahead. These are several ways that AI and associated technologies are getting the job done.

  • Enhance the candidate matching process. Enterprises are under pressure to not only attract and acquire the right candidates but do so in a short time-to-hire time-frame. The talent need is often immediate, leading to more costs as the vacancy persists. Enter artificial intelligence that can streamline the candidate screening process by matching critical role-specific skills with existing candidates in enterprise talent pipelines (e.g., direct sourcing, talent marketplaces, etc.). AI can narrow the field even further through questionnaires and even simulated exercises to test candidate skill proficiency — all while increasing hiring speed and attaining higher-quality candidates. With 74% of businesses planning to leverage AI to enhance the candidate experience (per Ardent Partners and FOWX research), it’s clear that the potential of the technology is being recognized. This is critical because it means enterprises can use data to understand how and why candidates are choosing our business or leaving/jetting for other companies. It also exposes gaps in the hiring process that must be remedied to enable real-time hiring capabilities. The war for talent is raging…having a process that essentially finds those talent needles in the haystack is the competitive differentiator.
  • Expand overall total workforce visibility. Much of the value attained by artificial intelligence is more efficient identification, organization, and utilization of data. Prescriptive analytics, for example, provides the optimal use of collected data. When evaluating the total workforce holistically, enterprises need insights into their full-time and contingent employees. What are their skillsets? Which department do they work in? How long have they been contracted with the enterprise? What is their past project or team participation. Answering these questions creates a strategic profile for every full-time and contingent employee. Those total workforce profiles make real-time hiring and seamless succession planning a reality. Transparency into both operational challenges and available talent is a dual threat to lagging competitors.
  • Leverage predictive analytics and scenario planning. Ultimately, organizations want the ability to use data to predict future scenarios and potential outcomes. As a subset of artificial intelligence, predictive analytics is used in a variety of operational settings, particularly for supply chain planning. However, it is just as valuable for contingent workforce management as a predictor of future talent needs. Predictive analytics takes prescriptive analytics and workforce profiles a step further by combining operational and profile data to identify talent deficiencies and operational weaknesses, while also projecting how talent should be utilized to close those gaps. This is transformative for large-scale enterprises with tens of thousands of employees across the globe. It can also be talent-defining in scenarios where succession planning comes into play. So much of the hiring focus is on the “immediate need” rather than the gaps silently forming with aging workers eyeing their next opportunity post-retirement. Predictive analytics can address workforce scalability related to resignations, retirements, labor movements, etc., and how those will shape the workforce short and long term. In the case of a recession or other economic crisis where scalability becomes an essential strategy, enterprises can leverage internal talent data and combine it with market and labor insights to more effectively understand how operations will be affected. Which skills are required immediately versus long-term CWM planning? The ability to scale the workforce quickly and efficiently cannot be understated.

AI Becomes a Permanent Fixture for Talent Strategy

Artificial intelligence is becoming a permanent fixture as part of today’s enterprise operations and talent management strategies. For the contingent workforce, AI serves as an essential technology to streamline candidate pairings with operational needs, while increasing transparency of available skillsets and workforce contributions. Those insights prove valuable when talent gaps appear, or workforce scaling is necessary. Artificial intelligence will continue to evolve and with it, more CWM opportunities will emerge. Today, leverage the AI capabilities that exist to better plan for tomorrow.

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Calling All HR, Talent Acquisition, and Procurement Execs (and Chief People Officers!)

The Future of Work is here and now. Business leaders aim to optimize the way they engage and source talent, manage their workforce, and ultimately address how work is done. Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange are currently conducting a new research study that will fuel our 2023 research calendar and arm today’s HR, procurement, and talent acquisition executives with Best-in-Class strategies for:

  • Managing DE&I initiatives and their impact on talent acquisition.
  • Implementing new and innovative technology, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain.
  • Addressing progressive leadership transformation, such as conscious leadership and empathy-led management strategies.
  • Optimizing extended workforce management and contingent workforce management, and;
  • Leveraging the best capabilities and solutions for recession-proofing the business (and its workforce) in 2023.

Click here to participate in the new research study, which should take about 15 minutes of your time. All survey participants will receive complimentary access to the Future of Work Exchange’s entire 2023 research calendar, including new research studies on total talent management, direct sourcing, DE&I, and more.

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Employee Burnout Still Simmering in Enterprises

When we refer to the Future of Work, we’re often talking about a better overall workforce experience. Certainly, a workplace that considers employee purpose, well-being, and work/life balance. In essence, the Future of Work should help prevent one of the leading causes of workforce distress and The Great Resignation — employee burnout. Indeed conducted a survey in 2021 of 1,500 U.S. workers to compare the level of burnout before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey revealed that 67% of all workers believed burnout had worsened during the pandemic. What was the primary reason behind the increase?

Despite most employees working remotely, the survey indicated that more than half (53%) worked more hours virtually than when they were on-site. According to Indeed: Nearly one-third (31%) say they are working “much more” than before the pandemic. On-site workers reported longer hours as well, with 27% who said they worked more daily, and 34% who worked longer on a weekly basis. The inability to unplug from projects, coupled with the lack of guidance surrounding work/life boundaries contributed to longer working hours.

The State of Burnout in 2023

While the Indeed survey took place in 2021, how is employee burnout faring as we begin navigating 2023? According to a recent report from Aflac “2022-2023 Aflac WorkForces Report,” more than half (59%) of American workers are experiencing at least moderate levels of burnout, a notable increase over 2021 (52%) and on par with the levels reported in 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Aflac surveyed 1,200 employers and 2,001 employees. Survey responses indicated the following:

  • Employees who suffer from high levels of burnout report lower job satisfaction (55%)
  • Lower confidence that their employers care about them (47%)
  • Negative perceptions of work-life balance (55%)
  • A higher likelihood of seeking another job in the next year (56%).

Matthew Owenby, chief human resources officer for Aflac Incorporated, stated, “A major concern of employee burnout is the impact on their well-being and how it affects engagement and retention. Employers are looking for new ways to offer benefits that help improve their employees’ mental health balance,” he said.

Knowing the signs of employee burnout is critical to prevent retention issues. In its “A Manager’s Guide to Preventing Employee Burnout,” Lyra identifies 8 signs of employee burnout that managers and executive leadership should be aware of as they interact with employees.

  • Exhaustion or feeling overwhelmed
  • Physical symptoms such as chronic headache or fatigue
  • Anger or irritability
  • Distancing themselves from their work
  • Nervousness or feeling uncertain
  • Low motivation
  • Sadness
  • Difficulty concentrating

Strategies to Extinguish Burnout

When managers witness the above signs in an employee, it is empathy more than anything else that he or she needs. Acknowledging how work can be overwhelming at times and how as a manager those same feelings exist establishes a common ground by which to probe further.

Here are four strategies to bring employee burnout to the forefront in the enterprise and address it with compassion, understanding, and well-being in mind.

Address employee burnout directly. Often, the best way to come to terms with an issue, is to address it head on. During an interview with CNBC, Jennifer Moss, author of “The Burnout Epidemic: The Rise of Chronic Stress and How We Can Fix It,” spent time with CNBC’s Workforce Executive Council.

She views employee burnout as a mental health issue. And one that needs the support of management to promote trust, safety, and prioritization of mental health toward employees. Managers need to dedicate 15 minutes every week with their direct reports to assess how they’re feeling and where their mental pain points exist.

Moss says the following key questions can help managers better understand the mental well-being of their employees and devise solutions to address existing issues.

  • How was this week?
  • What were the highs and lows?
  • What can I do for you next week to make things easier?
  • What can we do for each other?

Flexible scheduling and time off pay dividends. One of the major workplace outcomes from the pandemic is the concept of flexible scheduling. Many remote workers realized they were more productive during specific hours of the day. Depending on the role, companies enabled employees to choose hours that better reflected availability and higher productivity.

Similarly, time off to rebalance, recharge, and reboot cannot be underestimated. Taking time off, even for a three-day weekend, is crucial to mental health and emotional well-being. However, managers (and even executive leadership) must model these behaviors. Unless a manager actively communicates, encourages, and sets the example for taking time off, employees will remain hesitant to pursue mental health days or PTO.

Work/life balance remains critical. The Indeed survey revealed that approximately “70% of all respondents have access to work communications on their phones — making them 84% more likely to work after hours.” How does this promote work/life balance? Employees are never truly taking PTO or enjoying off hours if they’re always connected to the office. However, some employees, particularly those in management positions, believe the company is unable to function without being tethered to it.

Work/life balance is about establishing priorities outside of work and living life off the corporate grid. Whether it’s taking vacation or going for a 30-minute walk to recharge, employers must encourage and model this Future of Work tenet to curb employee burnout.

Employee perks resonate with workers. What is the benefit of working for an organization? While compensation remains high on the list, it is benefits (including perks) that strike a chord with employees. Access to mental health professionals, days off beyond holidays, casual dress code, flexible scheduling, and other perks are helping with employee balance. The commitment to such perks is often reflected in an enterprise’s overall culture.

A strong enterprise culture with employee success and well-being in mind, will seek feedback to choose perks that appeal to most workers. Organizations should also consider activities (e.g., sports, cultural, community service, etc.) that occur outside of work but bring employees together regardless of business unit.

Regardless of whether your team is remote, hybrid, or permanently on-site, managers should be gauging employee burnout. While difficult to quantify, employee burnout does have detrimental impacts on the bottom line. However, that shouldn’t be the primary focus or reason to monitor workforce well-being. It must be an effort that involves every level of the organization. When communicated and acted upon, mental wellness becomes the responsibility of everyone and is ingrained in the fabric of the culture.

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The Recession-Ready Enterprise

There has been great debate in recent months about a recession. Are we already in a recession? If a recession occurs, will it be light or something more impactful? Or will the economy be resilient and avoid a recession entirely? Enterprises in technology and media industries are already reacting to recession fears by laying off tens of thousands of workers. As we move through the first quarter of 2023, how could a recession impact the extended workforce?

Business As Usual

There’s no doubt we’re experiencing challenging economic times. However, businesses must continue with mission-critical projects and initiatives that often require specialized expertise. The skills gap remains inherent in many enterprises, leading to continued demand for contingent workers. And as the Future of Work Exchange research indicates, 47.5% of the enterprise workforce is comprised of extended workers. That figure cannot be ignored, especially during times of economic distress.

Digitization Evolution and Workforce Mercenaries

Despite the recessionary climate, there is an enterprise evolution occurring: digitization. Whether it’s talent acquisition platforms, accounts payable solutions, or larger enterprise resource planning systems, businesses are transforming from tactical (manual) to strategic (digital) strategies across the operational landscape. And with digitization comes the extended workforce.

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To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

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Employee Engagement Still Lacks Execution

Today’s enterprises can be characterized as fast-paced, ever-evolving to effectively respond to a more dynamic marketplace. Within the hustle and bustle lies a critical workforce need that is often overlooked: employee engagement. The concept can be confused with simply offering employees certain monthly perks identified from a quick survey. However, it goes much deeper than that and reaches beyond permanent, full-time employees to those in the extended workforce, as well.

A well-rounded definition of employee engagement comes from Engage For Success: “Employee engagement is a workplace approach resulting in the right conditions for all members of an organization to give of their best each day, committed to their organization’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organizational success, with an enhanced sense of their own well-being.”

Powerful, Yet Underutilized

It is that commitment toward oneself and the enterprise that makes employee engagement such a powerful workforce approach. Yet, as a Gallup survey indicates, only 36% of U.S. employees are engaged in their work and workplace. The number is even lower on a global scale, with only 20% of employees engaged at work.

However, for those enterprises with a fully entrenched employee engagement system, the results speak for themselves. According to Gallup, those leading organizations are experiencing the following benefits:

  • An increase of 18% in productivity (sales)
  • An increase of 23% in profitability
  • A decline of 40% in quality issues (defects)

Achieving these results requires engagement with every worker. With nearly half (nearly 48%) of today’s enterprises comprised of contingent workers (per Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research), employee engagement must include this critical workforce segment. When faced with the possibility of losing extended talent following a project or other initiative, employee engagement could be the competitive differentiator to retain them.

The rest of this article is available by subscription only.

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To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

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Happy Holidays! 🎄

Everyone at the Future of Work Exchange would like to wish our readers, sponsors, partners, and community a very safe, happy, and healthy holiday season. Thank you for your continued support of the Exchange in 2022. We have MANY exciting things ahead in 2023!

Next week, our team has lined up a series of “Best Of” articles that will highlight some of our favorite pieces from the year that was.

The Future of Work starts here!

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The Future is Now

By now, you may have consumed many grand predictions for the year ahead as it pertains to the world of work and talent. If you haven’t, well, be sure to check out our exclusive series that featured insights from nearly 20 industry thought leaders and executives from across the solution provider landscape.

2022 was another watershed year for the business arena. We grappled with Year Three of a pandemic, dealt with the fallout and reshuffling from The Great Resignation, tapped into the power of new and exciting technology, learned the meaning of humanity in how we work, and continued to experience the growth and impact of the extended workforce.

And this is the just the beginning of what is up ahead. 2023 will surely challenge us, with the specter of an economic downturn lingering overhead as well as continued uncertainty regarding the volatility of the labor market. However, as we have done over the past three years, we will persevere, we will thrive, and, most critically, we will innovate.

Today, on the Future of Work Exchange, we unveil four laser-focused predictions for the year ahead:

  • Skills, skills, skills…talent acquisition and workforce management will revolve around skillsets and expertise. Globalization, digitization, flexibility, and agility, mixed with labor market volatility, equates to a brave new world of talent acquisition and talent engagement. Executives will seek cost-cutting measures to combat economic uncertainty, but in 2023, it won’t affect the overarching need for top-tier skillsets and expertise. Businesses have experienced a massive skills gap over the past several years and the only way to thrive (not just merely survive) in today’s business arena is to pump resources, innovation, focus, and technology into revamping talent engagement and talent acquisition strategies. Skills are the centerpiece of the Future of Work today.
  • Intelligence becomes the nexus of the Future of Work. Businesses were living in a Big Data world long before the term was applicable. As machine learning infiltrated analytics and artificial intelligence became a foundation for workforce data, business leaders were enabled with the power to infuse real-time, on-demand insights into their core talent-led decision-making processes. Today, and into 2023, that concept will evolve as enterprises develop “skills catalogs,” seek to shift expertise where it is needed given changes in the market, and infuse AI into talent acquisition and recruitment approaches to maximize skillsets and eschew archaic talent engagement methods.
  • Omni-channel talent acquisition is 2023’s gold standard for engagement. This is something that the Exchange discussed recently (especially during last week’s predictions-focused webcast). Direct sourcing, talent communities, talent marketplaces, digital staffing, and freelancer networks are all deep and viable outlets of candidates; thus, businesses can take an omni-channel approach and optimize their hiring by aligning their talent acquisition strategies with these sources of talent. And, the omni-channel approach traverses beyond this type of alignment: by maximizing various sources of talent (through VMS, ATS, direct sourcing, etc.), businesses are able to boost candidate engagement by providing a worker-specific experience to each prospect that is inclusive of assessment, opportunity, and clarity.
  • Humanity shines through in every facet of how and why we work. The pandemic didn’t just result in Future of Work accelerants like remote/hybrid work and the shift to flexibility; it truly humanized the way we, as both professionals and people, perceived the role of work in our daily lives. The Future of Work should be predicated on humanity in such a way that it cascades into how leaders manage their people via empathy, understanding, appreciation, and transparency. Workers today face a variety of issues: economic uncertainty, burnout, poor mental wellbeing, challenges with workplace culture, etc. Leaders have a new role in 2023: continue managing towards organizational goals and objectives whilst focusing on the human side of business. ensuring that workers and candidates are provided the flexibility and emotional wellness that they require to succeed.
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Future of Work Predictions for 2023 (Part IV)

Welcome to an exclusive series here at the Future of Work Exchange that will feature predictions, insights, and trends for 2023 that will shape the Future of Work in the months ahead. We polled technology and solution provider executives and asked them how they believe the world of work and talent will continue to evolve in 2023 and beyond:

Christy Forest, CEO and Executive Director, LiveHire

“It’s the greatest talent reshuffle in recent history and it isn’t over yet. Companies will respond to the fierce competition for talent alongside their looming concerns of recession with one critical capability: agility. We will see a very welcome shift…from what was a lot of talk and not a lot of action, a lot of dabbling and not enough commitment to finally creating a truly agile approach to optimize the mix of permanent and contingent workers to meet fluid business needs. This requires internal collaboration and a mindset shift but it will happen because…

We will see more and more power in the hands of candidates and employees, a higher bar set by them for transparency, inclusion and experience, and only the best companies will earn their engagement and their time. So the most progressive companies will take more ownership of their brand, start their journeys in earnest to direct sourcing programs and total workforce management solutions that enable them to meet the market where it is and move ahead of the competition.”

Pam Cohen, Chief Research and Analytics Officer, Werklabs/The Mom Project

“The Future of Work is fluid; success will depend on an intricate alliance between employers and talent that embraces life outside of work and allows for the existence of both woven into each day. From this, employers will find enhanced loyalty and retention of all types of workers, and talent will find the opportunity to grow within their jobs without feeling the need to leave in order to experience other aspects of their life.”

Nancy Miller, , Atrium

“Lines will start to blur in types of work just like lines have blurred in categories of HR tech for temporary/independent talent markets. Workers want to do work that excites them and where they can add value…they want to leave a mark. Technologies should make it easy for those workers to find this work regardless of what labor category it “places” them in, i.e., temporary worker, contractor, independent contractor, full-time employee, flexible talent, etc. Another trend I predict is that talent acquisition platforms are expanding to be more versatile regarding the labor categories they cater to. In example, platforms originally built for direct hire/perm placements will continue to productize and launch modules for contract work. Vice versa – we are seeing many platforms built for contract hiring to now also offer direct hire recruiting solutions. HR tech as a whole will move toward omni-channel solutions to engage people through all channels.”

Morten Bruun, Managing Director, North America, Worksome

“The push for a more agile workforce will drastically expand in 2023. We’re coming on the back off a large number of layoffs in the tech industry. Any technology will say a) innovation is the key for their success, and b) people are what create innovation. This leaves you in a dilemma: How can I continue to innovate in an environment where we’re reducing headcount growth? You essentially want to make sure that you have an agile workforce that you quickly can scale up and down and move to the areas where you need innovation the most.

The Great Resignation, Great Reshuffling, quiet quitting, and some of the other 2022 trends we’ve been seeing—will those stick around? I actually don’t think it matters whether they will continue or not. The interesting aspect of the Great Resignation is not that a bunch of people quit their job; the interesting aspect is why they quit their job. People are sick and tired of a traditional working model with no flexibility, that’s why they quit. It’s not unlikely that we won’t see the same volume of people quitting their job during a recession, but it’s important to realize that the sentiment isn’t gone. The sickness is still there, even though the symptoms are gone.

It’s abundantly clear that legacy tech in the workplace/people space isn’t solving the problem for companies. This is particularly true in the contingent workforce space. Around 90% of large enterprises have a VMS in place, but more than 50% of them are citing the lack of efficiency in their contingent workforce program as their #1 challenge.”

Connor Heaney, Managing Director, CXC Global EMEA

My predictions for the Future of Work are:

  • An increased interest in Africa as a remote talent pool to combat talent scarcity in Western economies.
  • As organizations seek to solve the talent supply issue, they will start to become more willing to employ and engage workers from diverse backgrounds: non-university educated, disabled, neurodiverse, veterans, and folks with minor criminal records.
  • Increased regulation in the Gig and Open Talent Economy as a result of the EU directive on platform workers. This has the potential to be hugely disruptive to the sector.”

Marlon Rosenzweig, CEO and Co-Founder, WorkGenius

“We expect 2023 to be a year of growth for freelance even if the economy shrinks. Demographic change and lack of immigration built up a talent shortage that will persist. “

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