
Total Talent

The Technology Revolution and its Impact on Talent Acquisition and Workforce Management

It almost seems like we are floating in a constant vacuum of evolution. The economy continues to spin, technology progresses at an unprecedented clip, businesses continue to optimize their operations in such a way that they no longer resemble the past, and, most critically, the talent arena remains in a state of perpetual growth and revolution.

No other industry is as impacted by the developments in the technology space as much as talent acquisition and workforce management. The advent and rapid deployment of artificial intelligence has absolutely transformed so many facets of both ordinary life and the business spectrum, however, its impact is ever-present in a world in which its many automated arms have the ability to revolutionize so many organizational attributes.

The rest of this article is available by subscription only.

Introducing a New Subscription Model

To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

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The Next Stage of Total Talent Management: Value Chain Management

Whether enterprises realize it or not, it is time to approach total talent management as an ecosystem value chain. Like supply chains, which are not linear segments but rather a spiderweb of inputs, the total talent ecosystem has a similar construct. With enterprise talent and strategy at the center hub, the various talent inputs such as FTEs, gig workers, contractors, and external talent serve as spokes that feed into organizational strategic objectives. As an ecosystem, it is about accessing the best talent from an arsenal of channels.

Using a sports analogy, enterprises now have a valuable “bench of players” from whom to select for various projects and initiatives. With total talent intelligence, organizations can tap employees with specific skillsets that may not be core to their current roles. Through the utilization of HR solutions, there should be transparency in the full depth that each employee brings to the enterprise.

The rest of this article is available by subscription only.

Introducing a New Subscription Model from the Future of Work Exchange.

To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

Click here to learn more.

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Is It Time to Reintroduce Ourselves to Total Talent Management?

For the past decade, the very concept of total talent management has been akin to the Bigfoot or Loch Ness Monster of the business arena: a mythical idea that has only seen slivers of reality across global organizations. Sure, we’ve seen dribbles of total talent programs in some enterprises, as well as specific elements of these initiatives (i.e., total talent acquisition, total talent intelligence, etc.) offered by some of the industry’s more progressive workforce management solutions.

However, on the whole, total talent management itself has still not yet experienced its true arrival as we all would have anticipated. Back in 2011, I wrote perhaps the industry’s first full research study on total talent management, which found that there was extreme desire for such a program; the caveat, however, was that the tools weren’t quite there yet…and neither were the foundational elements required to make such a program successful.

So, here were are in 2023, with a toxic workplace environment (due to many, many workplace culture issues), a volatile labor market, and a Great Resettling that represents a continued revolution of talent. There may or may not be a recession swirling around us like a dooming specter. And, above all else, enterprises realize that they require the right talent at the right time at the right cost to get work done in an efficient and optimal way.

Dare I say that we should reintroduce ourselves to the idea of total talent management? Should we truly flip this concept from theory into reality? Here a few reasons why:

The rest of this article is available by subscription only.

Introducing a New Subscription Model

To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

Click here to learn more.

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Is It Time to Reintroduce Ourselves to Total Talent Management?

For the past decade, the very concept of total talent management has been akin to the Bigfoot or Loch Ness Monster of the business arena: a mythical idea that has only seen slivers of reality across global organizations. Sure, we’ve seen dribbles of total talent programs in some enterprises, as well as specific elements of these initiatives (i.e., total talent acquisition, total talent intelligence, etc.) offered by some of the industry’s more progressive workforce management solutions.

However, on the whole, total talent management itself has still not yet experienced its true arrival as we all would have anticipated. Back in 2011, I wrote perhaps the industry’s first full research study on total talent management, which found that there was extreme desire for such a program; the caveat, however, was that the tools weren’t quite there yet…and neither were the foundational elements required to make such a program successful.

So, here were are in 2023, with a toxic workplace environment (due to so-called “quiet quitting” and “quiet firing”), a volatile labor market, and a Great Resettling that represents a continued revolution of talent. There may or may not be a recession swirling around us like a dooming specter. And, above all else, enterprises realize that they require the right talent at the right time at the right cost to get work done in an efficient and optimal way.

Dare I say that we should reintroduce ourselves to the idea of total talent management? Should we truly flip this concept from theory into reality? Here a few reasons why:

  • The technology is finally there to support TTM. A decade ago, the phrase “extended workforce” didn’t exist…nor did the proper technology to make total talent management a reality. Contingent workforce management (CWM) was just beginning its ascent to true strategic imperative, while less than a quarter of the total workforce was considered “non-employee.” Today, the story has evolved: extended workforce systems are innovative offshoots of Vendor Management System (VMS) platforms that can easily integrate with the core human capital systems (ATS, HRIS, etc.) for true visibility, management, and oversight of both contingent and FTE labor. Point-of-entry automation for new requisitions and talent requests can access various forms of talent, including the ever-important talent communities developed by direct sourcing solutions. And, most importantly, today’s workforce management technology can easily help businesses understand their total workforce, an attribute which allows them to pinpoint the best-aligned talent (be it contingent or an FTE already on staff) for a given project or role.
  • Functional collaboration today is a must-have capability. Unlike in years past, it is much more common for businesses to experience core cross-functional coordination; procurement and finance tackle their problems together, for instance, for the sake of the bottom-line. HR, talent acquisition, and procurement have all experienced challenges and pressures over the past two-and-a-half years, each unit emerging from the acute pandemic phase stronger than ever before. As such, the idea of collaborative strategies is much easier to maintain in today’s business environment: in the quest for survival during those scary days of 2020, enterprise functions learned that they needed each other to thrive. And, today, these three distinct groups now understand that, in a world where talent is an incredible competitive differentiator, they must work together to bridge the gaps between extended workforce management and traditional hiring. By combining efficiencies and blending strengths, the triumvirate of HR, procurement, and talent acquisition can form a formidable backbone of total talent management.
  • Aspects such as purpose, flexibility, and empathy boost the importance of the candidate experience, with the notion of “engagement” playing a critical role in total talent acquisition. No longer does a great hourly rate set the tone for freelancers, contractors, and other types of non-employee talent when choosing their next destination. Workplace culture (and leadership style) are more crucial now than ever for hiring managers to hook new talent; as such, the idea behind total talent acquisition (a key phase within TTM that involves a centralized, standardized set of guidelines and processes for engaging and sourcing all types of talent) becomes one of engagement, as well. True total talent management programs harness the power of employee engagement and candidate experience tools and tactics to ensure a steady approach towards talent acquisition for both contingent and FTE talent populations.
  • The need for business agility, combined with the volatility of the labor market, translates into the perfect gateway for total talent management. Simply put: total talent management is needed today, now more than ever. Businesses must execute lightning-fast talent decisions to thrive in an uncertain economy; the “total talent intelligence” enabled by total talent management programs and associated platforms allow hiring managers and other leaders to understand 1) the current makeup of talent across the organization, 2) the best-fit resources (whether it’s someone in house, a current contractor, etc.) for a new project or role, and 3) provide a dynamic entryway into a truly agile workforce.

Total talent management has been an oft-maligned strategy that has bordered on the hypothetical for over a decade. However, the platforms available today and the transformation of work and talent, combined with the need for such a program, positions total talent management as an innovative strategy for the months and years ahead.

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Is It Time to Reintroduce Ourselves to Total Talent Management?

For the past decade, the very concept of total talent management has been akin to the Bigfoot or Loch Ness Monster of the business arena: a mythical idea that has only seen slivers of reality across global organizations. Sure, we’ve seen dribbles of total talent programs in some enterprises, as well as specific elements of these initiatives (i.e., total talent acquisition, total talent intelligence, etc.) offered by some of the industry’s more progressive workforce management solutions.

However, on the whole, total talent management itself has still not yet experienced its true arrival as we all would have anticipated. Back in 2011, I wrote perhaps the industry’s first full research study on total talent management, which found that there was extreme desire for such a program; the caveat, however, was that the tools weren’t quite there yet…and neither were the foundational elements required to make such a program successful.

So, here were are in 2022, with a toxic workplace environment (due to so-called “quiet quitting” and “quiet firing”), a volatile labor market, and a Great Resettling that represents a continued revolution of talent. There may or may not be a recession swirling around us like a dooming specter. And, above all else, enterprises realize that they require the right talent at the right time at the right cost to get work done in an efficient and optimal way.

Dare I say that we should reintroduce ourselves to the idea of total talent management? Should we truly flip this concept from theory into reality? Here a few reasons why:

  • The technology is finally there to support TTM. A decade ago, the phrase “extended workforce” didn’t exist…nor did the proper technology to make total talent management a reality. Contingent workforce management (CWM) was just beginning its ascent to true strategic imperative, while less than a quarter of the total workforce was considered “non-employee.” Today, the story has evolved: extended workforce systems are innovative offshoots of Vendor Management System (VMS) platforms that can easily integrate with the core human capital systems (ATS, HRIS, etc.) for true visibility, management, and oversight of both contingent and FTE labor. Point-of-entry automation for new requisitions and talent requests can access various forms of talent, including the ever-important talent communities developed by direct sourcing solutions. And, most importantly, today’s workforce management technology can easily help businesses understand their total workforce, an attribute which allows them to pinpoint the best-aligned talent (be it contingent or an FTE already on staff) for a given project or role.
  • Functional collaboration today is a must-have capability. Unlike in years past, it is much more common for businesses to experience core cross-functional coordination; procurement and finance tackle their problems together, for instance, for the sake of the bottom-line. HR, talent acquisition, and procurement have all experienced challenges and pressures over the past two-and-a-half years, each unit emerging from the acute pandemic phase stronger than ever before. As such, the idea of collaborative strategies is much easier to maintain in today’s business environment: in the quest for survival during those scary days of 2020, enterprise functions learned that they needed each other to thrive. And, today, these three distinct groups now understand that, in a world where talent is an incredible competitive differentiator, they must work together to bridge the gaps between extended workforce management and traditional hiring. By combining efficiencies and blending strengths, the triumvirate of HR, procurement, and talent acquisition can form a formidable backbone of total talent management.
  • Aspects such as purpose, flexibility, and empathy boost the importance of the candidate experience, with the notion of “engagement” playing a critical role in total talent acquisition. No longer does a great hourly rate set the tone for freelancers, contractors, and other types of non-employee talent when choosing their next destination. Workplace culture (and leadership style) are more crucial now than ever for hiring managers to hook new talent; as such, the idea behind total talent acquisition (a key phase within TTM that involves a centralized, standardized set of guidelines and processes for engaging and sourcing all types of talent) becomes one of engagement, as well. True total talent management programs harness the power of employee engagement and candidate experience tools and tactics to ensure a steady approach towards talent acquisition for both contingent and FTE talent populations.
  • The need for business agility, combined with the volatility of the labor market, translates into the perfect gateway for total talent management. Simply put: total talent management is needed today, now more than ever. Businesses must execute lightning-fast talent decisions to thrive in an uncertain economy; the “total talent intelligence” enabled by total talent management programs and associated platforms allow hiring managers and other leaders to understand 1) the current makeup of talent across the organization, 2) the best-fit resources (whether it’s someone in house, a current contractor, etc.) for a new project or role, and 3) provide a dynamic entryway into a truly agile workforce.

Total talent management has been an oft-maligned strategy that has bordered on the hypothetical for over a decade. However, the platforms available today and the transformation of work and talent, combined with the need for such a program, positions total talent management as an innovative strategy for the months and years ahead.

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The Five Things Driving the Future of Work (Right Now)

If you take a step back and say the words aloud (like I do dozens of times a day), it seems quite weird: the “Future of Work” is about the future, but it also revolves around the present, right? So, when we discuss the Future of Work, we’re essentially discussing the continuous optimization of work through current progressions and how it will evolve over the coming months and years.

And the most interesting idea around the Future of Work movement is that there are so many attributes of work, talent, technology, and business leadership that serve as real-time accelerants and harbingers of things to come.

Here are the five things the Future of Work Exchange believes are driving this moment today (and will drive tomorrow):

  1. The “human” elements of work and talent. From pandemic-driven anxiety and the desire for more purposeful work, today’s business professionals crave more than just a paycheck. These workers truly require an emotional connect with their work in such a way that it solves both the work-life integration problem and allows them some semblance of flexibility in both their personal and professional lives.
  2. Direct sourcing’s continued impact on talent engagement and talent acquisition. Many large-scale enterprises have begun “reactive layoffs” in anticipation for a possible recession. However, as many news outlets would note, there are more job openings right now than there are job seekers. This weird labor market translates into the need for businesses to harness the power of talent pools, talent communities, and talent clouds to essentially overcome the rigidity of engaging and acquiring talent through traditional means.
  3. The transformation of business leadership. This item has long been a foundational element of the Future of Work movement; however, the way leaders lead has been continually evolving since Day One of the pandemic. There is, of course, the notion of conscious leadership and being in-tune with the workforce. And, on top of that, especially today, business leaders must fuse empathy and flexibility into their strategies. They must contend with the remote vs. in-office conundrum, the specter of a recession, and applying the best talent retention strategies to their talent. Transformation, in this case, isn’t a one-shot alteration.
  4. Artificial intelligence drives decision-making. AI can be considered “vaporware” to some executive leaders, however, many of the prominent solutions in the workforce technology industry provide real-deal AI to help procurement, HR, and talent acquisition leaders understand the best-fit talent for a role, how their workforce will look given current economic trajectories as well as fuel enhanced candidate screening and candidate assessment.
  5. The strategic application of new and innovative work models. Worker-led work structures. Digital collaboration augmented by infrequent in-person meetings. AI-fueled process management. Consumerized capabilities across core enterprise functions. An enhanced hiring manager experience. Developing a path to total talent acquisition (and then, perhaps, total workforce management?). The reimagination of worker productivity. These are all innovative ways of rethinking the boundaries of how work gets done, and, true extensions of the Future of Work movement.
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Extended Workforce Evolution and the Modern VMS

Way back when (say, about 25+ years ago?), businesses required a veritable system-of-record that could effectively serve as an automated outlet for their many, many staffing suppliers, vendors, and agencies. The birth of the first Vendor Management System (VMS) platforms were essentially akin to “eProcurement for staffing,” with a handful of those organizations blending some basic human capital management competencies into the core of their earliest solutions.

The 2008-2009 Great Recession translated into a “perfect storm” for the contingent workforce arena: businesses sought to regain competitive footholds without the ability to rehire those laid off during the worst of the financial crisis, while those who lost their roles began to realize the incredible value of transforming their talents into what would eventually become the freelance economy.

The past couple of years has reinvigorated the world of non-employee talent in such a way that the collective business market finds itself with nearly half of its total talent (nearly 47%) comprised of contingent labor. The pandemic age has not only reaffirmed the need for businesses to harness the power of VMS technology, but to also take advantage of the many ways these platforms are reinforcing the many accelerants within the Future of Work movement.

The veteran platforms in the space, such as Beeline, have managed to meld the traditional elements of VMS with pioneering innovation, such as direct sourcing (perhaps the first VMS solution to embrace this), advanced SOW and services procurement, AI-led functionality, and human capital-fueled offerings that all contribute to its “Extended Workforce Management” technological overlay (not to mention an industry-leading talent technology ecosystem).

PRO Unlimited has revolutionized the concept of “integrated workforce management” through an aggressive mix of key acquisitions (WillHire for direct sourcing, Workforce Logiq for AI-led managed services, GRI for sheer market expansion, etc.) and a commitment to becoming a “platform of choice” for all aspects of today’s extended workforce.

SAP Fieldglass, a fellow long-time solution, has also progressed its offerings in recent years to include a focus on light industrial and shift management (key functionality for an industry that has seen the largest jump in utilization of contingent labor since the pandemic began), next-generation analytics (fueled by a move to a Hyperscaler data warehouse), and enhanced candidate experience management. The platform, when combined with the power of SAP SuccessFactors, SAP Ariba, and other SAP technology, will continue to be a trailblazer.

Relative newcomer Utmost has redefined extended workforce management with its incredibly flexible functionality, deep commitment to total talent intelligence, native integration with HRIS platforms, and overall sheen of innovation that has helped it stand out from the rest of the market. Its agile technology has also enabled one of the market’s strongest offerings around candidate management and the candidate experience, as well as an appropriate focus on “how work gets done.”

A solution like Prosperix (formerly Crowdstaffing) is a truly unique and revolutionary platform that has turned the design of VMS on its head. The provider’s “VMS Network” is one of the most disruptive products on the market; Prosperix is a true end-to-end vendor management platform built on a talent marketplace with a candidate-centric model.

Coupa’s Contingent Workforce solution is an idyllic blend of spend management and VMS technology, with robust intelligence offerings (including prescriptive guidance based on a wealth of data and information) and some of the industry’s leading candidate-matching functionality. VNDLY, acquired by Workday late last year, boasts one of the best user experiences in the marketplace, along with its real-deal procurement and HR blend of offerings that are now enabled within the larger Workday suite of solutions (VNDLY’s data and intelligence architecture are also a powerful formula for total talent management).

Solutions like VectorVMS (deep partner network with a mid-market focus), Pixid (one of Europe’s most powerful VMS platforms), ELEVATE (unique omni-channel direct sourcing channel offering and incredibly customizable functionality), Eqip (blockchain-fueled functionality and innovative offerings) and FlexTrack (the only VMS built on a SFDC architecture, which opens new and refreshing doors for CWM programs) are also contributing to the extended workforce management technology revolution, as well.

The VMS technology landscape today looks markedly different than it did even a few years ago, and for good reason: the classic iterations of Vendor Management System software wouldn’t cut it in a world that is founded on flexibility and agility whilst also being more talent-led than ever before. VMS needs to be more powerful, more strategic, and, most importantly, tightly aligned with the true future of how work will be done.

Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange will soon release the 2022 edition of its VMS Technology Advisor report, which assesses and evaluates the top providers in the Vendor Management System market and will serve as a guide for those organizations seeking deep analysis of a complex technology landscape as they undertake workforce management solution selection.

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For HR, The Path Forward is Clear: Optimize How Work Gets Done

The Future of Work has many extensions, all of which touch various enterprise functions in some profound manner. As this movement became more associated with the evolving world of talent, enterprise functions such as HR and talent acquisition found that much of the focus on the workforce-related elements of the Future of Work fell to them to enhance.

HR sits in a unique position within today’s transformative business arena: they have the ability to influence how works gets done through a mixture of extended workforce management, its expertise regarding human capital, and, most importantly, total talent intelligence. For the past decade, the very realm of “total talent management” has been mired in conversations around “myth vs. theory vs. reality,” with many organizations believing that there is no true secret formula to managing all workers through a single, centralized umbrella of strategies, solutions, and systems. However, the concept of total talent intelligence, in which businesses have broad-range, on-demand visibility into its total talent network, allows them to effectively understand which resources or skillsets are required for a new project, role, or initiatives.

In essence, total talent intelligence is the “gateway drug” to total talent management. Just a couple of weeks ago, I joined extended workforce management system provider Utmost for a webinar that also featured VP of Marketing (and longtime friend), Neha Goel, who succinctly stated that total talent intelligence served as an ideal gateway for businesses seeking to develop total talent management programs.

The webinar also highlighted the five strategies every HR executive needed to include in their 2022 planning, such as the recalibration of the Future of Work, building towards “talent sustainability,” and reimagining “HR psychology.” Another nugget from the webcast: the fact that 61% of HR executives are actively building towards “talent sustainability” translates into a greater desire to have the appropriate skills for when unknown future needs arise (and, of course, developing a self-sustaining flow of expertise when combined with direct hire and other recruitment strategies).

The event also highlighted the “talent revolution” muddying today’s evolving staffing landscape and how it translates into an escalated war for talent. A multifaceted talent engagement approach for HR moving forward, as Neha and I discussed, must include brand, culture, purpose, and flexibility. HR and hiring managers must blend human and digital elements in navigating this evolving talent landscape to truly encapsulate the notion of work optimization.

For the HR function, this is the true Future of Work. The revolution of talent occurring in the labor market today necessitates that HR leaders inject innovation, transformative thinking, and next-generation technology to spark a renewed emphasis on how work is addressed and done. [Click here to check out a recording of the Future of Work Exchange webinar with Utmost.]

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Key Providers for 2021: Beeline

The Background:

With non-employee talent workforce comprising 47% of the total global workforce, businesses across the globe are actively finding that they require advanced tools and next-gen solutions to effectively manage a sector of talent that is growing in both size and prominence. Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research has long pointed to the continued evolution of the Vendor Management System (VMS) technology platform as the relative “nexus” of agile workforce management.

As the Future of Work continues to accelerate how work is addressed and done, it is critical that businesses harness the power of robust VMS technology that can drive visibility into total talent, support control over contingent workforce spend, and serve as an effective extension of the enterprise’s overall extended workforce management strategy.

Enter Beeline.

Why They Were Selected:

Beeline represents the forward-thinking VMS that has consistently evolved alongside the customers it has been serving for over two decades. As the greater contingent workforce industry shifted from “commodity-led” to “talent-led,” Beeline made the necessary advancements to help its users adapt to changing industry standards. And, as the market continued to evolve to include Future of Work-era innovations such as artificial intelligence, direct sourcing, advanced analytics, and extended workforce management, Beeline transformed its end-to-end solution suite to map directly to these new requirements.

Beeline’s sheer breadth of offerings represent an ideal mix of functionality for managing the nuances of today’s growing and thriving agile workforce, including SOW management, services procurement, talent acquisition, talent pools, and total workforce management.

In Their Own Words:

For most companies, human capital constitutes the largest single cost of doing business. Organizations that once relied on internal workforces of direct employees are increasingly supplementing their full-time staff with an agile extended workforce of contingent workers, independent contractors, consultants, and service providers, allowing these companies to adapt quickly and flexibly to market threats and opportunities.

Beyond simply tracking and managing a company’s non-employee workers, Beeline Extended Workforce Platform automates the entire process, sourcing and managing all categories of non-employee talent while providing advanced analytic tools, augmented by artificial intelligence (AI), to deliver the insights organizations need to make better staffing and business decisions.

In the last 20 years, Beeline has become the world’s largest independent provider of solutions for sourcing and managing the complex world of contingent labor. With the deepest, most seasoned team of contingent workforce solution professionals, Beeline delivers innovative technology, end-to-end global and localized customer engagement services, and value-added capabilities which help many of the world’s largest enterprises, including more than 300 Global 2000 clients worldwide, meet their most critical talent needs.

The Outlook:

Beeline has long been a dominant player in the workforce solutions market, often owing its long-term success to dedicated talent-first functionality that supports the overarching goal of true enterprise agility. Even before the company announced its Extended Workforce Platform earlier this year, Beeline was already on a crisp path towards harnessing the full technological potential of the Future of Work movement through an industry-leading talent tech partner ecosystem, an overlay of AI and machine learning to boost the depth of real-time analytics, and a continued commitment to the high-impact realm of services procurement.

As a provider of next-generation agile workforce functionality, Beeline will continue to evolve, adapt, and transform the way its clients harness its powerful solutions to effectively optimize how work is done in 2022 and beyond.

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Key Providers for 2021: Utmost

The Background:

The contingent workforce has been growing in both size and impact over the last several years, now comprising 47% of the average company’s total talent and showing no signs of slowing down. The concepts of the “agile workforce” and the “extended workforce,” two terms used frequently in our industry, represent the relative evolution of the contingent workforce in regard to its ability to foster dynamic means of getting work done.

Now also referred to colloquially as the “extended workforce,” this wide-scoping range of on-demand talent is defined by the Future of Work Exchange as the natural evolution of the contingent workforce and reflects the agility driven by contractors, freelancers, gig workers, talent pool candidates, professional services, and other forms of non-employee talent. The extended workforce is enabled by advancements in talent acquisition, such as direct sourcing, talent pools, digital and on-demand staffing, and talent marketplaces.

With extended talent comprising nearly half of the global workforce, it is now critical for businesses to drive deep “total talent intelligence” into how these workers are situated in addition to pushing HR-led best practices into the world of contingent workforce management (CWM).

Enter Utmost.

Why They Were Selected:

Utmost was originally designed as a progressive workforce management platform for Workday users, however, in a short amount of time, the company has proven that it has the global expertise, innovative tools, and next-generation functionality to be a true catalyst for extended workforce management.

Utmost’s total talent intelligence offering is considered a market-leading attribute of the platform, with a global dashboard that enables real-time visibility into the many dynamics of the extended workforce, including the makeup of non-employee talent within any given region, project/work status, compliance and risk mitigation measures, and more. Utmost’s forward-thinking way of approaching the burgeoning agile workforce has allowed its users to effectively execute traditional contingent labor operations with a solid backbone of deep talent intelligence for superior decision-making.

In Their Own Words:

Utmost Extended Workforce System is a talent-focused, next-evolution of vendor management software. We are a single, global platform built to manage and engage all classifications of workers — that’s one system, one set of integrations, one single source of truth. Our worker-centric solution allows organizations to manage and engage external resources as they do their employee human capital — with full control and visibility of individuals, skills, and spend.

Built exclusively for Workday customers, Utmost allows enterprises to track, report, source, and manage spend for all categories of the extended workforce, regardless of worker classification (i.e., contractor, project-based worker, outsourced worker, freelancer, independent contractor, etc.), whether employee or non-employee. Our investment, road map, and product strategy were built with Workday customers in mind, and we extend that experience across everyone who works for or with an organization. This allows companies to manage all talent for optimal business outcomes in a scalable way.

The Outlook:

Utmost may be a relatively young organization (founded in 2018), however, their consistent valve of innovation has thrust them firmly into the discussion of today’s top workforce management platforms. It latest feature, Front Door, is a fully-agile and end-to-end solution that optimizes the talent engagement process while guiding hiring managers to best-aligned candidate fit for the project, task, or role at hand. For Workday customers, Front Door represents an opportunity to find, engage, and source total talent through an optimized channel that serves as a single point of entry for new requests.

Utmost has a bright future ahead as it continues to offer innovative tools and technology to the workforce management solutions market. As more and more businesses bring a human capital and HR focus to the world of extended workforce management, Utmost’s wide-scoping range of functionality will help it thrive in these evolving times.

[Editor’s Note: Join Chris and the Utmost team for an exclusive webcast next month, “Five Things Every HR Executive Should Include in 2022 Planning.”]

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