

Talent Quality-Led Recruiting and the Future of Work

“Talent quality” can be a nebulous concept. Staffing organizations often have to balance the many innerworkings of such an idea, delicately balancing the intricacies of what they believe “talent quality” to be. In a business world that has been dramatically transformed by a pandemic, changes in how businesses operate, and, of course, the impact of Future of Work accelerants, today’s enterprises, staffing agencies, and other key groups must be focused on broadening the definitions around talent quality and put those at the heart of any extended workforce management program.

The Future of Work Exchange is excited to partner with for an exclusive Q&A event tomorrow (May 5) at 11am ET. Ben Walker, a longtime thought leader and expert in the workforce solutions industry, will join me to discuss:

  • The impact of talent quality-led recruiting and how these strategies should be developed and executed.
  • How artificial intelligence can be a gamechanger in regards to eradicating talent fraud and improving overall candidate quality.
  • The priorities of today’s extended workforce programs, and;
  • The key KPIs and performance metrics that are required to gauge the impact of talent quality programs.

Click here or on the image below to register for tomorrow’s event. Looking forward to seeing you there!

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When Will “The Greatest Resignation” Become “The Great Resettling”?

When we take a 30,000-foot purview of what’s happening right now regarding “The Great Resignation,” it looks pretty dire: nearly four-plus million workers have left their positions each month since October of last year. Not counting numbers for March (which have not yet been announced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics), that’s nearly 16 million people who have resigned, quit, etc. over a four-month period.

Economist Arindrajit Dube recently sparked an interesting discussion on why he believes that The Great Resignation is more of a “Great Reshuffling,” given that data points to workers’ resignations concentrated in industries such as retail, restaurants, hospitality, mining and logging, etc. And, interestingly enough, just last week, he tweeted:

There is no Great Resignation … people are not leaving the workforce. Prime-age employment rate is back to 2019 levels! What we have is a Great Reshuffling: workers moving to better paying jobs. That’s what a competitive labor market actually looks like!

So, if we were to agree with Dube, the approach towards what’s happening right now would look something like this: workers, unhappy with wages, left their positions en masse for better compensation, creating a “weird” labor market that is now competitive compared to the disconcerted workforce foundation that we experienced earlier in the pandemic.

I’m not one to disagree with a talented economist who bases his public insights on hard data. However, I’d like to throw some additional thoughts onto the pile to reflect some of the other influences on The Great/Greatest Resignation. For one, Dube’s only miss in his statement is that there’s so much more to resignations than compensation. In fact, we’ve talked about them (at-length!) here at the Future of Work Exchange. Purposeful work, flexibility, remote and hybrid work options, etc.…these are absolutely critical facets that contribute to the ongoing, massive numbers of resignations.

What many pundits seem to be getting at in their messaging is this: why is the labor market so competitive even though 16 million workers (not including those who had done so in March) left their positions voluntarily over the past several months? Is The Great Resignation even real?

Well, yes, it is. We just cannot argue with the fact that millions of people left their roles; the numbers are there to prove that. It’s what’s happening after the resignations that is so vitally important. This is where I feel what is happening is more of a “Great Resettling” rather than a “Great Reshuffling,” as workers who have left their jobs are “resettling” themselves within a different dynamic.

Economist Dean Baker brought up an interesting point in an article from a few weeks ago, stating, “The number of people who reported being self-employed (both incorporated and unincorporated) in March was 618,000 above the average for 2019. The fact that self-employment remains high, even as the labor market has tightened enormously, indicates that self-employment is a choice rather than an act of desperation.” (Future of Work Exchange research discovered this, as well, back in the summer of 2021: 43% of the workforce was considered “non-employee” before the pandemic and increased to over 47% during it.)

The word “choice” in that statement means all of the difference between “reshuffling” and “resettling.” A great reshuffle, at least to me, would mean that workers are moving in vastly different pathways than they were in pre-pandemic times. A great resettlement means that:

  • Those who were of retirement age during the pandemic but didn’t want to retire will make the choice to do so out of either necessity or for the sake of health and safety.
  • More and more workers will adopt a flexible, contingent-led career pathway that afforded them the ability to be independent.
  • Professionals who reached a breaking point with their current organizations’ lack of employee engagement (and flexible work models) will seek culture over compensation.
  • Tens of thousands of workers have started (and will continue to launch) their own companies to take advantage of an entrepreneur’s market, and;
  • “Digital nomads,” who wanted to leave major metropolitan areas and had the flexibility to work remotely because their industries supported it, will easily adopt new work structures wherever they want to be.

Figuratively, the “dust is settling” right now. If the March resignation numbers mimic those of November, December, January, and February, we’re still operating in Greatest Resignation mode, with workers about to rethink their future pathways aiming for a more settled foundation for the second half of 2022.

Actually, today, professionals are settling into positions that satisfy long-desired urges, including flexibility, empathy, and purpose. The Great Resettling seems to be a more on-the-nose phrase to use, since it encapsulates the ways workers are settling into extended/contingent roles, independent positions, and solo-preneur/entrepreneur ventures.

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Direct Sourcing 2.0 and the Hiring Manager Experience

Beyond deeper and more meaningful candidate relationships, direct sourcing allows a business to leverage (and manage) its culture and brand to attract recruits that are easily engaged for future projects and initiatives. Hearing long-employed (and loyal) HR and business professionals discuss the traits and culture of their organization is a more significant and credible way to learn about a potential employer than through the words of a recruiter with a commission on the line. The informal testimonials of the internal hiring teams can effectively build engagement and ultimately, worker loyalty.

While the talent curation part of direct sourcing typically takes time to develop, most organizations possess an innate ability to identify strong cultural fits and highly-desirable skillsets. Additionally, the ability of internal recruiters, HR, and hiring managers to collaborate and tailor job searches to a unique team, manager, project, or location is unmatched when dealing with outside recruiters.

The level of nuance can be akin to the difference between a surgeon and a butcher. The ability to increase recruiting precision can be particularly valuable when businesses are managing specific diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

Given the current challenges to find and retain top talent, leading HR organizations are investing in ways to improve the “candidate experience” (similar to the “customer experience”), where every aspect is designed to be positive, engaging, and beneficial to the recruit.

In a market where the candidate holds more power than ever before, compensation and benefits, employment perks, AND the employer’s credentials (i.e., brand, culture, vision, values, etc.) can play a major role in attracting a qualified candidates. This will continue to be true as an increasing number of candidates are incorporating their personal views on an organization’s culture and brand into their decision-making.

While the candidate experience is critical, the hiring manager experience should also be considered. Hiring managers are often on the front lines of the war for talent and must account for:

  • The specific needs of each role, position, and project.
  • The intricate requirements of a multifaceted talent acquisition strategy that balances direct hire, job boards, talent marketplaces, staffing suppliers, etc.
  • The necessary data and intelligence to make faster, more educated talent and hiring decisions.
  • The proper balance between the human touch, automation, and third-party services, etc. that can be used to find, engage, and source high-quality talent.

Traditional recruitment is not typically seen as scalable due to the manual work often associated with it, while direct sourcing relies heavily on hiring teams to drive activity, scalability, and value. Just as HR leaders are realizing that candidates should be treated like customers, hiring managers also need an experience that is seamless and boundaryless.

Business and HR leaders must also arm their hiring managers with the necessary resources, technologies, and capabilities to effectively tap into different talent pools without the worry of internal barriers or archaic inertia. To achieve this, digitization of key direct sourcing processes is vital.

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Are We Finally Ready to Take On Total Talent Management?

Over a decade ago, I developed one of the staffing and HR industry’s first full-scale research studies on total talent management (TTM), the programmatic concept that entails blending HR, procurement, and talent acquisition competencies under a single umbrella to find, source, engage, and manage both FTE and non-employee talent. Total talent management, by definition, requires this functional convergence on top of integrations between core workforce management systems and solutions, like VMS, ATS, RPO, and HRIS.

While total talent management has long sounded ideal on paper, its adoption has never really taken off in the 10+ years I’ve been writing and researching the program and its innerworkings. In any given year from 2012 up until late 2021, less than 15% of organizations had some semblance of total talent-like capabilities, which include consistent procurement and HR/talent acquisition collaboration, some integrations between HR and workforce systems, and converged talent intelligence (a miniscule percentage, perhaps less than 2%, have a fully-fledged program that has been in place for multiple years).

The typical knock on total talent management is that the two sides of the talent coin (FTEs and non-employees) represent two very different sets of guidelines and strategies. A standard criticism is that an organization would never apply core human capital approaches such as learning management and succession planning to its contingent workforce, nor would they cross any lines that would violate federal and regulatory policies concerning relationships with independent contractors and freelance talent.

At this point, nearly a third of the way through 2022, shouldn’t we be ready to take on total talent management given the vast transformations across the world of talent and work?

Last year, the Future of Work Exchange highlighted how total talent intelligence was an excellent “gateway” into the realm of total talent management:

“Thinking about integrations, cross-functional coordination, blending core HR and contingent workforce management competencies, etc. can be maddening, for sure. This is why, especially in today’s strange business world, enterprises should consider taking a much more streamlined path and prioritize total talent intelligence as an initial cornerstone for what could blossom into full-blown total talent management in the months and years to come. In essence, total talent intelligence gleans valuable worker-based insights from both FTEs and non-employees by harnessing collective data from Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS), Vendor Management Systems (VMS), time and attendance solutions, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), Freelancer Management System (FMS), and similar platforms to gain the deepest possible view into an organization’s total talent pool.”

If total talent intelligence remained a viable “first step” into total talent management given the transformation of work and talent, shouldn’t the next logical step entail working closer to developing a true TTM program? Consider that:

  • Talent retainment and talent attraction have become top-of-mind issues in a Great Resignation-fueled, Talent Revolution-led labor market. Workers, no matter if they are searching for a full-time or freelance gig, are after purposeful and meaningful work in a workplace culture that is inclusive and flexible. Total talent management in 2022 can be an effective means of ensuring that all workers, no matter the type, are attracted to the organization and want to stay once they are there. The convergence of HR and talent acquisition principles, combined with the power of procurement-led contingent workforce management, can ensure that consistent tactics are utilized in talent engagement efforts to put culture, brand, and similar attributes at the forefront.
  • The commodity-driven days of extended workforce management are over. Procurement will always have a sustainable role in managing the extended workforce, however, the era of “commodity-led” measures has passed us by, replaced by a visionary approach that values skillsets and expertise over costs and budgets.
  • A remote and distributed workforce requires more structure. In the early days of the pandemic, executive leaders found themselves unable to effectively track their total workforce in the wake of a “remote overnight” switch. Although the rigor behind workforce management has vastly improved since then, the vast majority of enterprises are still offering flexible workforce options for their staff and require more enhanced means of understanding where workers are, what they are working on, and how to address skills gaps if a business location requires a new infusion of talent.
  • The focus on workplace culture permeates into the world of extended workforce management. While we know that there’s a barrier we cannot cross in regards to treating non-employees like FTEs, there is an arena in which the same cultural benefits of a positive and engaging workplace for traditional employees is just as attractive to freelance, independent, and extended talent. Aspects such as enterprise-wide communication, transparency into operations and projects, and “flexibility for all” can go a long way into ensuring that extended talent is not only attracted to the enterprise but will also want to be a part of that organization’s community even after their engagements end.

Total talent management has long been a concept that bordered on the theoretical. In years past, there was an industry-wide acceptance that the many intricacies of the program could not effectively work together; however, in the past two years, the world of work and talent has been transformed. Total talent management should be considered a viable and powerful way to merge the contingent workforce, HR, and talent acquisition competencies, capabilities, and technologies required to attract and retain talent, as well as manage that talent effectively on a global and remote scale.

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“The Greatest Resignation” Means We Need to Start Thinking Differently About the Workforce

“Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home… it’s your responsibility to love it, or change it.” – Chuck Palahniuk, Best-Selling Author

For months now, “The Great Resignation” has been dominating headlines, thought leadership, workforce news, and all of the appropriate responses to the transformation of talent and work. By now, we know the stakes: millions of workers are voluntarily leaving their jobs for a variety of reasons, all of which prove that there’s more to life (and work!) than just cold, hard cash.

The Future of Work Exchange has been covering this topic for months, encouraging business leaders to think about The Great Resignation from a different perspective, that of a “Talent Revolution.” So it goes, the foundational elements of what’s also being called “The Big Quit” revolve around the concepts of purpose, career journeys, and alignment between a human and his/her/their work. Too, aspects like better working conditions, inclusive workplace culture, and, yes, of course, compensation, are all driving factors of the revolution happening right in front of us.

So, given all of this, when does The Great Resignation end? Well, it seems we’re heading in the opposite direction. Let’s just call it The Greatest Resignation, because:

  • Last Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Labor announced that nearly 4.4 million Americans quit their jobs in February.
  • Better than January? Oh, gosh no. This was 100,000 more resignations than the U.S. experienced in January, and…
  • …it’s also perilously close to The Great Resignation’s prestigious world record, set with 4.5 million resignations in November 2021.

“Great” has become “Greatest” as this phenomenon marches on. We’re supposed to be living in a “let’s just deal with it” phase of the pandemic, so shouldn’t that mean all of those aspects of business disruption, including staffing shortages and massive resignations, start to curtail as we move towards our so-called “new normal”?

In an article on CNBC, Daniel Zhao, senior economist at Glassdoor, said that “These quits are still extremely high, and that shows the Great Resignation is still in full swing,” and that “It wouldn’t be a surprise to see that cool down in 2022,” Zhao said. “But that’s not to say we should expect the Great Resignation to disappear overnight.”

So, in essence, it’s a hiring purgatory, isn’t it? For now, it certainly seems like it. However, just perceiving all of this with a different mindset is the first, and most crucial, step in moving out of this unique period in business (and staffing) history.

Here’s the wake-up call: no matter the level of benefits nor the amount of compensation, a business cannot effectively fulfill a worker’s ultimate aspirations without purposeful and meaningful work. There must be a catalyst that drives that realm of joy within a professional’s heart and mind. The Great Resignation is not a fight over money, nor is it a sign that workers have become greedier and are asking for the moon.

This all simply means one thing: the pandemic has shaped our lives in such a way that the personal and professional dichotomy has become intertwined. Workers are people and people are workers. They want purpose. They want joy. They want to earn a living (a nice living) while doing something they love.

There’s a critical reason why we should be looking at The Greatest Resignation much differently. It’s not a war of attrition nor a battle for higher wages, but rather a revolution in which humans are doing everything they can to align their purpose, culture, and journey with the many, many hours they spend at work.

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The Future of Work Exchange Meets the “Off the Cuff” Podcast: A Conversation About “The Great Resignation”

I had the pleasure of joining SSI People’s Off the Cuff podcast to chat about the Future of Work, “The Great Resignation,” the “Talent Revolution,” and so much more related to the evolving world of work and talent. Hosted by SSI’s Christina Vinson, it was a delight to chat about these topics with EVP of Strategy and Development at SSI, Manny Vidal.

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The Role of Talent Marketplaces in the Future of Work

Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research finds that nearly 80% of leading organizations are currently leveraging digital staffing channels and talent marketplaces to fuel their talent acquisition strategies. And in today’s hyper-competitive, Great Resignation-led labor market, enterprises require on-demand solutions that not only align with their talent-based needs, but also support greater extended workforce management processes, operations, and programs.

Last month, the Future of Work Exchange partnered with Bluecrew for an exclusive webcast focused on the role and impact of talent marketplaces and digital staffing within the Future of Work movement. If you missed the event, now’s your chance to check it out:

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“The Great Resignation” is Not An Economic Trend

Here’s a definition of “The Great Resignation” from old friend Wikipedia:

The Great Resignation, also known as the Big Quit, is an ongoing economic trend in which employees have voluntarily resigned from their jobs en masse, beginning in early 2021, primarily in the United States.

While I understand that Wikipedia is easily editable and can sometimes contain basic misinformation regarding history, politics, etc., what is represented in the above definition is unfortunately a common line of thinking in today’s frenetic world of business.

Even though aspects like “flexibility” and “remote work” are buried in that Wikipedia entry, the focus on economic thinking muddles The Great Resignation into a conversation around employees wanting more financial power as they traverse year three of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Remember, my friends, there’s a much clearer reason for this Big Quit, and it has little to do with money: it’s a “Talent Revolution,” and we’re all witnessing it first-hand as enterprises face staffing shortages, business leaders grapple with new models of working, and workers focus their energy on finding positions that bring value and purpose into their lives.

The Future of Work Exchange has been incredibly bullish about the Talent Revolution over the past few months, and rightfully so: placing the focus for tens of millions of voluntarily resignations squarely on economic factors misses the greater concept at hand…that the modern-day workforce has empowered themselves to transform the symbiotic links between “talent” and “employers,” all in the quest for more flexible, purposeful, and meaningful work.

Does The Great Resignation have economic consequences? Of course, let’s not kid ourselves. Staffing shortages are ravaging the financials of businesses, play a pivotal role in certain aspects of today’s inflation crisis, and, of course, contribute to product and supply chain disruptions across the world. (Also, as a side note: rising energy costs and fuel expenses are another complicated layer to the business arena today, as is the ongoing crisis in the Ukraine and its global financial and supply ramifications, as well.)

But these are consequences of a larger issue, one that has only been exacerbated by a global health crisis that has unfortunately shined a very, very bright light on the inequities and rigidity of today’s workplace and workforce structure. There is an underlying inequity in how workers are treated, how they are paid, how they are provided benefits, and how flexible their roles are considering the tremendous change in the world of talent and work over the last two years.

The Talent Revolution was always on its way; it’s unfortunate that it has resulted in an across-the-board, jarring “Big Quit” that has shaken the way businesses deal with extreme staffing shortages. However, there’s a reason better working conditions and flexibility have become so critical: this is the power the workforce should have.

Every worker deserves a position that serves and aligns with his, her, or their purpose. Every worker deserves the flexibility to attend to personal and private needs and achieve a better work-life integration. And, every worker deserves equitable treatment, safe working conditions, and a positive culture that inspires them to thrive, think, speak, and innovate.

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Digital Staffing, Talent Marketplaces, and the “Elastic Workforce”

It’s no great secret that the many layers of talent acquisition and talent engagement have been transformed over the past two years. Businesses, dealing with both a “Talent Revolution” and “The Great Resignation,” continue wage war for skillsets and expertise in an on-demand economy that demands agility and flexibility.

Digital staffing solutions and talent marketplaces have been augmenting talent engagement for a number of years. Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research have been covering, evaluating, and following these platforms for nearly a decade; we have discovered that adoption of these solutions has increased nearly 725% since 2015, a surefire marker of the high-impact, top-tier benefits of these platforms.

There’s a reason why talent marketplaces have become such critical pieces of the Future of Work puzzle: they drive true workforce agility, scalability, and flexibility. Future of Work Exchange research found that, in 2021, nearly 84% of digital staffing and talent marketplace users stated that their extended workforce drove true scalability and flexibility in the face of challenging times. Being able to plug-and-play talent as the market dictates is a powerful competency that can empower enterprises of all sizes with an ability to engage with many of the best and brightest minds in an on-demand manner. Throughout the toughest days of 2020 when uncertainty reigned, companies were constantly reshuffling their workforce strategies.

In 2021, those businesses that could effectively harness the power of a scalable workforce were the ones that entered 2022 with the ability to thrive during evolving labor market conditions. Best-in-Class organizations are 32% more likely to tap into digital staffing outlets for talent acquisition needs. These offerings are often considered enterprise-grade solutions that facilitate real-time and on-demand talent engagement with independent, freelance, or contract workers via a web-based network or portal. Talent marketplaces typically offer “white-glove” or high-touch talent management services (akin to Managed Service Providers) to help their clients source the best-fit talent for their project requirements as well as the automation of core workforce management processes (such as requisition management, talent pool development, and back-end financial operations).

I encourage you to join Bluecrew, Ardent Partners, and the Future of Work Exchange on Thursday, February 24 at 1pm CT for an exclusive webcast on the advantages of the talent marketplace model, its impact on building an “elastic workforce,” and the core workforce strategies required for successful extended workforce management. Click here on or on the image below to register.

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With Ceridian Partnership, PRO Unlimited Doubles Down on the “Worker Experience”

Are we really going to mention “The Great Resignation” in the first line of a Future of Work Exchange article? Yes, we are, but for good reason. Much has been said of the “talent revolution” that is occurring today: workers are finding themselves at a veritable crossroads in which the needs and desire for flexibility and cultural attractiveness are becoming prerequisites for their next career moves. Compensation is key, but the experience is truly paramount.

In a similar manner, much has been written about the “war for talent,” even in pre-pandemic times. For years now, businesses have had to do all that they can to catalyze talent acquisition and talent engagement. When aspects such as workplace culture, business environment, and diversity and inclusion become key reasons why a worker would choose to bring their talents to an organization, the overall “talent experience” suddenly rises as the top differentiator for enterprises in attracting new talent.

To that end, integrated workforce management platform (IWM) provider PRO Unlimited recently announced an exclusive partnership with global human capital solutions provider Ceridian. The partnership will focus on the integration of Ceridian’s unique Dayforce Wallet into PRO’s innovative Worker Experience solution. Extended workers will have direct access to net pay as it is earned; after an on-demand pay request is completed within the Dayforce Wallet mobile app, funds are deposited directly into workers’ Dayforce Wallet accounts (which can then be transferred to checking accounts, withdrawn for cash, used to make purchases, etc.).

“It’s really about rethinking this industry in the sense that the extended workforce is more than just placing and filling roles,” said Jessica Kane, Chief Client Officer, PRO Unlimited. “We want to bring all of that talent-fueled data and intelligence together for the best possible worker experience. Businesses want to attract the best and brightest workers, and this partnership with Ceridian will certainly drive more choice into the overall talent experience.”

Future of Work Exchange research finds that nearly 80% of businesses are now focused on transforming their workplaces into more attractive places to work, a statistic that reflects the core mindset of enterprise leaders across the world: develop an alluring, positive environment in which candidates what to work and thrive.

“Skills have really become the new currency,” said Kane. “We want workers to be able to utilize those skillsets, combined with our data and intelligence, to support them along their career journeys and enable them to choose the right paths. Thinking about the opportunities and the clients that offer these roles, how do enterprises attract workers to these positions? Combining our data ocean and integrated workforce platform with on-demand pay through Ceridian, we can leverage all of these innovations in helping workers purse their passions.”

“Worker Experience is a standalone solution that will revolutionize how businesses transform the overall candidate and worker experience,” said Kevin Akeroyd, CEO of PRO Unlimited. “Functionality such as worker engagement and profiling (amongst other processes) are already integrated into our platform via WillHire, however, this new partnership will enhance those pieces of our solution and push worker experience management into the extended workforce.”

The concept of “day pay” has become a hot topic in the extended workforce world, as industries such as light industrial, warehouses, and other shift-based businesses experience a sharp uptick in the utilization of non-employee labor. As businesses in these sectors strive to build compelling and engaging candidate experiences, traversing into on-demand pay will become a critical measure. PRO Unlimited certainly understands the implications of this innovative market shift, which is reflected in this unique and pioneering partnership with Ceridian.

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