

“Being Thankful” Means Something Different This Year

We hear the phrase so many times at this point in the year, with Thanksgiving only a couple of days away: “I’m thankful for [something, someone, etc.].” We all have specific things in our lives that we are thankful for: our families, our friends, our loved ones. This year is no different: entering Year Four of a disruptive pandemic, that, while no longer in its “emergency phase,” still causes concern, we are all certainly thankful for our health and the wellbeing of those in our families, our social networks, and within our network of peers and colleagues.

In 2022, however, being thankful means something different…or, at least, should mean something different.

It’s sometimes incredibly difficult to separate “work” from “personal” life, with so many of us experiencing our career paths intertwining with the everyday routines at home. However, there is an aura to our lives today that is not only different from just a few years ago, but significantly different than it has been in decades.

We’re living in a new world of work, and, the keyword there (“living”) means that work in and of itself isn’t just a place we go for eight hours a day, but rather something that defines us as people. At the core, we are humans. And, many of us express ourselves in terms of the work we do and the skills that we have attained.

While it isn’t always healthy, there are many, many professionals that entwine their careers and personal lives in such a way that there is sometimes a vast difficulty in separating the two. This, however, is the nature of how we work today. We are always “on.” We are very frequently consumed by the content in our fields, craving information, news, and insights through social networks and communication with those within our industries.

Thus, this year, “being thankful” takes on a much different meaning, one that revolves around the concept of flexibility and the notion that we are living in a world of innovation and evolution.

Let’s be thankful that we have firmly moved into an era when remote work and hybrid workplaces are an accepted and widely-adopted means of getting work done. Let’s be thankful for those business leaders that have cultivated flexible workplace environments that rely on remote work as a viable option for their workforce.

Let’s be thankful that worker empowerment is perhaps the strongest it has ever been, with The Great Resignation giving us so much more than unhappy professionals by providing workers with the strength to stand up for themselves and each other for better working conditions, more flexibility in the workplace, and so much more.

Let’s be thankful for those business leaders preaching and practicing the art of conscious leadership. Let’s be thankful for executives and managers that lead with empathy, compassion, and understanding. Let’s be thankful to leaders that show appreciation and mentor those that they manage and work with on a daily basis.

Let’s be thankful for the folks across the workforce spectrum that are actively promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, who are striving for a more diverse workforce, more diverse talent communities, and diversity-centric hiring and talent acquisition. Let’s be thankful to those business leaders that have created and will continue to create truly inclusive workplace environments and do what they can to develop a vibrant workplace culture that reflects positive values. And let’s be thankful for those business professionals that consistently support, lobby for, and devote time and resources to equal pay initiatives, deeper collaboration, and vibrant discussions regarding DE&I.

Let’s be thankful for the technology that has helped us transform the ways we leverage talent, engage workers, and ultimately get work done. Let’s be thankful for the solution providers that consistently innovate and provide enterprises with agile automation, next-generation analytics, workforce intelligence, and progressive functionality. Let’s be thankful for the platforms that have pushed direct sourcing into new and exciting territory, and let’s be thankful for the providers that are actively embracing the Future of Work movement.

And, finally, let’s be thankful for those that think outside of the box and desire to push the envelope. Let’s be thankful for those that helped transform the ways we work. Let’s be thankful for those individuals that regard “work” as needing to be more human-centric. And let’s be thankful for everyone that believes that the Future of Work movement is how we move forward into the next great era of business history.

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Candidate-Centricity Should Be the Nexus of 2023 Hiring

Sometimes it can be incredibly taxing on our minds to configure the many, many ways the Future of Work influences the way we live, the way we work, and the ways those two intersect. From new technology and innovative platforms to conscious leadership and overall business transformation, the very notion of the “future of how we work” involves so many intricacies that it can make our collective heads spin.

However, in a vacuum, we have to look at the future (and, in this case, the very near future) and configure specific aspects of corporate operations in such a way that they align with the external forces now driving success…or failure.

Talent has become the top competitive differentiator in a market that is increasingly globalized, unpredictable, and disruptive. Businesses that source the best talent, utilize that talent to get work done effectively, and retain that talent are always going to be the ones that thrive in a business arena that is evolving at a breakneck clip.

We’ve witnessed (and, more importantly, experienced) the highs and lows of talent engagement, hiring, and talent acquisition over the past two-plus years: pandemic-led layoffs, the rise of workforce agility, The Great Resignation, The Great Resettling, quiet quitting, quiet firing, and worker empowerment. It’s surely been a roller-coaster for talent acquisition execs, hiring managers, HR leaders, and other executives that hold some responsibility for workforce management within the typical organization.

At the end of the day, however, all of these talent-led transformations lead to one conclusion that should form the foundation of talent acquisition strategies in 2023: a candidate-centric model is the best path forward, considering the risks of an economic recession, continued global disruptions from war and supply chain issues, and, critically, the ramifications of the “talent revolution” that businesses have experienced since March 2020.

There are many reasons why running a candidate-centric hiring model makes sense in the year ahead:

  • Workers are done with being overpowered by their managers and employers when it comes to poor working conditions and a lack of appreciation.
  • Talented professionals have undergone a mental transformation during pandemic times that have forced them to reevaluate the impact of “work” and “career paths” on their personal lives as humans, leading to a desire for more purposeful work.
  • Workers desire true flexibility, not just a free weekly lunch or a ping-pong table in the break room. The flexibility for personal care, child care, elder care, etc. is all-important in today’s workforce; professionals crave the ability to attend their children’s’ events or harness the real power of remote and hybrid work to ensure that they have a proper work-life integration.
  • Candidates have more choices than ever before, regardless of the state of today’s economy. Businesses must stand out from the pack and offer a truly emotionally-engaging experience for their potential workers that leaves a real impression; will candidates gain a sense of trust, as well as an understanding of workplace and corporate culture?
  • Building on the above attribute, candidates desire a seamless and frictionless experience when applying for a job, negotiating terms, and following through the onboarding process. These may seem like more tactical aspects than strategic, but they go a long way towards developing a positive candidate experience for potential workers.
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) is one of the most crucial elements of workforce management today. As frequently stated on the Future of Work Exchange Podcast, “A diverse talent pool is the deepest talent pool.” Candidates want to know that they will be part of a diverse workforce that also includes a truly inclusive workplace culture.

There’s more to developing a talent-oriented hiring strategy than just being committed to the candidate; enterprises must look to the aspects above and understand that, in a volatile labor market, they need to do so much more than they have ever done before to attract the best-fit, top-tier talent, skillsets, and expertise. The candidate experience is paramount and candidate-centricity hiring models are essential to thriving in 2023.

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Contribute to the Most Definitive Future of Work Research in the Industry

Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange are excited to announce the launch of its annual Future of Work research survey. This comprehensive, online survey will fuel the Exchange’s research calendar for 2023 and aims to tackle progressive topics, such as:

  • The impact of innovation and new technology on work optimization, particularly the applications of artificial intelligence, blockchain, machine learning, chatbots, and digital wallets on the realm of talent engagement and talent acquisition.
  • The growth of the extended workforce and how businesses can harness the power of the contingent workforce to thrive during challenging times. (Ardent Partners and FOWX plan to publish several exciting new reports on Best-in-Class contingent workforce/extended workforce management programs, including deep-dive insights into the required capabilities, competencies, and strategies for maximizing the value of this talent.)
  • The evolution of talent acquisition, including how businesses can revolutionize the candidate experience while also enhancing the hiring manager experience through new technology, omni-channel talent engagement strategies, and advanced total talent intelligence.
  • How remote and hybrid work models will impact business operations and the total workforce in 2023.
  • The reality of total talent management and how organizations are getting closer to successfully implementing these programs.
  • The transformation of business leadership, including how today’s executives are weaving in conscious leadership styles, empathy-led directives, and enhanced worker appreciation into their greater management strategies.
  • How direct sourcing programs will evolve in the year ahead to include “Direct Sourcing 2.0” capabilities, such as digital recruitment, deeper marketing input, reflection of workplace culture and company brand, chatbots and AI, and more, and;
  • The necessary competencies that must be included in all diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) programs in 2023 and beyond.

Click here to participate in the new Future of Work Exchange research survey. If you are an executive leader that works in the HR, procurement, finance, talent acquisition, or IT function of your organization, or if you’re a Chief People Officer, this survey has been designed to capture your specific experiences in addressing how work and talent are managed at your enterprise. As a thank you for participating in this crucial research effort, all research study participants will receive access to all of the Future of Work Exchange’s market research studies in 2023.

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On-Demand Webinar: The Five Things You Must Know About the Future of Work

Last week, Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange hosted an exclusive webcast, The Five Things You MUST KNOW About the Future of Work. During the event, we discussed how the Exchange defines the Future of Work movement, the innerworkings of work optimization, the technology-fueled and non-technological attributes of the Future of Work, and so much more. If you happened to miss the event, we’ve got you covered. Check out The Five Things You MUST KNOW About the Future of Work on-demand webinar below, and stay tuned for details about our next exclusive event.

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The Future of Work is not Static, So Where Is It Heading?

The latest episode of the Future of Work Exchange Podcast (listen here) discussed how the Future of Work movement is and will never be “static.” In essence, the continued evolution of talent acquisition, the unrelenting pace of new innovations and technology, and the complete transformation of business leadership will always be moving forward in some sense, especially considering the breakneck pace of the economic, political, and social aspects of the corporate arena.

Sometimes leaders will ask the question, “What IS the Future of Work, really?” However, the question we should all be asking ourselves at this very moment is “Where will the world of talent and work go in the months and years ahead?”

To this end, the Future of Work Exchange is excited to host an exclusive event tomorrow (Thursday, October 6 at 1pm ET) focused on the five things that every leader must know about the Future of Work. I’ll be joined by Ardent Partners’ Chief Research Officer, Andrew Bartolini, as we discuss what’s ahead for the extended workforce, the technology that supports strategies such as direct sourcing and remote work, the impact of non-tech attributes like DE&I and conscious leadership, and so much more. Register below…and I hope to see you there tomorrow!

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The Five Things You MUST KNOW About the Future of Work

The Future of Work means different things to different people. Depending on function, geography, role, etc., some business leaders may prioritize something like digital transformation as a core Future of Work facet, while others will point to non-technological attributes such as DE&I and conscious leadership as the true hallmarks of the Future of Work movement.

No matter the position within the great organization, the truth is that the Future of Work continues to expand in size, scope, and impact, with each of its “accelerants” and “arms” transforming the many ways businesses get work done.

For today’s procurement, HR, and talent acquisition executives, the world of talent and work remains a core priority. As global issues such as inflation, the specter of a recession, and a continuous war for talent continue to impact businesses, it is critical for enterprise leaders to understand the strategies, solutions, and technologies that can revolutionize the ways that work can be optimized.

Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange are excited to host a complimentary webinar, The Five Things You MUST KNOW About the Future of Work, on Thursday, October 6, at 1pm ET.

This webcast will cover the critical capabilities that enterprises can unlock to truly optimize the way they address talent acquisition, extended workforce management, and, most importantly, work optimization.

We will discuss the ways businesses can leverage the innovations and Future of Work accelerants required to not only survive these changing times…but also to also thrive as dynamic organizations in the face of consistent evolution.

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Key Providers for 2022: HiredScore

The Background:

Data is akin to gold in today’s evolving business arena. Nearly every enterprise function runs on intelligence to make smarter, more educated corporate decisions. Within the world of talent and work, the proper data can be a powerful tool in not only finding the best-fit, top-tier talent for open positions, roles, and projects, but also mitigating compliance risks, eliminating hiring bias, and fueling recruitment strategies as the business world continues to change in the face of Future of Work-era innovations and accelerants.

Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research finds that 62% of enterprises plan to harness artificial intelligence to support diverse hiring initiatives within the next 16 months, while another 67% anticipate leveraging AI and next-generation analytics to fuel “predictive recruitment” (via hiring-focused scenario-building).

Enter HiredScore.

Why They Were Selected:

The Future of Work Exchange is quite bullish on the application of artificial intelligence in the world of HR and workforce management technology. For companies to truly thrive in a business arena that demands dynamic responses to real-time challenges, they must have the capabilities to effectively execute smarter hiring decisions that also reflect rigor across attributes such as DE&I.

HiredScore represents the next generation of recruiting and talent acquisition technology with its stout AI-fueled functionality, commitment to diversity and inclusion, and robust automation to help HR and extended workforce functions transform the way they engage and source talent. With is unique “Talent Orchestration” suite of products, HiredScore’s wide range of HR, staffing, and talent acquisition automation is a powerful representation of the impact and value of AI in a Future of Work-led world.

In Their Own Words:

HiredScore is the leading provider of Talent Orchestration technology. HiredScore’s artificial intelligence, automation, and deep integrations empower the largest and most innovative companies in the world to safely and transparently drive critical business outcomes in recruitment productivity, diversity hiring, internal mobility, and total talent management HiredScore’s proprietary technology provides compliant-by-design, customized-by-client AI that seamlessly connects to data and systems to power the shift to proactive and fair HR decisions. HiredScore is live in 150 countries and available in 70 languages. Learn more at

The Outlook:

The emergence of artificial intelligence is nothing new to those that follow the Future of Work movement. What is new, however, are the fresh takes on how AI can drive value within HR, talent acquisition, and extended workforce management initiatives. Businesses require real-time, actionable, and deep intelligence regarding candidates and talent; the HiredScore solution is an innovative platform that can leverage formidable functionality to drive ethical recruitment, compliance and risk mitigation, DE&I enhancement, and pure HR transformation.

With its unique “Talent Orchestration” platform, HiredScore is a true Future of Work solution that will continue to revolutionize the way businesses leverage intelligence to optimize the ways they hire.

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The Many Extensions of the Future of Work

The Future of Work Exchange podcast features coverage of industry news, software developments, Future of Work happenings, and, most importantly, conversations with industry thought leaders.

The Season Seven premiere of the Future of Work Exchange Podcast, sponsored by Beeline, featured in-depth, Future of Work-oriented discussion with Jen Torney, VP of Client Engagement at Talent Solutions TAPFIN, and Brian Hoffmeyer, SVP of Market Strategies at Beeline (click to listen to the full interview).

Today’s article recaps a piece of the podcast discussion focused on several key Future of Work-focused topics. [Note that this excerpt has been edited for readability.]

Christopher Dwyer: We’re going to close things out with what I call the “Future of Work lighting round.” Let’s start with remote work.

Brian Hoffmeyer: Remote work is here to stay. We’re talking to our clients considerably about it and doing several workshops with them about the best way to handle it from a contingent workforce perspective. Because it’s not as easy as saying, “I want to hire from low-cost areas.” What does that really mean? What are the tax implications of doing that? There’s a different tax rate and a lot of complexity behind the scenes to work out. I’m still seeing companies make pretty arbitrary decisions about remote work, saying you have to come in on Tuesdays and Thursdays — when that doesn’t make sense. Companies need to be very purposeful in making these decisions as they go through the process.

Jen Torney: Yes to all of that. I would say this is so much bigger of a conversation than whether or not you’re going back into the office. We’re encouraging organizations to really look at their true workforce plan and strategy. Because this changes everything. It changes how you can hire, where you can hire, and at what cost. It becomes a much bigger holistic conversation around the opportunity to completely rebuild organizations. There is a lot of hybrid work, but it’s very arbitrary in approach. Now that I’ve been back to traveling at a pre-pandemic level, in-person makes a difference. It really does. But I’m not sure that clocking in at eight and leaving at five to fight traffic and get home is really going to be a part of our culture anymore — except when there’s a requirement. There are several smart ways to get work done, and that eight-to-five model doesn’t need to be the model to do that.

CD: Up next: direct sourcing.

JT: Direct sourcing is smart sourcing. We think direct sourcing is blowing up. It is definitely a new layer of workforce strategy. I don’t think this is going to replace traditional staffing, but it has its place in niche areas within our workforce. I’m certainly excited to see how this proliferates in the organizations that we’re working with. The smart sourcing aspect of layering and upskilling is going to be the future.

BH: Just do it. Just do it. I think too many companies are taking too long and overcomplicating things. Pick an area, pick a geography, pick a skillset, and get the right providers together and start somewhere.

CD: Off to the next one: purposeful work.

BH: I love this. We’re in this position in our industry to help people find meaningful employment and to get them the skills they need to improve their lives. That’s the ultimate purpose that I see in what we’re doing. I want to continue to see companies not treat contractors as less than and make them part of the workforce. Yes, there are rules you have to follow, but include them in D&I initiatives and company events.

JT: One of the things we’ve realized as a global society over the course of the pandemic is that it’s critical to be part of something, to feel that you are contributing value, and to be able to show up as your best self. Purposeful work is so important to the younger generations, especially those coming up into the workforce. So, figuring out ways as employers to build that into your culture so that you’re creating an environment for the future leaders to feel it is the right place for them from an employment experience.

CD: Let’s roll into conscious leadership.

JT: Yes, it kind of dovetails. All this focus on D&I has been so amazing because of the evolution of how we’re approaching these conversations around belonging and inclusion and truly showing up as your whole self. It allows for more creative outputs, better collaboration with your team members, and better energy all around. But again, we are shifting and changing how we approach non-employee labor.

I was just with a client last week talking with its DE&I team. Throughout its history, it was focused on the FTE. But going forward, they’re really trying to move the needle on the entire culture of inclusiveness within their organization. The client has 40% contingent labor, and we’re trying to figure out ways to untangle the risk associated with supporting those goals within their contingent labor population, which is unfortunate that we must think that way. However, I think we are breaking down barriers every day in this industry trying to get to a place where we can truly forward the momentum of DE&I for contingent labor, and truly inclusive and conscious leadership for organizations at that stage.

BH: Jen mentioned letting people be their true selves at work and I think that’s incredibly important. Because that’s going to make them feel included and allow them to bring up ideas that give them the space to fail. As leaders, we must do the same thing — show our own vulnerabilities and give people that space. The blending of work and life is going to continue to happen. And that to me is a good thing. Because you don’t want people to be fake, you want them to be who they truly are. While it seems obvious, the world didn’t use to be that way. The more those separate work and home personalities go away, the better.

CD: Crystal ball for the second half of the year into 2023?

BH: With respect to our industry, you’re going to continue to see an emphasis on the worker themselves and giving the worker good experiences because so many people want to work in this way. You know, permanent employment isn’t really a thing. Even if you take a so-called “permanent job,” your tenure is 18 months on average…or even less now. We’re focused on several things around that to make sure the worker can continue to advance their career in the ways they want to. You’re going to see a lot more of that.

JT: With obvious recession concerns, we’re going to continue to see organizations be more cautious. It’s about hiring and making very intentional decisions to get in front of that. There will probably be a curb in the aggressive hiring that we’ve been seeing over the course of this year. And then absolute radical growth in our travel MSP clients. Travel is returning to pre-pandemic levels and certainly out pacing their expectations. There will be some growth there despite the recessionary concerns.

A recession is an economic trend and part of the cycle. It’s going to happen, it’s just a matter of when. This recessionary period will be a bit more interesting for our business because there will be some contraction but also some expansion in certain categories as well.

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The Link Between Diversity and Direct Sourcing

Today, diversity is no longer a “check-a-box” factor for many enterprises around the world; rather, it has become a cultural movement within business that emphasizes the depth of talent pools, talent communities, and talent networks without bias or barriers. The truth regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) is that direct sourcing programs (and extended workforce/contingent workforce programs) that are diverse tend to be more successful. If businesses can embed a spirit of inclusion within their direct sourcing processes and act in accordance with this mindset, they can broaden the existing talent landscape and improve upon it with new ideas and opportunity.

And, while established diversity programs previously existed in many enterprises, the events and civil unrest of the past two years have driven many businesses to develop and communicate more purpose-driven goals which are linked to societal, economic, technological, and sustainable shifts. To achieve these goals, a large number of businesses are trying to harness the power of a diverse workforce.

The Future of Work Exchange has long progressed the notion of “Direct Sourcing 2.0,” in which traditional direct sourcing phases and operations are “supercharged” to transform this strategy into a repeatable and scalable (not to mention more digitized) series of processes that can drive true talent sustainability:

As the overall labor market evolves in the wake of rising worker resignations, smart businesses will prioritize the need for deeper assessment and validation of skillsets and place a greater emphasis on the candidate and hiring manager experience. The starting point for most will be to build on their existing direct sourcing capabilities and work to develop Direct Sourcing 2.0 capabilities.

Simply put: much like the greater Future of Work movement, there is so much more to this than just automation and technology. Direct Sourcing 2.0 isn’t just a scalable strategy that is driven by next-generation software, but a program that relies on both technology and humanity to be successful in the face of an evolving labor market.

Layering DE&I into direct sourcing is about changing behaviors and removing hiring barriers and unconscious bias from talent engagement and talent acquisition. Utilizing technology to help guide and enforce a new mindset can be extremely valuable and create awareness that the deepest talent pools are diverse talent pools. Using direct sourcing to hire diverse talent gives HR teams a direct ability to link purpose with DE&I efforts. For example, businesses can opt to tap into professional networks that were already designed for diverse workers from various backgrounds, cultures, and genders and link these to talent curation efforts. Direct sourcing initiatives can also benefit from “diversity automation” that is enabled from direct sourcing platforms that have partnerships and integrations with diverse job boards and networks. They can also offer anonymizing functionality that can hide specific information about different candidates.

Diversity, as stated above, is more than just an objective; it is a facet of the new world of work that sparks new ideas, catalyzes innovation, and enables a business with the necessary skillsets and expertise to thrive in changing times. Direct sourcing, then, can be an effective gateway in developing a more diverse workforce.

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The “Heart” of Workplace Culture

Earlier this year, the Future of Work Exchange featured a piece that discussed why the Future of Work movement required more humanity:

“This is where the “human element” enters the picture. Today’s business leaders don’t have to wrap every one of their approaches in a sheen of empathy, they just need to integrate more humanity into how they manage and structure their workforce, as well as how the overall enterprise gets work done. This transformative strategy towards leadership requires a bit of “reimagination” and a dedication to emotions and being purposeful with those emotions.”

Today’s business leaders have been bombarded with recommendations from both sides of the Future of Work coin, feeling they must improve their technology utilization and acumen and enhance they way they manage and lead. It’s the type of pressure that can be too much to bear, especially considering that 1) we’re still in the midst of a pandemic, 2) there’s a war raging on the other side of the world that is both a humanitarian and economic crisis, 3) supply chain disruptions are still the norm, and, of course, 4) a tight and competitive labor market is one giant staffing nightmare (hello, Great Resettling!).

But, the truth is this: no matter how much like it feels we’ve returned to “normal” in some aspects of our lives (back to concerts? Movies? Restaurants?), the business arena is one that will forever be altered by the many Future of Work accelerants that transformed it over the past near-26 months. And it cannot be said loudly enough: the workplace itself has changed and must continue to change in the months ahead.

There’s a “heart” in the center of every organization, one that beats in tune with the way the enterprise treats its workforce, partners, suppliers, and customers. A once-in-a-lifetime pandemic forced us, as people, to give more heart to ourselves and each other. We’ve seen this in parallel with many businesses around the world…but there are too many out there that haven’t bought into this concept. The Future of Work, in 2022, is about empathy. It’s about emotional intelligence. It’s about the humanity within ourselves, our leadership, and our workforce. It’s about the way we treat each other when things are great…and when things aren’t so great.

That beating heart at the center is reflected in workplace culture. It’s reinforced by the way leaders allow staff the flexibility they need to get work done and be normal, functioning humans, parents, caregivers. We’ve talked about conscious leadership, empathy-led leadership, and other non-technological shifts that have welcomed the Future of Work into businesses across the world. The best workplace cultures are ones that prioritize enterprise values and support “beyond-perk” attributes for their staff, such as hybrid work models, true flexibility, and behaviors that reflect corporate, ethical, and social responsibility.

The heart of workplace culture must pump with purpose, fueling both leaders and workers alike with a sense of inclusion, diversity, and wellbeing. These non-technological attributes, when combined, form the foundation of a corporate culture that is appealing to new and existing workers, helping to redefine talent retention. And, critically, in a business arena in which approximately 43%-to-47% of talent operates remotely (according to Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research), the permeation of a positive and human workplace culture means that even staff that aren’t in the physical location will benefit from this major shift in business leadership and corporate transformation.

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