

In 2022, the Future of Work Must Be Driven By “Purpose”

The Future of Work means very different things to different executive leaders, workers, and business professionals. For some, it’s a focus on technology, innovation, and new forms of automation. For others, it’s about the strategic transformation of how the greater business operates. For those in HR, talent acquisition, or contingent workforce management, it’s an evolving focus on how talent is engaged, sourced, and onboarded. And, historically, the Future of Work simply translated into the achievement of better business outcomes via the utilization of new solutions and strategies.

In 2022, however, the Future of Work must be driven something that affects all levels of the enterprise and its workforce: purpose.

The “Talent Revolution,” which is what “The Great Resignation” is truly driven by, is a deeper representation of this statement. Workers are leaving their jobs because, in an age when work defines who we are as people, there should be some semblance of humanity, emotion, and, most critically, purpose behind what we do. The COVID-19 pandemic thrust all of us into a collective reawakening of sorts; when faced with consistent anxiety, stress, and trauma, workers became more human and began to integrate the emotional and professional sides of their personas.

Work attributes such as flexibility, remote and hybrid work, empathy (and empathy-driven leadership), pre- and mid-pandemic workplace safety standards, and an inclusive culture are crucial ideas for the modern-day worker. Too many business leaders are pushing the wrong agenda in regards to the so-called “Big Quit,” in that workers don’t want to work, don’t want to commute, and are only looking for higher compensation.

The truth is this: workers today want to work, but they want that work to have a purpose that aligns with their beliefs, their goals, their journeys, and their cultural personas. On the surface, it’s the ability to say “I love my job,” and, going much deeper, the ability to state, “This job fulfills my purpose.”

Tens of millions of workers left their positions in 2021, a record year for resignations. In the early days of the pandemic, many professionals were grateful to be working, to telecommute, and to continue providing for themselves and their families during uncertain times and the biggest health crisis of our lifetime. During the pandemic rollercoaster ride, many professionals began to understand what they wanted from their careers and their jobs, owing a newfound sense of purpose within the “how” and “why” of work.

Every business executive should be placing purpose in perspective in how they manage their staff, how they engage and acquire talent, how they lead and mentor their talent, how they operate the overall enterprise, and how they integrate technology and innovation into corporate processes and initiatives. Purpose is a multi-faceted concept that will drive the Future of Work in 2022; it is up to businesses to support and cultivate the symbiotic relationship between purpose-driven thinking and the way the organization addresses how work is done.

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The Four Things that Will Determine the Future of “The Great Resignation”

By now, you’ve heard the phrases. “The Big Quit.” “The Great Resignation.” “The Great Reassessment.” Around these parts, we’ve typically referred to the massive, massive numbers of workers voluntarily leaving their jobs as a “talent revolution” unlike anything businesses have ever experienced before. Calling this a “revolution” rather than attributing the volatile labor market solely to a continuously-raging pandemic is selling short so many aspects of what today’s workforce truly wants, needs, and, most importantly, deserves.

In December alone, 4.5 million workers resigned from their positions. In September of last year, it was 4.4 million. October and November’s stats were just as eye-opening. For nearly the past year, the Department of Labor has constantly been breaking its own records for the “highest number of resignations in a single month,” with May 2021 serving as the first solid month of The Great Resignation.

Halfway through the first month of 2022, the expectation is that January will topple those December 2021 figures, adding to an already-volatile labor market that is consistently disrupted by yet another coronavirus variant, uncertainty regarding vaccine mandates, and other market-shifting dynamics that are proving to turn 2022 into yet another transformational year for the world of talent and work.

While I’m a bigger fan of the phrase “talent revolution” in lieu of “The Great Resignation,” the facts don’t lie: tens of millions of workers have left their roles over the past nine months and there are too many reasons why to list out in a single article on the Future of Work Exchange. The focus should be on solving this, not merely talking about how disruptive it is (although this is certainly a gigantic pain to hiring managers, HR execs, and talent acquisition leaders that are absolutely struggling to fill positions, especially in certain industries).

That being said, here are three things that could determine the future of The Great Resignation:

  • The Omicron variant’s peak hitting rural America, the South, and pieces of both the Midwest and the West Coast. There are optimistic signs that Omicron is peaking in the Northeast (where I call home in Boston), New York, Washington D.C., etc. Many of the jobs quit over the past year have been in industries that have shouldered the brunt of the pandemic’s worst, whether it’s in retail, healthcare, hospitality, etc. These are positions that are not, unfortunately, prone to flexibility, safer worker conditions, and competitive compensation. The constant rollercoaster effect of the pandemic’s surges and waves have meant that workers cannot appropriately support remote learning when it was the only option, cannot work due to a lack of daycare, and are often forced into working conditions that aren’t equipped with the best PPE or vaccine and mask mandates. If Omicron is truly as mild as scientists indicate, and if this is the last stop on the road to endemicity, then the regions that aren’t peaking with Omicron will soon, and that could mean (given the speed at which this variant’s cases cause and respectively fall) that, by the spring months, the country will be in a much, much better place than it is now for public health and safety.
  • Business leaders finally realizing that aspects such as empathy, culture, and flexibility aren’t just “nice-to-have” elements. We’ve covered it here before on the Future of Work Exchange; some well-known business leaders touting their dismissal of remote and hybrid work, and only revealing that they have no clue that, of course, business culture evolves. Major labor market shifts (in pre-pandemic times) were because of economical and financial reasons; although huge increases in unemployment would certainly cause personal distress, the major difference over the past two years is that workers were faced with uncertainty, anxiety, and stress at both the professional and personal levels. Thus, workers require some level of emotional support as well as an optimistic, positive, and inclusive workplace culture. The “flexibility” problem is simple: bake remote and hybrid work into the very fabric of every position that can support it (and make these flexibility-driven changes permanent!).
  • Inflation becoming too much of a financial burden. The inflation problem is real. Everything from cars to diapers to produce are several percentage points more expensive now than there were just a couple of years ago. For some individuals, this may not be an issue, however, for many more, it’s incredibly disruptive. Many workers hit “pause” on their careers in the spirit of finding happiness, satisfaction, and prosperity. Those dreams are squashed very quickly when household necessities cost 5% or 10% more than they did a year or two ago. Look for more workers to find positions that may check several (but not all) of their ideal workplace boxes until the economy is less inflated than it is today.
  • Businesses that lead with innovative talent acquisition models, including direct sourcing and AI-driven talent analytics, will fare better than other organizations. Artificial intelligence-led decision-making. Hiring managers with access to vast data oceans. Automated referral campaigns and digital recruitment marketing. The power of “Direct Sourcing 2.0” strategies. These are all innovative approaches towards finding the best-fit candidates; as businesses begin to harness the power of advanced talent acquisition solutions, combined with the benefits of AI-fueled data and predictive analytics, they will create the ideal environment in which to find, engage, and source the best-fit talent when, where, and how it is needed most. Too, the value of the remote and hybrid work models and their impact on talent acquisition cannot be understated; there is an increase in the availability of remote positions, and with business leaders expanding roles to those across the globe (instead of just their backyard), they are opening new channels of talent that can work from anywhere.
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Forget About Resolutions…Let’s Optimize 2022

In the early evening hours of December 31, 2020, I gathered around a fire pit with my wife, children, and dear friends from around the neighborhood. When we made a toast, I said, “Good riddance, 2020.” The stress, the trauma, and the uncertainty of what was probably the most anxiety-inducing year of our lifetime was ending, and, on the horizon, a 2021 filled with hope and optimism.

Just a couple of months later, I stood in line in the upper concourse of Gillette Stadium (home of my beloved New England Patriots) and awaited the first of my (now) three jabs of the groundbreaking Moderna vaccine. To me, it wasn’t just a vaccine, but rather a representation of how we could collectively move forward from everything that pushed us to our emotional limits in the year that was 2020. Of course, we know what happened next:

  • The biggest vaccination campaign in our lifetime kicked off in early 2021 and provided the world with some measures of optimism entering the spring and summer months.
  • The Delta variant upended some (or most) of those “hot vax summer” plans and caused COVID cases to surge across the world.
  • Talented professionals began leaving their roles in droves, kicking off what is still referred to as “The Great Resignation,” although should now be considered “The Talent Revolution.”
  • More focus than ever before was placed on DE&I, empathy-driven business leadership, and the shift to remote and hybrid work.
  • Vaccine mandates became sources of political, business, and social disagreements.
  • Another coronavirus variant, Omicron, proved to be the most transmissible of all variants to date and is now responsible for hundreds of daily cases in the United States alone.

We’re about to enter the third full year of a global pandemic. We’re still dealing with large swaths of the workforce voluntarily resigning and leaving their jobs. We’re fighting a battle for equity and inclusion. We’re feeling the ramifications of extreme staffing shortages. We’re continuing to battle for true workplace and workforce flexibility. We’re continuing to feel, hear, and see the exhaustion in the essential workforce community. And we’re still experiencing (even at this point) blow-back to the benefits of remote and hybrid work.

All true. All true. However…

We have the most innovative tools ever designed to better manage talent and talent engagement. We know that empathy is the heart and soul of the best mode of business leadership. We understand what we need to do to solve staffing shortage issues. We have the ability to open our minds and hearts to do the right thing. We have the ability to build digital workplaces and digital workspaces. We know that a diverse talent community is the deepest talent community. We know that the extended workforce represents nearly half of all global talent for a very good reason. And we have access to solutions that can provide next-level, AI-fueled data to help us make better business decisions.

The phrase “work optimization” is frequently used in our industry (and here on the Future of Work Exchange) to describe the essential goals of the Future of Work movement: get work done in the most effective way(s) possible. And as the calendar flips to another year, I believe we should take those ideas a step further.

Let’s optimize 2022. Entirely.

That’s right…let’s optimize everything about the year ahead. Let’s look at our talent, how we acquire that talent, how we manage that talent, how we treat that talent, and optimize it all. Let’s optimize the use of technology and automation. Let’s review the ways we manage our staff and the benefits we offer them. Let’s take a long, hard look at just how truly diverse our workforce actually is. Let’s continue to lean on remote and hybrid workspaces to boost both safety and productivity. Let’s take that great leap and get closer to being a truly “digital enterprise.” Let’s rethink how technology aids talent engagement. Let’s enable our hiring managers, talent acquisition leaders, and other stakeholders with real-time, AI-fueled total talent intelligence that can revolutionize workforce decision-making.

Let’s focus on how we enable our workers to prosper. Let’s think about the human side of business and how we can improve the emotional connections between leadership and the workforce. Let’s prioritize employee wellbeing and mental health. Let’s take a new approach to enterprise operations and ensure we are embracing change, progression, and evolution.

Let’s make 2022 a time to thrive. Let’s optimize the year ahead and push the Future of Work movement into a new stratosphere.

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Business Leadership Priorities for 2022

We recently discussed the workforce management imperatives for businesses as they enter 2022 (and, next week, we’ll talk technology priorities for the year ahead). Today, we tackle what should be on the radar for every business leader as they seek to navigate an evolving talent landscape and the changing world of work:

  • Empathy must become more central of an approach in business leadership. As the competition for talent remains tight, business leaders should develop an inclusive workplace culture that encourages and prioritizes the human connections between leaders and their staff (such as scheduling more video conferences, checking in with workers more frequently, and developing “safe spaces” for workers to speak their minds and offer critical enterprise feedback). With so much of the Future of Work revolving around productivity and business outcomes, enterprise leaders must ensure that they are designing flexible work environments that allow an “elastic” means of getting work done.
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion should be the “beating heart” of all talent- and work-led initiatives. DE&I is not just a response to corporate social responsibility or a checked box in regard to the major societal issues happening within the world at-large, bur rather an all-encompassing theory of change that involves the breakdown of barriers across the traditional workplace environment. Businesses must formulate work- and talent-based strategies around becoming an inclusive enterprise while developing a diverse culture that is open to new and innovative voices and candidates.
  • Prioritize the value of employee wellness. Mental health, as well as employee wellness must be melded into core workforce strategies, similar to how new technology and new talent acquisition approaches have become key pieces of the Future of Work puzzle. The very essence of the Future of Work is to optimize how work is done and enhance the productivity of both talent and technology. Mental health is a critical factor in just how productive, creative, and innovative the workforce can be in how work is addressed and ultimately optimized. Executive leaders must cultivate an environment in which all workers, regardless of position, feel “physiologically safe,” as well as restructure paid time off (PTO) policies to ensure that workers can take the time they need to maintain a healthy work/life balance.
  • Develop the ideal “worker-to-workplace environment” over the first few months of 2022. Heading into a new year, there is still very much a need, and, more importantly, a desire, for remote and hybrid work models. However, as the Omicron variant begins to cause surges of infections, there will be initial confusion and resistance over what really works and what is truly productive for both leadership and its talent as return-to-office plans face another barrier. Executive leaders still have the time and the ability to experiment with various work models and develop the best “worker-to-workplace environment” that is conducive to flexibility and strong business outcomes. Business leaders should continue to experiment over the next several months and track what is working, what is helpful for productivity, and how the workforce responds to these new environments. It will be especially critical to allow workers to have a voice and influence on the work models of the future.
  • Cultivate an ecosystem of “talent sustainability” that contributes to overall workforce agility. Beyond talent acquisition initiatives, leaders must take a long, hard look at the most prevalent skill gaps within their businesses and understand how current and future changes in the market will affect the talent that is needed to successfully lead product development, sales and revenue, and overall enterprise operations. A deeper analysis of total available skillsets (both FTEs and non-employee) and resources available via private networks, talent clouds, talent communities, and talent pools will provide the necessary intelligence to determine which elements must comprise a sustainable ecosystem of talent. Which workers are engaged in an “agile talent” model that is repeatable? Which professional services are utilized on a regular basis? How will shifts in economic modeling alter how the overall business address how work is done? These are questions to ask and then answer to build true talent sustainability.
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FOWX Notes: December 10 Edition

Some picked-up pieces, news, and insights from across the evolving world of talent and work:

  • I’ve often written about the “human” side of the business arena, with aspects like empathy-led leadership taking center stage as an indicator that the balance between “people” and “technology” is what the Future of Work movement is founded upon. This week’s news that’s CEO fired 900 employees via a single Zoom call last week is the complete opposite of the progress leaders have made over the past two years. It’s not surprising to see several of the company’s high-profile execs leave the firm in the wake of the Vishal Garg’s blunder, and his apology for the way the terminations unfolded are actually undone by the fact that he accused hundreds of the terminated employees of “stealing” from the company by “working two hours per day.” Even though Garg and his team utilized productivity data to formulate their decisions (for roughly 250 of those 900 employees), the behavior here is exactly why more and more workers are growing disillusioned with archaic leadership traits.
  • The U.S. Senate, unsurprisingly, voted to repeal the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate that would take effect on January 18, 2022. As reported by NPR: “Getting vaccinated should be a decision between an individual and his or her doctor. It shouldn’t be up to any politician, especially in a mandate coming down from that highest authority, the president,” Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., who led the effort to overturn the requirement, said during the Senate debate.” The thing about vaccination mandates is this: it’s not about control or authority, it’s about workplace safety. No matter if the Omicron variant is less severe or not (it already appears to be much more transmissible than the Delta variant), the last thing employers want to deal with is another winter surge that will tax the health care system. Vaccine mandates serve two purposes: increase the overall rate of vaccination across the country, and, ensure that workers operating within in-person locations are safe from infection. It’s not an overreach, nor is it an authoritarian play by the government.
  • Longtime Freelancer Management System (FMS) and workforce management platform Shortlist recently rebranded to Worksuite. The solution’s new name reflects the platform’s volume of functionality, including direct sourcing and talent pool technology, global freelancer payment management, as well as all of the hallmarks of the Shortlist offering (such as SOW management, services procurement, deep workforce analytics, compliance and risk mitigation tools, etc.).
  • The first company-owned Starbucks store voted yesterday to unionize. While the size of the store and its workforce are small, this is a major sign that more and more workers, no matter the industry, will see 2022 as a turning point for the transformation of the traditional employer-employee relationship. “Every social justice movement has started from the ground up, from a handful of people who stepped forward to demand change,” U.S. Rep. Brian Higgins, D-Buffalo, said in a statement” (and reported by The Buffalo News). The two key words there? Demand and change. The talent revolution is happening; expect similar instances as we head into 2022.
  • Something that’s not on the business radar for 2022 but should be: employee Net Promoter Scores (eNPS). While eNPS has been around for several years, not enough businesses are leveraging this quantitative means of capturing the qualitative aspects of the employee experience (and employee experience). The Future of Work Exchange estimates that less than 10% of businesses are actively leveraging employee Net Promoter Scores in their greater workforce planning; by understanding the perspectives and feelings of staff, business leaders can formulate the best approaches to talent retention and talent-to-project-alignment.
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Mental Wellbeing’s Critical Role in the Future of Work

Over the past 18 months, empathy and wellness became two of the most critical Future of Work attributes amongst concepts that have (for several years) been accelerating the art of work optimization. Mental wellbeing, however, was often considered an afterthought in pre-pandemic times as many business leaders remained focused on more traditional aspects of the greater organization (as well as the more technology-led aspects of the Future of Work movement).

The truth is that so many of us were historically focused on hardline metrics and benchmarks regarding productivity and how work was addressed and done that many business leaders forgot about the most critical component of all when it comes to the Future of Work: the human element.

While there are many lessons to be learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, ranging from the viability of the hybrid (and remote) work model and the continued impact of agile talent (as well as how crucial digitization is in managing operational enterprise processes), there is one experience that should become a permanent foundation for how business leaders manage moving forward.

Mental wellbeing should be front-and-center in every leader’s plans for 2022…and every year after that. In fact, mental wellbeing within the workforce goes hand-in-hand with the trends towards empathy and empathetic leadership; empathy and wellbeing together, then, form a Future of Work-led convergence of non-technological elements that can truly transform the way workers structure their careers and better manage work-life integration.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) estimates that nearly 44 million people in America experience mental illness on average every year. And, to boot, NAMI also estimates that roughly 75% of all chronic mental illnesses begin by age 24…coincidentally, the age when most adults are at the very beginning of their career journeys.

If we are going to look at the impact of mental wellbeing from an archaic point-of-view, fine, let’s do that (but for only a moment): workers that are suffering from a mental illness are more likely to be disengaged from their work, less productive within the scope of their roles, and more likely to miss key milestones and delivery dates. The more important thing to do, though, is look at this from a human element: workers suffering from mental illness are more likely to have the problem exacerbated by stress from their jobs, more likely to require professional and medical assistance, and, unfortunately, more likely to engage in extreme and self-harmful behavior (such as drug and alcohol abuse, and, unfortunately, suicide).

That’s why viewing mental health at work from purely a productivity standpoint goes against the grain of being more “human” in how we manage the workforce. As the pandemic lingers and the collective trauma weighs on those suffering from mental illness, now is the time to build the business response to this epidemic:

  • Provide (and communicate the availability of) mental health support through wellbeing resources. Businesses will often state that they have built-in resources for workers to leverage if needed. However, there has been a collective failure on the part of leadership to actually (and consistently) communicate the availability of those resources to their staff. Amongst many lessons learned over the past 18 months, there is a clear need for enterprises to invest in mental resources in order for their workforce to feel supported. Does the business healthcare plan cover tele-therapy? Are psychiatrists and LMHCs part of the overall medical network? Workers require fast and easy answers to these questions.
  • Eliminate the negative stigma around mental health and related conversations. The very concept of mental health is still unfortunately a taboo topic in both the personal and business arenas. However, it doesn’t have to be, nor should it be. Mental health is just as critical as physical wellbeing; for far too long, many people (both within the personal and business realms) considered mental health to be far less important than physical health, when, in fact, the two are inherently linked. It is encouraging to see public figures, such as Atlanta Falcons star wide receiver Calvin Ridley and tennis hero Naomi Osaka, step away from the globe’s biggest sports to focus on mental health. As mental health and mental illness become destigmatized, there is hope that more and more individuals will speak up when they need to refocus on their own emotional wellbeing without fear of negative feedback from colleagues and managers.
  • Involve various stakeholders in the architecture of mental wellbeing strategies. It shouldn’t fall solely to the HR group to facilitate the development of workplace wellbeing, especially as it concerns mental health initiatives. While human resources can be responsible for the foundation, other key stakeholders should provide their best perspectives. At its core, a mental wellbeing strategy should revolve around core mental health policies, execution of those policies, and ways that illness can be monitored so the appropriate steps can be taken for intervention and support. The ultimate point is this, however: whatever strategy or program is built, it needs a strong backbone that is supported by various groups across the enterprise. If mental health is to be taken seriously, then business leaders across all functions need to be prepared for issues as they arise and understand that aspects such as risk mitigation are just as critical as worker rehabilitation.
  • Understand that mental wellness takes many forms, particularly depression, anxiety, burnout, etc. Mental wellbeing isn’t just linked to an imbalance of emotions, but rather a full “tree” of conditions that are all linked to overall mental health. Depression and anxiety may be pre-existing illnesses that are likely to be exacerbated by working conditions, while burnout occurs in even the most stout of workers that may not have historically shown signs of mental illness. “Accommodation” is ultimately the key here; business leaders must understand that mental wellbeing is a critical attribute of the Future of Work, and thus doing what they can to support and accommodate workers as they experience mental illness is a foundational way to ensure that talent can get the help they need and be ready to contribute to the greater organization when they are ready to do so.
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Leadership Must Change if Businesses Want to Thrive in 2022

Many business leaders across the world were dealt an unfair hand when the COVID-19 pandemic hit nearly 18 months ago. Faced with a massive loss of revenue, customer trust, and enterprise sales, executives were also forced to lay off or furlough chunks of staff during the worst public health crisis of our lifetime. When uncertainty and the unprecedented impact of a pandemic hits your business, your staff, and your personal life, as well, there’s not much room to positively maneuver around it all.

We’ve experienced many Future of Work “accelerants” over the past year-and-a-half that have enabled new discussions on the best ways for enterprises to get work done. Yes, of course, remote and hybrid work have dominated those conversations, however, there’s so much more to the story that has a direct impact on how leaders, well, lead.

Future of Work Exchange research points to several expected shifts in business leadership over the next several months and into 2022:

  • 83% of enterprises expect business leadership to prioritize an inclusive workplace environment. Diversity is just one (very big) piece of the arena known as “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Business leaders now seemingly understand that inclusion, which extends to how they structure a welcoming and open workplace environment, is the only path forward for both talent acquisition and talent retention. Potential candidates should feel at-ease knowing that they could potentially join an organization that welcomes their background, differences, disabilities, etc., while existing workers are more likely to stay if they know their workplace is safe, welcoming, and prioritizes openness and communication. Inclusion is just as critical for new talent as it is for current talent.
  • 80% of companies anticipate more empathy-led leadership. Empathy is a routine, featured topic here at the Future of Work Exchange, and for good reason: empathy, quite literally, is the only way forward. Empathetic leadership is what is sorely needed for executives to earn required trust from their staff and for workers to feel “connected” to the greater organization and to also feel supported in their current roles. Empathy-led leadership involves organizational leaders asking questions, actively collaborating, and prioritizing communication with their workforce. In 2022, this will make or break the average enterprise, especially as conversations around worker burnout continue to dominate headlines.
  • 77% of organizations believe business leaders will structure workforce management on flexibility. While we just highlighted how the Future of Work is more than “just flexibility,” the agile nature of today’s forward-thinking organizations provides a robust template from which today’s leaders can leverage to effectively plan for the year ahead. Yes, remote and hybrid work plays a valuable role in the greater concept of flexibility, however, it traverses much deeper than whether or not workers are physically in the office or at their kitchen table. Flexible work models, such as shorter work weeks, adjusted hours, or agile task-sharing, also play critical roles in how business leaders rethink the many ways to get work done.
  • 72% of businesses expect business leadership will focus on understanding personal perspectives of workers. This attribute could be the most crucial of all, given where we are in the greater timeline of a public health crisis. When the pandemic hit, no one fully knew what to expect; what followed was tragedy, horror, and unease. From a business leadership perspective, it created a truly emotional toll on the workforce, forcing executives to enact cognitive empathy to fully understand what it was like to juggle a lack of daycare, remote learning for children, sick or dying relatives and family members, and general uncertainty regarding job security. If leaders truly understand “where” workers are mentally and emotionally, it allows them to be more flexible in their management style and how they support that talent. In the months and years ahead, this higher level of understanding will go a long in helping business leaders build a trusting workforce that feel like their leaders want to fully support them during uncertain times.
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The Future of Work is More Than Flexibility

For the past eighteen months, we’ve heard one refrain more than most: “The Future of Work is flexibility.” While the underlying and foundational elements of the so-called “next normal” are indeed rooted in flexibility, we’re overlooking so much when limiting the Future of Work movement to a rise in agile and flexible talent, agile and flexible processes, and an agile and flexible business culture.

Let’s forget for a moment that the very concept of “remote work” has dominated nearly every business discussion over the past year-and-a-half; while Future of Work Exchange research finds that nearly 41% of workers are now operating in a remote or hybrid model (compared with 23% during pre-pandemic times), these conversations don’t change the fact that, moving forward, this will become (if it isn’t already) a standard way of working.

The deeper discussions around and within the Future of Work revolve around innovation, not just flexibility or agility. Flexibility itself is just one strategy to apply to how work gets done; innovation, on the other hand, is how work is optimized. The Future of Work revolves around the many slivers of innovation that help businesses: 1) tap into the skills they need in an on-demand fashion, 2) harness the power of new and emerging technology platforms, 3) transform the very way they think about business leadership and business development, and, 4) reimagine the very ways the workforce contributes to and addresses how work is done.

As such, the following outlets of innovation are truly what will drive the Future of Work into 2022 and beyond:

  • The “talent experience” is ushering in a new era of the modern-day worker and its ultimate impact on business. The main reason that we’re still facing “The Great Resignation”? It’s not just compensation (although that will always a focus for the workforce). Workers now demand several attributes for their next gig, including a positive workplace, an inclusive culture, clear career paths, chances to reskill and/or upskill, and potential leadership opportunities. This “Age of the Worker” is founded on employee engagement, the talent experience (which encompasses both FTEs and non-employees), personal alignment with a potential company’s brand, and the proper work-life balance.
  • The complete transformation of business leadership. The most unheralded aspect of the Future of Work has always been how business executives have been slowly reimagining the ways they manage their people, processes, and technology. The “process” and “technology” pieces are in a consistent state of flux; enterprise executives are continuing to pontificate the relationship between the two and how next-generation automation (particularly artificial intelligence, bots, RPA, etc.) can reboot the tactical and transaction-based facets of the greater businesses. The greatest evolution, however, has been happening over the past year-plus: integrating empathy and wellbeing into core leadership values and strategies. Empathy, as stated here on FOWX previously, is the only way forward for today’s business leaders.
  • Reimagining the expansive role of the total workforce. Flexibility is often rooted within the “extended workforce,” which is another phrase for defining the growing impact of agile talent and contingent labor. However, it’s the power driven by the total workforce and the management structures behind this that will spark the next great work optimization strategies. Businesses require total talent intelligence that will give hiring managers and other executives the necessary viewpoints into 1) current skills across the organization, 2) how these skills are linked to critical projects and initiatives, 3) how the organization leverages predictive workforce analytics to forecasting future skills gaps, and, 4) how other business units (particularly product development, sales, IT, etc.) should comprise the makeup of skills within their unique teams.
  • Business imperatives reflecting the fluidity of societal, economic, and labor market trends. Make no mistake: the contemporary enterprise must be laser-focused on driving better and desirable business outcomes. However, the line between “business” and “human” continues to blur, its ramifications cascading into the very fabric of organizational operations. Business leaders must be in tune with the societal focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion by baking it into talent engagement, talent management, and workforce planning. Economic factors should be included in workforce and financial forecasting. And, labor market trends should be a guiding light towards how businesses should engage new candidates and how they reimagine traditional means of workforce management. The Future of Work dictates that businesses take into account both internal and external forces in how they ultimately get work done.

Make no mistake about it: the Future of Work and flexibility will be forever linked, especially as we crawl our way out of the most uncertain period of both our personal and professional lives. However, when we get to the very core of the Future of Work movement, innovation must be its nexus for businesses to truly optimize how work is done.

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Let’s Just Say It Now: The Business World Is Never Going Back to Normal

“Well, I see us returning to the office right after the holidays.”

“We pushed out our return-to-office date to January 15. Hoping it sticks this time.”

“Back in May and June, our target date to get the office up-and-running against was September 16. It gave our working parents enough time to get situated with school schedules. But now, we just don’t know. It’s too hard to communicate a date to our staff because things are changing so rapidly.”

Those are some direct quotes from HR, talent acquisition, and procurement executives that I’ve spoken to over the past couple of weeks. And then there are these quotes, all from HR executives:

“My maternity leave crossed over with the mid-point of the pandemic. My team and I have all been fully remote since then, and I can’t picture any of us going back to the office except for bi-weekly or monthly team meetings or special projects.”

“Whether or not we mandate vaccinations or negative tests, the truth is that our business has fundamentally changed. We’re under 100 employees, which allows us to be a bit nimbler in how we communicate and operate within a virtual setting, and those employees that want to be back at our HQ have had the option for a few months now…but, I just cannot see how we go back to what we were doing before all of this started.”

“There are some big question marks we have. Our flexible workforce alone is anywhere between 800 and 1,000 people on any given day. We’ve done a pretty decent job of figuring out who is working where and how to effectively track how well projects are being completed, but there are some very stressful conversations ahead for our leadership team and what our 2022 looks like. Most of my team understand that things have changed, but how many really believe these changes are going to stick? That is the fundamental question at hand for us: do we attempt to slowly return to the way things were before? Or do we just accept that our organization has been permanently transformed?

While this is a random sampling of just six executives across the millions across the globe, now is a great time for us to remind ourselves of just how much impact the pandemic had on all aspects of our lives. Think of the first day it really hit home for you. That day didn’t necessarily have to be the true beginning of the pandemic as defined by the World Health Organization, so it ranges wildly for each of us.

I can remember the day after then-President Trump declared a state of emergency, editing a podcast for the following week’s edition of Contingent Workforce Weekly. My wife and mother-in-law spent most of that afternoon at the local Target (unmasked, if we can remember a time like that indoors!), stocking up on essentials in the event we were locked down in our homes for a couple of weeks (or more). That feeling inside of my chest, that sinking feeling, was more than just anxiety. It was my brain telling me that we were in something awful for the long haul.

In so many respects, the pandemic has had an incredibly profound impact on how we shop, how we interact with family and friends, how we travel, and ultimately how we live our lives. Some of us have been mildly sick with COVID-19, others have been hospitalized. Some of us have lost family members and friends. Some of us lost our jobs, homes, careers, and livelihoods. The economy may be bouncing back and the labor market may have recovered the vast majority of job losses from 2020, however, there is an indelible mark on every aspect of our lives, including business, that will never be the same again.

Some businesses may aim for a return to pre-pandemic times, but the way we all work has been transformed…for the better.

There are specific complications that we all wish weren’t part of our daily lives, and we certainly can all agree that the scale of tragic loss of life has been truly heartbreaking. I would bet there are several moments per day, too, when we say to ourselves, “I wish I could go back to the way things used to be” when we think of concerts, movies, restaurants, parties, holidays, etc. In due time, those pieces of life will come back to us at a much lower risk than they are today. For the world of business, however, we shouldn’t be thinking about pre-pandemic times, but rather the ways specific “accelerants” forever changed the way we work…forever. Consider that:

  • Distributed teams are the norm now, and, both workers and executives have realized the benefits of the remote and hybrid work models. “The Great Resignation” is occurring mostly because workers have been enabled with the flexibility they’ve always craved, and now that businesses are sounding the “return to the office!” alarms, those highly-skilled workers are choosing to take their talents elsewhere. Work-life balance, the capabilities to attend to homes and/or children during the work day, and an overarching sense of flexibility are all attributes of the ideal workplace for today’s workers.
  • The move to virtual collaboration also sparked a revolution in the realm of digital transformation. Many businesses eschewed a major remote work overhaul in pre-pandemic times because they thought it could takes several months to achieve. In reality, the move to remote happened for many organizations in a matter of weeks. This proved that moving more operational components to automated and repeatable processes would be much simpler task than originally thought (note: no technology implementation project is easy, but it’s much more fluid today than it was years ago).
  • Today more so than ever before, businesses are focused on true organizational agility. In fact, Future of Work Exchange research finds that 73% of businesses desire to become truly organizations in the months ahead. This laser-like focus on business agility, in which organizations can respond dynamically to real-time situations and challenges, is absolutely a direct result of learning first-hand what it was like to face staff shortages, supply chain disruptions, revenue shortfalls, and a global health crisis all at the same time.
  • There are so many question marks around business travel that some are pondering whether or not we will ever have “road dog” positions anymore that require 75% or more working hours traveling for work. This is not welcome news for airline, hospitality, and similar industries that were decimated by the pandemic, however, the rise of virtual conferences (even though many of us are certainly facing burnout from these, admittedly) means that more and more leaders have access to the content that was only available at traditional conferences and tradeshows. Too, do organizations that rely on in-person events pivot to hybrid conferences? Scale down to one-day symposiums instead of full-blown, three-day events? There are always going to be limitations in the virtual model of collaboration, especially when it comes to key client relationships. However, with so many businesses thriving during uncertain times without the aid of corporate travel, are forced to wonder if we’ll ever return to pre-pandemic levels.
  • The relationships between leaders/execs and their workers has been fundamentally changed as empathy becomes a key component of the management playbook. Employee wellness, wellbeing, and mental health are now all crucial pieces of the Future of Work movement and business leaders are taking note: 77% of executives anticipate that empathy-driven leadership will become a more critical foundation of the employer-employee relationship. An empathetic culture promotes positivity, open communication, better productivity, and is a major solution to worker burnout. As times change and uncertainty continues, workers can be comforted knowing that their leaders are emotionally invested in their wellbeing and support them from both professional and personal perspectives. Eighteen months ago, the notion of empathy-led leadership was not discussed or even on the radar for the vast, vast majority of enterprises. Today? It’s how the typical business wins the war for talent.
  • Changes in how businesses think about their workforce are opening doors that were closed just 18 months ago. Societal changes are sparking a bigger focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I). The rise of remote work has allowed hiring managers to expand their talent acquisition efforts beyond their backyards. The utilization of extended or non-employee talent has risen to 47% of the average company’s overall workforce. Business leaders are rethinking and reimagining how work gets done from the bottom to the top; they understand that there are now no boundaries in how they find and engage talent, nor is there a major difference between traditional and non-employee workers if skillsets and expertise are top-of-mind. The myriad changes in the world of work has transformed the way enterprises address talent acquisition and hiring initiatives.

There are always going to be professionals that would like business to return to the ways it was before the pandemic, and those individuals cannot be blamed for wanting to return to a world that was less stressful. But if we take all of the things that have changed about how we get work done, how we view our talent, how the relationships between leaders and their staff have changed, how empathy is now a key element of the modern workplace, and how we have all benefited from the newfound flexibility within our roles, we all have to ask…why we would ever want to go back to the way things used to be?

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FOWX Notes: September 10 Edition

Some picked-up pieces from across the industry, which we call “FOWX Notes,” for the week ending September 10:

  • The Biden Administration yesterday announced its most sweeping vaccine mandate measures thus far in the pandemic, requiring all all federal workers and contractors to be vaccinated (with limited exceptions in specific cases). Furthermore, all private businesses with 100 or more employees must require vaccinations or weekly tests for its workforce. These measures will affect nearly 100 million Americans and is seemingly a result of a rightfully frustrated government that wants to control the wild and raging Delta variant. Expect lawsuits galore over the coming weeks, as well as push-backs from unions and similar labor groups.
  • The truth is that the Biden Administration was left with no choice; while the Delta variant has caused some vaccinated people to spread the virus, this is still a pandemic driven by the unvaccinated. For a vaccine campaign that is considered the most important and biggest in world history, only 54% of the American population is fully-inoculated. A mandate such as the one announced yesterday will hopefully get the United States to a safer place going into 2022.
  • According to Future of Work Exchange research, 64% of businesses plan to leverage workforce management technology to augment their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives, a sure sign that enterprises across the world are now considering this pivotal Future of Work attribute as a key focal area for workforce planning the months ahead. Many professionals are committed to being more diverse and more inclusive in how they think about and structure
  • There needs to be more discussion and focus on non-medical leave for working parents, especially “bonding leave.” Child bonding leave is a separate entity from maternity or paternity leave; for example, in Massachusetts (where FOWX headquarters is located), parents may “take up to 12 weeks of family leave to bond with a child,” which must be taken within the first year of a child’s birth. Currently, only eleven states in America currently offer this type of leave.
  • “Massachusetts’ paid bonding leave is late to the dinner party but a welcome guest. As an HR professional, I have seen too many low- and middle-income employees struggle and in despair to learn they didn’t have disability pay benefits at all, or only had enough for a maternity leave of six weeks postpartum. This was even more heartbreaking of a reality to me when I took my own maternity leave and couldn’t imagine having to bring my new baby to daycare at 6 or 7 weeks old,” says Caitlin Klezmer, Senior HR Business Partner at JLL. “I was fortunate enough to have paid leave far in excess of those previously mentioned. As a working mother who recently returned to work from her bonding leave, I encourage anyone who may think they are eligible to look into these benefits – birthing and non-birthing parents alike. I reserved my bonding leave for the end of my child’s first year, taking it for the last two months before he turned one. The opportunity to temporarily pause my focus on my career unburdened some of my mental load that was becoming overwhelming. This leave allowed me the guilt-free space to focus on my family, including my relationship with myself, my spouse, and my children, while also allowing me to recharge for my return to work.”
  • U.S. jobless claims hit an 18-month low, according to Reuters; this is the lowest weekly figure since March 14, 2020, which, for those keeping track, is the lowest during the pandemic. This may signal optimism that the labor market will continue to grow even in light of a summer surge of coronavirus infections. There are some expectations that the conclusion of federally-expanded unemployment benefits, plus a 2021-2022 school year that is focused on in-person learning, could spark additional growth in the immediate weeks ahead. All of this, however, underscores the fact that the “Great Resignation” is still very much a stark reality that hangs over any labor market news. There are still millions of unfilled jobs/roles, with a standoff between employers and potential candidates (many of which are demanding more flexibility and better benefits). Engagement is going to continue being a critical issue in the months ahead as both businesses and workers haggle over aspects like remote work, work/life balance, and other non-compensatory aspects. (The Future of Work Exchange will feature an exclusive piece on labor market disengagement in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!)
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