
Research Survey

Upwork Survey Identifies Fastest-Growing Skills

The world of work is rapidly evolving as technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) shift how work gets done. Enterprises are turning to AI for transformative workplace results, leading to increases in upskilling and technology adoption within the contingent and permanent workforce. This opens the door for freelancers and contractors who meet the skills demand from organizations to leverage new technology for greater efficiencies and substantial insights.

Growth in Data Science & Analytics Category

What skills are needed now and in the future? Upwork, the world’s work marketplace connecting businesses with independent talent, released its report “In-Demand Skills 2024” highlighting the critical skills workers need across a variety of categories. The report revealed that Data Science & Analytics is one of the fastest-growing work categories as generative AI modeling and machine learning produce strong demand from businesses. Upwork revealed that the AI and machine learning subcategory on the company’s platform saw 70% year-over-year growth in the fourth quarter of 2023, as clients and independent professionals collaborate on today’s most cutting-edge projects.

The Upwork report identified several fastest-growing work categories and skill sets where contingent labor can deliver the greatest value. As the examples below illustrate, artificial intelligence and automation in general are heavily sought after for 2024 and beyond.

  • Data Science & Analytics — Top 3 Fastest-Growing Skills: Generative AI Modeling, Machine Learning, Data Analytics
  • Coding & Web Development — Top 3 Fastest-Growing Skills: Scripting & Automation, Database Development, and Web Design
  • Sales & Marketing Top 3 Fastest-Growing Skills: Marketing Automation, Sales & Business Development, Email Marketing.

This year’s “In-Demand Skills” report noted several new skills emerging in the top 10, including medical and executive virtual assistance, as well as development & IT project management and digital marketing campaign management.

Skills-Based Hiring in the Age of Emerging Tech

With the demand for specific skills, organizations are turning more toward skills-based hiring to meet their workforce needs. According to Kelly Monahan, managing director of the Upwork Research Institute, “Every company is vying for the best talent and there remains huge demand for a broad range of skills across the Upwork marketplace as businesses big and small are finding solutions in the growing reservoir of skilled independent professionals,” she said.

“In 2024, emergent technologies like generative AI are having a major impact on the skills-based economy. Of course, business demand for these types of skills is increasing, but we’re also seeing a complementary impact, whereby AI technology is driving greater demand for all types of work across our marketplace,” Monahan added.

Growing Demand for AI Expertise

Monahan’s comments also align with the current influence of AI on the workforce. According to a report released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) entitled, “Gen-AI: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work,” nearly 40 percent of global employment is exposed to AI. As more solution providers integrate artificial intelligence into their offerings, that percentage is likely to increase. Enterprises are turning to AI to streamline business processes and automate tactical tasks that provide workers with more time for strategic planning.

This is good news for freelancers and contractors upskilling or with existing expertise in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics. According to Jacqueline DeStefano-Tangorra, an AI consultant on Upwork, “As technology rapidly changes and more specific expertise is needed, more and more businesses are coming to Upwork to find the solutions they need,” she said.

“Consequently, the demand for my skill set has never been higher. Upskilling and becoming an AI professional on Upwork has opened many doors. I get to work on interesting projects and I am a stronger partner for my clients as I’m more efficient, productive, and can deliver better outcomes,” DeStefano-Tangorra added.

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Calling All HR, Talent Acquisition, and Procurement Execs (and Chief People Officers!)

The Future of Work is here and now. Business leaders aim to optimize the way they engage and source talent, manage their workforce, and ultimately address how work is done. Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange are currently conducting a new research study that will fuel our 2023 research calendar and arm today’s HR, procurement, and talent acquisition executives with Best-in-Class strategies for:

  • Implementing new and innovative technology, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain.
  • Addressing progressive leadership transformation strategies.
  • Optimizing extended workforce management and contingent workforce management, and;
  • Leveraging the best capabilities and solutions for recession-proofing the business (and its workforce) in 2023.

Click here to participate in the new research study, which should take about 15 minutes of your time. All survey participants will receive complimentary access to the Future of Work Exchange’s entire 2023 research calendar, including new research studies on total talent management, direct sourcing, and more.

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Contribute to the Most Definitive Future of Work Research in the Industry

Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange are excited to announce the launch of its annual Future of Work research survey. This comprehensive, online survey will fuel the Exchange’s research calendar for 2023 and aims to tackle progressive topics, such as:

  • The impact of innovation and new technology on work optimization, particularly the applications of artificial intelligence, blockchain, machine learning, chatbots, and digital wallets on the realm of talent engagement and talent acquisition.
  • The growth of the extended workforce and how businesses can harness the power of the contingent workforce to thrive during challenging times. (Ardent Partners and FOWX plan to publish several exciting new reports on Best-in-Class contingent workforce/extended workforce management programs, including deep-dive insights into the required capabilities, competencies, and strategies for maximizing the value of this talent.)
  • The evolution of talent acquisition, including how businesses can revolutionize the candidate experience while also enhancing the hiring manager experience through new technology, omni-channel talent engagement strategies, and advanced total talent intelligence.
  • How remote and hybrid work models will impact business operations and the total workforce in 2023.
  • The reality of total talent management and how organizations are getting closer to successfully implementing these programs.
  • The transformation of business leadership, including how today’s executives are weaving in conscious leadership styles, empathy-led directives, and enhanced worker appreciation into their greater management strategies.
  • How direct sourcing programs will evolve in the year ahead to include “Direct Sourcing 2.0” capabilities, such as digital recruitment, deeper marketing input, reflection of workplace culture and company brand, chatbots and AI, and more, and;

Click here to participate in the new Future of Work Exchange research survey. If you are an executive leader that works in the HR, procurement, finance, talent acquisition, or IT function of your organization, or if you’re a Chief People Officer, this survey has been designed to capture your specific experiences in addressing how work and talent are managed at your enterprise. As a thank you for participating in this crucial research effort, all research study participants will receive access to all of the Future of Work Exchange’s market research studies in 2023.

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