

Embracing Change, Unlocking Opportunities: A Recap of the “Future of Work Exchange LIVE” Event

Did you miss the second annual Future of Work Exchange LIVE Executive Roundtable event? Well, there’s always next year, but, until then, here’s a recap of the day’s festivities.

Ardent’s SVP of Research (and the Future of Work Exchange’s Managing DIrector), Christopher Dwyer, welcomes a packed room to the second annual Future of Work Exchange Executive Roundtable event.

My colleague Andrew Bartolini (Ardent Partners’ Chief Research Officer) kicked off Tuesday’s conference and welcomed a packed room to a day filled with innovative insights. After a few minutes defining the Future of Work and setting the scene for the day ahead, Opptly CEO Lori Hock moderated an incredible panel discussion, “The Rising Tide of AI in Talent Acquisition,” that featured the solution’s Head of Operations, Rebecca Valladares, and Sevenstep’s Chief Solutions Officer, Paul Harty.

Opptly CEO Lori Hock moderates an AI-focused panel discussion with Christopher Dwyer, Paul Harty, and Rebecca Valladares.

The panel discussed how critical artificial intelligence’s impact could be in the world of talent, especially as attributes such as the candidate experience, hiring manager experience, and the role of recruiter become ever-so-crucial in a volatile labor market. Valladares spoke of the utmost importance of the technology, stating, “Ultimately, recruiters who use AI will replace recruiters who do not use AI.”


A panel discussion on building direct access to talent, featuring Vanessa Miller (Graphite), Lizzie Parnell (RSM), and Kevin Leete (WorkLLama).

The day’s second expert panel featured WorkLLama’s Kevin Leete, RSM’s External Workforce Lead, Lizzie Parnell, and Graphite’s VP of Alliances, Vanessa Miller. The panel, “Building Direct Access to Talent,” featured a lively conversation around the myriad ways talent acquisition is changing the ways businesses directly-access top-tier candidates. Parnell spoke about RMS’s unique “Work Your Way: An RSM Opportunity Marketplace” initiative, which prioritizes the candidate experience and encourages hiring managers to diversify their talent acquisition efforts through omni-channel sources of expertise.

John DeWeerd and Kristen McArdle (HireGenics) join JLL’s Caitlin Klezmer to discuss why the extended workforce is an enterprise’s greatest asset.

HireGenics’ John DeWeerd (Senior Vice President) and Kristen McArdle (SVP of Client Success), with JLL’s Senior HR Business Partner, Caitlin Klezmer, discussed the impact of today’s extended workforce during the day’s third expert panel, “Why the Extended Workforce Is Your Greatest Asset.” The panel conversed around the contingent workforce’s role during uncertain economic times, its place in the pantheon of flexible workforce strategies, and how agile talent cascades into deeper talent acquisition innovation.

Before capping off the day with an elegant Harvard Club lunch (always a highlight of any event at this prestigious venue), FOWX Live’s attendees gathered for interactive roundtable discussions on topics such as remote and hybrid work, extended workforce management, hiring challenges, and technology strategies.

This exclusive event was dedicated to exploring the Future of Work and addressing the unique challenges presented by the evolving workforce and business landscapes. For the procurement, HR, and talent acquisition executives in the room, this was another invaluable and engaging conference to help better guide them on their Future of Work journeys.

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Looking Back on Last Year’s “FOWX LIVE” Executive Roundtable

Today’s article features a recap of last year’s Future of Work Exchange Executive Roundtable conference. Registration is now open for this year’s edition, which will be held on June 13 in Boston at the historic Harvard Club venue. Register now!

In June 2022, Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange hosted “FOWX Live,” an executive roundtable event focused on the core Future of Work topics that are driving business transformation. For many in attendance (including me!), it was the first time attending a live event since before the beginning of the pandemic.

John Healy, founder of and one of the earliest Future of Work evangelists (and a former workforce solutions executive), kicked off Tuesday’s agenda with a spirited morning keynote that distilled various points of research around the Future of Work. “The way people connect with work is broken” is how John began his keynote address, discussing how the world of work has been transformed and requires new and innovative thinking regarding how businesses connect their projects with open talent-led work models.

FOWX Live featured two engaging panels:

  • Atrium’s Nancy Maren, Utmost’s Dan Beck, and Sage’s Jessica Wall discussed how the extended workforce has impacted today’s businesses and how modern HR and procurement leaders can effectively harness the power of both VMS and MSP solutions to not only connect the enterprise with top-tier talent, but how to also drive true innovation and agility within extended workforce management.
  • I joined JLL’s Caitlin Klezmer and WorkLLama’s Kevin Leete for a conversation on perhaps the hottest topic of the day: remote and hybrid work. Caitlin, Kevin, and I discussed how businesses are adapting to fully-remote and hybrid workplace structures, as well as how talent engagement and talent acquisition strategies are shifting to account for the desired flexibility in the candidate pool.

One of the major highlights of FOWX Live was the ability for attendees to converse with each other at “roundtable” sessions on core Future of Work topics, such as remote/hybrid work, contingent workforce management, and technology strategy. These roundtable discussions featured lively discourse around these important areas of the Future of Work movement, and when it came time to “switch” roundtables (attendees could spend 30 minutes each at two different topic-led tables), it was tough for everyone to wrap up the conversations! Truly a highlight of this week’s event.

MA State Rep. Josh Cutler closed out the day as a special guest lunch keynote; Rep. Cutler was a prominent member of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Future of Work Commission. He spent the lunch hour discussing the report’s major findings and how they were applicable to both professionals and businesses alike.

John Healy discusses why the way people connect with work is broken.
FOWX Live attendees listen to Christopher J. Dwyer’s opening address.
Jessica Wall, Dan Beck, and Nancy Maren discuss the agility and power of the extended workforce.
FOWX Live attendees spend the afternoon networking and conversing about remote work, contingent workforce management, and technology strategy.
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The Future of Work is Now: Five Key Workforce Trends

There is no doubt that the way we work continues to change. From remote and hybrid work to major transformations across the business leadership spectrum, the “Future of Work” means many things to today’s forward-thinking organizations.

Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange are excited to team up with Guidant Global for an exclusive webcast on April 26 (11am ET) that will unveil the five key workforce trends that all businesses should prioritize as they look to thrive in 2023…and beyond. I’m excited to speak alongside Guidant’s SVP of Client Relationships, Sara Gordon, and the solution’s Client Solutions Director, Joel Forrester, for what will be a memorable live event. Register now!

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The Talent Supply Chain Is Evolving…It’s Time to Rethink How We Approach It

Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of joining Prosperix‘s CEO, Sunil Bagai, and Defiant Solutions’ Bryan Pena for a spirited discussion on the evolution of the talent supply chain. Everything You Know About The Talent Supply Chain Is Wrong featured some new Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research, as well as a high-energy roundtable chat focused on how businesses can balance the power of today’s progressive labor market with the proper strategies for thriving in the months ahead.

If you missed the live event, we have you covered. Check out an on-demand edition below.

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Getting Started With Skills-Based Hiring

The Future of Work Exchange has frequently discussed the advent of the skills-based organization, and rightfully so: Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research finds that 73% of businesses currently face a critical challenge in the months ahead: a lack of candidates with the required skillsets for open positions. This is yet another representation of why the skills-based organization (SBO) is a true opportunity to, essentially, reimagine the ways they think about talent acquisition and the role of talent in getting work done.

The foundational elements of the skills-based organization revolve around the concepts of rethinking the parallels between talent and work; thus, the very future of the skills-based organization depends on forward-thinking strategies, ideas, and, of course, technology. And it all begins with skills-based hiring.

I’m excited to join my friend and fellow Future of Work expert Mark Brodsky on an exclusive Q&A panel discussion on Wednesday, March 15 at 11am ET. The staffing and recruitment expert panel, hosted by innovative skills intelligence platform Glider AI, will address:

  • Migrating from a job-based to a skills-based hiring strategy.
  • How to identify the required skills.
  • How to assess candidate skills.
  • Evaluating skills-based hiring tools and AI.
  • Uncovering hidden skills from current employees.
  • Securing executive and finance stakeholder alignment.

Next week’s event will also feature some brand new Future of Work Exchange research and statistics that will illuminate the criticality of the skills-based organization and its role in the evolving world of talent and work. Join us!

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It’s Time to Reimagine the Talent Supply Chain

The extended workforce has become an agile means of thriving in today’s hyper-competitive, globalized business arena. Over the past 15 years, the growth and utilization of this workforce has been steadily rising, proving that when enterprises need to adapt to an evolving business climate, or when they need true workforce scalability, this is the type of talent that shines.

However, as the talent supply chain becomes more complex, so does the myriad ways in effectively managing it. Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange are excited to join VMS and workforce solutions platform Prosperix for a complimentary webinar tomorrow (March 1, 1pm ET) that will help attendees unlock the Best-in-Class strategies for managing the evolving talent supply chain as it continues to become more complex.

Join us! Click here to register.

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Omni-Channel Talent Acquisition: The Future of Hiring

Omni-channel talent acquisition is one of the hottest topics in the staffing world today. No longer can enterprises rely on just a handful of talent sources to get work done, especially in a business world that requires them to harness the robust skillsets and expertise of workers across the world. Much like the world of retail in that “omni-channel” outlets integrate different methods of shopping available to consumers, omni-channel talent acquisition translates into the ability for enterprises to leverage various sources of talent to address their needs.

The demand for specialized talent in precise intervals, as well as the ability to tap into vertical-specific channels as a means of staying competitive in an increasingly globalized business arena continues to grow unabated. Digital staffing solutions, such as talent marketplaces and on-demand talent networks, often yield vetted, evaluated, and deeply experienced candidates who can make an immediate impact on corporate operations. In this regard, omni-channel talent acquisition becomes a pathway to true workforce scalability in a time when it is needed most.

Join Ardent Partners’ SVP of Research, Christopher J. Dwyer, as he discusses why omni-channel talent acquisition could become a pathway to true workforce scalability at a time when it is needed most. During this exclusive webcast on Tuesday, February 21 (11am ET), Dwyer will highlight:

  • How omni-channel talent acquisition can impact hiring today…and in the future.
  • Why direct sourcing is a critical and foundational element of omni-channel talent acquisition.
  • Why the omni-channel approach should be a key strategy for HR, extended workforce, and talent acquisition teams in 2023, and;
  • The outlook for hiring in 2023 and how new and innovative strategies, solutions, and technology will shape the world of work ahead.

Register for this exciting webinar here. We look forward to seeing you there!

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Procurement 2023: Big Trends and Predictions

For the past decade, Ardent Partners analysts Andrew Bartolini (Chief Research Officer) and Christopher J. Dwyer (SVP of Research and Managing Director of the Future of Work Exchange) have taken executives on a late January ride through the big trends shaping the business arena and the predictions that could come as a result.

2023 will be no different, as Bartolini and Dwyer will join Beeline and iValua for a lively discussion on Thursday, January 26 (10am ET) regarding the big trends impacting both the procurement arena and Future of Work movement right now…and what’s just up ahead for these two distinct areas in the year ahead. Join us as we discuss:

  • How economic factors will impact the procurement function in both the short- and long-term.
  • Why the extended workforce will play a pivotal role in business agility.
  • How next-generation technology and innovation are driving enhanced value to the modern enterprise, and;
  • The big Future of Work predictions that will shape enterprises operations in the year ahead.

Click here to register for this exclusive webcast. Hope to see you there!

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The Six Trends That Will Shape The Future of Work in 2023 (On-Demand Webinar)

Last week, Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange hosted an exclusive webcast focused on the six critical trends that will shape the Future of Work in 2023 and beyond. The Six Trends That Will Shape The Future of Work in 2023 featured an in-depth discussion on the various strategies, approaches, technology, functionality, and innovation that are set to pave the way for work optimization in the year ahead. The Exchange‘s Managing Director, Christopher J. Dwyer, discussed:

  • How “non-technological” strategies, such as skills-based hiring, will have a massive impact.
  • Why direct sourcing and omni-channel talent acquisition will play major roles in 2023’s talent acquisition initiatives.
  • How the transformation of business leadership (including conscious leadership styles) will be required for workforce management.
  • The roles of extended workforce, VMS, direct sourcing, and MSP solutions on talent engagement and workforce management, and;
  • How businesses can best prepare to thrive in 2023 by leveraging the power of their talent and talent strategies.

Check out the on-demand edition of the webcast below, and be sure to participate in our new research study to gain complete access to our entire research calendar, which will include studies, reports, and thought leadership pieces centered around direct sourcing, total talent management, HR’s role in the Future of Work, extended workforce management, and much, much more.

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Quick Reminder: Two Great Webinars This Week!

Join Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange for two exclusive webinars this week. Later today, our own Christopher J. Dwyer will join Lesley Walsh of Beeline for an exciting webcast featuring discussions around the extended workforce, going “beyond VMS,” and what it means for the Future of Work:

And tomorrow, join the Exchange again to learn which trends will shape the Future of Work in the year ahead:


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