
Business Transformation

Five Ways Business Leadership Is Evolving

The Future of Work is built on transformation. When enterprise rethink and reimagine the ways they get work done, innovation becomes the nexus of business operations. The Future of Work Exchange has long defined the Future of Work movement to include three major pillars: 1) the evolution of talent acquisition and talent engagement, 2) the impact and utilization of new technology and innovation, and, 3) the transformation of business leadership.

That third pillar has been critically important over the past several years, especially as many organizations have “rebooted” their operations in the wake of a global health crisis, a newfound focus on “humanity,” and the need to be more talent-oriented to thrive during uncertain times. With this in mind, Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange has developed the below infographic, Five Ways Business Leadership Is Evolving.

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Sustain the Leadership Evolution

What the previous three years have shown is that enterprises are resilient. The ability to turn on a dime operationally and transform from an in-person to a nearly fully remote workforce is a stunning achievement. It is the ultimate in change management execution, forever altering the Future of Work paradigm and business leadership as we know it. In defining the Future of Work movement, the Future of Work Exchange identified the transformation of business leadership as one of its three critical pillars.

Workplace Humanization Arrives

How has business leadership transformed? Quite simply, leaders today have a newfound focus on “humanity,” and the need to be more talent-oriented to thrive during uncertain times. During the height of the pandemic, there was no separation between how leadership and employees experienced this global event. Everyone went through it together and had similar fears, anxiety, and concern for others. Many leaders recognized this fact and rebooted their workplaces by retaining employee flexibility and remote/hybrid models once the world started to normalize.

Bridging of Human and Skills-Based Objectives

Along with the humanization of the workplace, the need for skills-based talent became apparent as well. The criticality of enterprise agility, flexibility, and business continuity is now a central part of talent acquisition strategies. It is no longer about filling a job role, but rather hiring candidates that bring specific skills and competencies while also being a good cultural match. Business leaders today actively bridge the human aspect with skills-based execution. Understanding, for example, the importance of progressive hiring approaches as part of the cultural fabric, leaders have integrated different strategies into hiring and operational objectives.

Business Leadership Evolves

The Future of Work Exchange and Ardent Partners have identified five ways business leadership is evolving.

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The First Thing You Must Know About the Future of Work

The Future of Work Exchange (FOWX) and Ardent Partners recently hosted their complimentary webinar, The Five Things You MUST KNOW About the Future of Work, which discussed the critical capabilities that enterprises can unlock to truly optimize the way they address talent acquisition, extended workforce management, and, most importantly, work optimization. Over the next five weeks, we’ll be recapping each of the five things discussed during the event. In our first installment this week, we’ll be diving into the evolution of talent and the ever-present phrase, “The Future of Work.”

The Evolution of Talent and Talent Acquisition

When it comes to the Future of Work, one of the first things to know is the evolution of talent and talent acquisition. And this idea of the “evolution of talent” can be ambiguous. Talent is always evolving and has been for a long time. The way that businesses perceive their talent is also evolving. And, the way that those businesses get connected to talent, and vice versa, continues to evolve. It’s also being innovated through technology and new strategies and new programs.

The fact is nearly half of our workforce today is comprised of extended workers or contingent workers. We have aspects like direct sourcing and digital staffing that are making it much easier for businesses to find the talent they need to get work done to address those mission-critical projects and fill the appropriate roles. FOWX and Ardent research has been focused historically on the extended workforce and contingent workforce, but we’re talking about all types of talent.

Thus, talent acquisition as a function and as a series of processes has also progressed. We need to consider aspects like the candidate experience, and the way that our culture and our brand attract new talent into our organization. Many business leaders think of the Future of Work as being centered around technology, revolving around the idea that technology drives the Future of Work. And we  wouldn’t necessarily disagree with that; technology is a critical piece. And for some aspects and attributes of the Future of Work, technology and innovation are the nexus of those areas.

Technology is a Future of Work Centerpiece

Talent and the growth of the extended workforce represent the first leg of the stool with such things as diversity and candidate experience, but also digital staffing, direct sourcing, online talent marketplaces, and core workforce management solutions (such as MSPs and VMS platforms) These technologies are helping us to redefine the way we think about work. We’re living in a world where even though we don’t want to hear the word “pandemic” anymore, the pandemic really did shape what we think about the Future of Work.

It’s really critical to think about aspects like remote work and the technologies that support a hybrid workplace and how we leverage digital workspaces, digitization, and the idea of the digital enterprise, all rolling up into this notion of digital transformation. New technology and innovation are not the totality of the Future of Work, but certainly a centerpiece of it. And when we look at the transformation of business leadership, we often juxtapose this with business transformation or business leadership transformation, as well. It is leadership that dictates strategy, it dictates vision, and it dictates culture. And by proxy, we transform the way business leadership manages itself, manages its workforce, and how it expands its power and control over the organization.

Thus, the transparent transformation of business leadership is really critical, and honestly has nothing to do with technology. It all revolves around aspects like conscious leadership, empathetic leadership, empathy at work, and flexibility — thinking about how we lead in very new and different ways. It’s turning on its head the idea that “the boss” is always this very strict person who’s known for rigidity in how he or she perceives and manages the workforce. Business leaders are transitioning to be more flexible in their thinking. When you combine all these aspects together, that’s the future of work and the view of the Future of Work Exchange and Ardent Partners as well.

Ever-Present Future of Work

Thus, the “Future of Work” phrase is ever-present. It’s everywhere. Back when our FOWX architect, Christopher J. Dwyer, started using this phrase in 2013/2014, there weren’t many others using it. Today, we see so many conferences named “The Future of Work” as well as many websites and research studies. But unlike a lot of phrases that are hot today, it’s anything but hype. It really is this idea of permanence. Much of the change that we’ve gone through as people, as leaders, as workers, and as businesses, it’s not hype…nor is it a fad. The Future of Work is permanence. It’s not going to fade from view.

Future of Work “accelerants” that were once seedlings to the world of work and talent are now table stakes. Remote work, for example, is not new. Many of us have been working in a remote or hybrid workplace for most of our careers. And there are many others who have done so, as well. But for some business leaders and workers, it’s a very new aspect of their daily work lives.

The “Future of Work” phrase is ubiquitous. It’s an omnipresent way of looking at the current and future state of work. We are now focused on how we can improve the way we get work done, the way we manage talent, the way we engage talent, and the way that we treat our workforce. But we’re also thinking about tomorrow and the ways we’re going to get work done depending on several factors, including the economy, politics, global markets, and other aspects that could change the business arena.

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The Future of Work is not Static, So Where Is It Heading?

The latest episode of the Future of Work Exchange Podcast (listen here) discussed how the Future of Work movement is and will never be “static.” In essence, the continued evolution of talent acquisition, the unrelenting pace of new innovations and technology, and the complete transformation of business leadership will always be moving forward in some sense, especially considering the breakneck pace of the economic, political, and social aspects of the corporate arena.

Sometimes leaders will ask the question, “What IS the Future of Work, really?” However, the question we should all be asking ourselves at this very moment is “Where will the world of talent and work go in the months and years ahead?”

To this end, the Future of Work Exchange is excited to host an exclusive event tomorrow (Thursday, October 6 at 1pm ET) focused on the five things that every leader must know about the Future of Work. I’ll be joined by Ardent Partners’ Chief Research Officer, Andrew Bartolini, as we discuss what’s ahead for the extended workforce, the technology that supports strategies such as direct sourcing and remote work, the impact of non-tech attributes like conscious leadership, and so much more. Register below…and I hope to see you there tomorrow!

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Upwork’s Work Without Limits: Grand Redesign with Tim Sanders

Upwork, a global talent and work platform, recently held its Work Without Limits summit as an in-person and streaming event in Chicago. The main stage was filled with customer and enterprise presenters, including Upwork’s Tim Sanders, vice president of client strategy, who discussed the grand redesign opportunity and what the breakdown of the old rules of work means for companies today. (Check out the Future of Work Exchange‘s coverage of the event.)

Defining Grand Redesign

Sanders began his session with a fascinating story about the rise of Shantanu Narayen to CEO of Adobe Inc. in 2007. Adobe was a behemoth software company known for its innovative products like Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat, and many others. In the industry, it was second only to its rival Microsoft.

However, in 2007, the company experienced the ramifications of software piracy, losing $1 billion. A year later, the Great Recession took its toll on the company’s flagship Adobe Creative Suite product offering. At a $1,800 price point, companies closed their wallets and revenue declined 20% within the first eight weeks of the recession.

What was Adobe’s response? Mark Garrett, Adobe’s chief financial officer in 2008, recognized the potential of cloud-based subscription models. Thus, the company embarked on its grand redesign, transforming from a physical product-oriented company to a 100% digital, cloud-based subscription service. In 2012, Adobe released Creative Cloud to the world with an entry-level price point of less than $60 compared to $1,800.

Sanders noted that Adobe’s grand redesign was one of the biggest turnarounds in corporate history, growing its market cap from $15 billion in 2012 to more than $200 billion today. Knowing not to rest and accept the status quo, especially during a recession, the company leveraged the opportunity to combine desktop, mobile, and services into a single customer package — shutting the door to the competition.

Our Present Grand Redesign Opportunity

This brings us to today. Sanders explains that companies are experiencing another period of great disruption — the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts. Now is the time to move beyond the status quo and redesign the workplace. He says there are six workplace design options on the table.

  1. Remote first. Companies that choose this design option fully embrace remote work and use it strategically as part of their operational and talent acquisition models.
  2. Remote-friendly. More organizations are choosing a remote-friendly design that embraces a distributed workforce for certain roles, talents, and situations. It is not a complete remote first transition, but companies are willing to consider it as a possible default. Sanders says that if companies are not remote first, they must accept remote-friendly to be competitive.
  3. Remote for now. This has been the workplace design model for many companies since the beginning of the pandemic. However, this model will disappear as companies commit to a long-term design strategy.
  4. Hybrid by role. Essentially, certain roles (e.g., doctors, nurses, warehouse workers, etc.) must be in-person due to the work type. Other roles can be accomplished remotely.
  5. Hybrid-by-day mix. In many ways, this is simply a compromise for those who want to be remote. It allows remote work for two to three days per week. The drawbacks? There are no savings on real estate costs and there’s a reliance on local talent.
  6. Onsite first. Everyone is required to work on-site with few to no remote work options. For retail organizations, Sanders questions whether it’s necessary for marketing or back-office technology employees to work on-site. There are remote work opportunities that could be leveraged.
Tim Sanders, VP of Client Strategy at Upwork, discusses “The Grand Redesign.” (Photo credit: Upwork)

Identify Your Model to Rewire Your Organization for Remote-First

Which workplace design model represents your company? Answer that question first, says Sanders, then pose three additional questions.

  1. Are you satisfied with the talent in your local markets to make you competitive to achieve digital transformation and stand-up artificial intelligence? Are you ready? Are your local markets really that strong?

And as a follow-up question, are there any remote-first companies running recruitment ads in your market? If so, that’s going to change the picture even if you think you’re comfortable with the strength of your local market.

  1. Have your leaders figured out managing based on outcomes or are they still stuck in the past of AAA management — attendance, attitude, and aptitude?

If your leaders have learned how to manage based on outcomes, then they’re completely equipped to manage without seeing people physically every day in the office.

  1. Have you invested in tools and training for people to learn how to collaborate and culture-build at a distance?

Culture is not about your office. Instead, culture is a conversation led by leaders about how we do things here. It’s about storytelling and how we succeeded in the past. If you want to build a better culture, focus on cadence, not location.

Sanders says these are the questions to ask yourself. The good news? As you embrace remote-first (or at the very least, remote-friendly) workplace design, you are going to rewire the organization.

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The Business World of 2019 is Extinct

I’m sure many of the Future of Work Exchange’s readers remember the fantastic television series LOST. Sure, it floundered for a bit during the middle seasons, but in the long run, it was one of the most memorable TV shows of the past 20 years.

In the infamous Season Three finale, the directors of the show tossed in a “rattlesnake in the mailbox” twist ending: the famous flashbacks that were routine during every episode were, in fact, during this season finale, flashforwards to moments several members of the cast were off the island and back home. Remember when Jack met Kate in a dark parking lot and screamed, “We have to go back!”?

Well, that’s what it sounds like every time a business leader, writer, pundit, etc. insists that pandemic-era organizational attributes are either going to fade or lose their steam in the months ahead. There was the “very bad take” on remote work from Malcolm Gladwell last week. CNN recently featured a piece from SHRM CEO Johnny C. Taylor, Jr. that featured a take on why remote work will dissipate:

Though seen as a necessity during the pandemic, some business leaders doubt the current level of remote work is sustainable. And they’re right. A fully virtual workplace misses some of the key drivers for performance, productivity and growth, which are top of mind right now for businesses facing the prospect of a potential recession. Understandably, they want workers back in the office because they’re preparing for an ultra-competitive environment, which calls for maximizing efficiency. Fully remote work doesn’t cultivate the level of interpersonal relationships that business leaders see as vital to workplace synergy, collaboration and innovation. It can’t replicate the rich, robust, direct two-way, in-person communication that is critical to complex and creative work.

When companies are responding to market shifts and economic stresses, new ideas, problem solving and brainstorming all become essential. And brainstorming sessions are much easier to conduct in person, where workers can hash out their ideas on collaboration boards in conference rooms or shared workspaces. Remote workers, meanwhile, are more prone to distractions at home that can inhibit their concentration and participation.

Taylor, like many others, speaks from a pro-business perspective. And…that’s okay. It really is. This is a discerning time for the corporate world: still in the throes of a pandemic, inflation still rampant, and the specter of recession lingering overhead. Some businesses have already ignited layoffs in fear of the recession’s impact. Others have tightened budgets and have begun forecasting what their revenue, finances, and expenses will look like in the months to come if a recession truly hits. So, it’s no wonder that many executives point to the coming months as some sort of gateway to the past, particularly those fond days before a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic brought unrivaled havoc to the world at large.

It’s become a common refrain for professionals to say the phrase “getting back to normal” when it comes to the way businesses operate. However, as we’ve learned time and time again, we’re not going back. Never. While many executive leaders have realized that the transformative shifts we’ve experienced are permanent, there are unfortunately many others who have not. One aspect that Taylor, Jr. evokes in his piece for CNN revolves around the concept of flexibility: “The flexibility we embraced during the pandemic should go both ways. Workers will need to bend a bit, especially when the viability of the workplace is in jeopardy.”

The viability of the workplace is not in jeopardy. The workforce itself is in jeopardy. We can all agree that The Great Resignation wasn’t going to last forever, however the millions of quits happening so frequently (even if they slow during these late summer weeks) prove that workers will never go back to a business arena that lacked remote work, better working conditions, and access to the flexibility that has allowed them to balance their work-life integration in such a way that both their personal and professional lives are purposeful.

The great war for talent will still rage on no matter the economic conditions of our business world. In 2019, remote work was a piece of corporate life. In 2022, it’s a permanent and foundational fixture. When we hear someone say “we have to go back!” in regards to dining at restaurants or attending concerts, yes, by all means, it would be great to get to that point as COVID becomes endemic. However, when we hear that same phrase in regards to business life, it’s an unfortunate desire to go back to a world that no longer exists (for many good reasons).

No, we don’t have to go back. We need to keep progressing forward. It’s the Future of Work, after all.

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Why Are We So Focused on the Future of Work?

Forget for a minute that the Future of Work Exchange exists. Forget, just for the next several minutes, that you might be a regular reader of content related to the Future of Work movement. Let’s step back for a minute and answer a question: why are we so focused on the Future of Work?

The “future” means the months and years ahead, right? So, why do we insist that the Future of Work is so critical right now? Futurists often regularly discuss what is up ahead and which trends may affect business operations given the current trajectory of the economy, the labor market, global issues, etc.

The major difference between discussing the “typical” future and conversing about the Future of Work is this: the world of work and talent is in a current state of perpetual transformation. Predicting who will win the next Super Bowl comes down to analytics, the prevalence of injuries, and a handful of outliers (such as above-average seasons from under-the-radar players). We can typically narrow down the winners to several teams (but, unfortunately, never come quite as close as predicting the winner, or else there would be many, many more millionaire football fans).

Predicting what will happen next in a business world that has been through incredible change over a two-plus year period? Not so easy.

The coronavirus itself is a gigantic outlier. New variants emerge regularly and will cause disruption no matter how global governments respond. Business leaders cannot anticipate how the labor market will continue to change given the continued ramifications of the Talent Revolution (aka The Great Resignation).

We’re so focused, right now, on the Future of Work because our “future” isn’t months or years away…it could be tomorrow or next week. We, as both people and professionals, have never before experienced such disruption, change, and transformation as we have over the past 25+ months.

Remember when we were talking about “returning to normal” way back in the summer of 2020? Do you remember when, towards the end of that tumultuous year, when executives began clamoring for workers to return to the office? Remember when the arrival of the Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J vaccines all gave us collective hope that 2021 would be the last year we’d have to contend with shifting goals for the pandemic?

We are collectively focused on our future state of work because there is so much at stake. We, as business leaders and business professionals, must work everyday to ensure that our enterprises are prepared for what happens next. Whether it’s an unforeseen event that will continue to affect the labor market, or economic progression that enables businesses to take more risks, or even a great next step towards “victory” against a seemingly-never-ending pandemic, executives and their workforce know their future is tomorrow.

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The Future of Work is More Than Flexibility

For the past eighteen months, we’ve heard one refrain more than most: “The Future of Work is flexibility.” While the underlying and foundational elements of the so-called “next normal” are indeed rooted in flexibility, we’re overlooking so much when limiting the Future of Work movement to a rise in agile and flexible talent, agile and flexible processes, and an agile and flexible business culture.

Let’s forget for a moment that the very concept of “remote work” has dominated nearly every business discussion over the past year-and-a-half; while Future of Work Exchange research finds that nearly 41% of workers are now operating in a remote or hybrid model (compared with 23% during pre-pandemic times), these conversations don’t change the fact that, moving forward, this will become (if it isn’t already) a standard way of working.

The deeper discussions around and within the Future of Work revolve around innovation, not just flexibility or agility. Flexibility itself is just one strategy to apply to how work gets done; innovation, on the other hand, is how work is optimized. The Future of Work revolves around the many slivers of innovation that help businesses: 1) tap into the skills they need in an on-demand fashion, 2) harness the power of new and emerging technology platforms, 3) transform the very way they think about business leadership and business development, and, 4) reimagine the very ways the workforce contributes to and addresses how work is done.

As such, the following outlets of innovation are truly what will drive the Future of Work into 2022 and beyond:

  • The “talent experience” is ushering in a new era of the modern-day worker and its ultimate impact on business. The main reason that we’re still facing “The Great Resignation”? It’s not just compensation (although that will always a focus for the workforce). Workers now demand several attributes for their next gig, including a positive workplace, an inclusive culture, clear career paths, chances to reskill and/or upskill, and potential leadership opportunities. This “Age of the Worker” is founded on employee engagement, the talent experience (which encompasses both FTEs and non-employees), personal alignment with a potential company’s brand, and the proper work-life balance.
  • The complete transformation of business leadership. The most unheralded aspect of the Future of Work has always been how business executives have been slowly reimagining the ways they manage their people, processes, and technology. The “process” and “technology” pieces are in a consistent state of flux; enterprise executives are continuing to pontificate the relationship between the two and how next-generation automation (particularly artificial intelligence, bots, RPA, etc.) can reboot the tactical and transaction-based facets of the greater businesses. The greatest evolution, however, has been happening over the past year-plus: integrating empathy and wellbeing into core leadership values and strategies. Empathy, as stated here on FOWX previously, is the only way forward for today’s business leaders.
  • Reimagining the expansive role of the total workforce. Flexibility is often rooted within the “extended workforce,” which is another phrase for defining the growing impact of agile talent and contingent labor. However, it’s the power driven by the total workforce and the management structures behind this that will spark the next great work optimization strategies. Businesses require total talent intelligence that will give hiring managers and other executives the necessary viewpoints into 1) current skills across the organization, 2) how these skills are linked to critical projects and initiatives, 3) how the organization leverages predictive workforce analytics to forecasting future skills gaps, and, 4) how other business units (particularly product development, sales, IT, etc.) should comprise the makeup of skills within their unique teams.
  • Business imperatives reflecting the fluidity of societal, economic, and labor market trends. Make no mistake: the contemporary enterprise must be laser-focused on driving better and desirable business outcomes. However, the line between “business” and “human” continues to blur, its ramifications cascading into the very fabric of organizational operations. Business leaders must be in tune with the societal focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion by baking it into talent engagement, talent management, and workforce planning. Economic factors should be included in workforce and financial forecasting. And, labor market trends should be a guiding light towards how businesses should engage new candidates and how they reimagine traditional means of workforce management. The Future of Work dictates that businesses take into account both internal and external forces in how they ultimately get work done.

Make no mistake about it: the Future of Work and flexibility will be forever linked, especially as we crawl our way out of the most uncertain period of both our personal and professional lives. However, when we get to the very core of the Future of Work movement, innovation must be its nexus for businesses to truly optimize how work is done.

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