

Five Things You Must Know About the Future of Work (Revisited)

As we reach the end of 2024, now is a good time to look back at the Five Things You Must Know About the Future of Work.  The Future of Work Exchange (FOWX) and Ardent Partners hosted this complimentary webinar, The Five Things You MUST KNOW About the Future of Work, discussing the critical capabilities that enterprises can unlock to truly optimize the way they address talent acquisition, extended workforce management, and, most importantly, work optimization. What follows revisits the five critical FOW areas.

#1 The Evolution of Talent and the Future of Work

When it comes to the Future of Work, one of the first things to know is the evolution of talent and talent acquisition. And this idea of the “evolution of talent” can be ambiguous. Talent is always evolving and has been for a long time. The way that businesses perceive their talent is also evolving. And, the way that those businesses get connected to talent, and vice versa, continues to evolve. It’s also being innovated through technology and new strategies and new programs.

The fact is nearly half of our workforce today is comprised of extended workers or contingent workers. We have aspects like direct sourcing and digital staffing that are making it much easier for businesses to find the talent they need to get work done to address those mission-critical projects and fill the appropriate roles. FOWX and Ardent research has been focused historically on the extended workforce and contingent workforce, but we’re talking about all types of talent.

Thus, talent acquisition as a function and as a series of processes has also progressed. We need to consider aspects like the candidate experience, and the way that our culture and our brand attract new talent into our organization. Many business leaders think of the Future of Work as being centered around technology, revolving around the idea that technology drives the Future of Work. And we  wouldn’t necessarily disagree with that; technology is a critical piece. And for some aspects and attributes of the Future of Work, technology and innovation are the nexus of those areas.

Technology is a Future of Work Centerpiece

Talent and the growth of the extended workforce represent the first leg of the stool with such things as skills and candidate experience, but also digital staffing, direct sourcing, online talent marketplaces, and core workforce management solutions (such as MSPs and VMS platforms) These technologies are helping us to redefine the way we think about work. We’re living in a world where even though we don’t want to hear the word “pandemic” anymore, the pandemic really did shape what we think about the Future of Work.

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Introducing a New Subscription Model

To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

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Value of Artificial Intelligence Delivers for Human Resources

Artificial intelligence (AI) has fully broken through the parameter of the Future of Work — where HR can effectively engage with AI technologies to deliver automation and sustainable talent outcomes. The complex decision-making of today’s HR professionals makes AI a near necessity to achieve recruitment and total talent management objectives in the current enterprise. By leveraging AI, machine learning, and data analytics, HR professionals can automate many manual tasks while enhancing the employee lifecycle experience.

The embrace and utilization of AI technologies is proving transformational for HR professionals and their industry. According to Sameer Maskey, founder and CEO for Fusemachines, and adjunct associate professor at Columbia University, in a Forbes article, “Clearly, AI is primed to disrupt the HR industry as we know it. In fact, with AI, HR teams are poised to serve as a critical and strategic ‘talent insights engine’ of an organization,” he says.

“However, this advancement requires HR professionals to do more than just embrace the technology to unlock automation-powered efficiencies and data-driven decisions. It requires them to identify novel applications of AI, such as a virtual recruiter, or employ simulated AI-augmented work settings for recruitment that will increase the efficiency of the HR team even further. Doing this will take candidate and employee engagement to a whole new level,” Maskey adds.

While HR is reaping the benefits of AI for such automated tasks such as payroll and benefits administration — essential responsibilities of HR — there are even greater strategic opportunities to truly revolutionize core talent acquisition and talent management areas.

AI Elevates Direct Sourcing Strategies and Employee Retention Execution

AI tools and machine learning algorithms are aiding HR professionals in streamlining workforce processes across the enterprise. The following are several areas where AI can bring immediate value to human resources and provide valuable insights into workplace strategy and dynamics.

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Introducing a New Subscription Model from the Future of Work Exchange.

To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

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The Next Stage of Total Talent Management: Value Chain Management

Whether enterprises realize it or not, it is time to approach total talent management as an ecosystem value chain. Like supply chains, which are not linear segments but rather a spiderweb of inputs, the total talent ecosystem has a similar construct. With enterprise talent and strategy at the center hub, the various talent inputs such as FTEs, gig workers, contractors, and external talent serve as spokes that feed into organizational strategic objectives. As an ecosystem, it is about accessing the best talent from an arsenal of channels.

Using a sports analogy, enterprises now have a valuable “bench of players” from whom to select for various projects and initiatives. With total talent intelligence, organizations can tap employees with specific skillsets that may not be core to their current roles. Through the utilization of HR solutions, there should be transparency in the full depth that each employee brings to the enterprise.

The rest of this article is available by subscription only.

Introducing a New Subscription Model from the Future of Work Exchange.

To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

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Elevate Your Future of Work Processes with Blockchain

One of blockchain’s chief benefits is the ability to authenticate and protect information. With today’s decentralized workforces, there is a variety of information possibly at risk, including payroll, insurance, health, and personnel data. Similarly, HR and enterprise recruiters want assurance that potential job candidates and their résumés are authentic and accurate. Blockchain technology has the potential to provide the necessary verification and protection of such sensitive workplace data.

Here are three Future of Work areas where blockchain technology could provide critical verifications and safeguards, particularly for the contingent and gig workforce — from the recruitment to the contracting and payment process.

The rest of this article is available by subscription only.

Introducing a New Subscription Model from the Future of Work Exchange.

To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

Click here to learn more.

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Talent Experts on FOWX — Trends and Strategies in 2024

Our “Talent Expert Series” on FOWX features podcast excerpts of today’s Future of Work thought leaders who appear on The Future of Work Exchange Podcast. The series continues with an excerpt from Season 7, Episode 14 featuring Jen Torney, Global Vice President of Client Experience and Partnerships for Talent Solution TAPFIN, and Brian Hoffmeyer, SVP of Market Strategies for Beeline, as they discuss talent trends and strategies for 2024.

Click to listen to the full interview. Note that this excerpt has been edited for readability.

Chris Dwyer: Jen and Brian, thank you so much for joining me today. Before we jump into 2024, what surprised you most about 2023?

Brian Hoffmeyer: Good question. It means you think we’ve been doing this for so long that nothing surprises us anymore. One interesting thing is that Beeline is pushing heavily into what we call the mid-market, which are smaller companies with under a billion in corporate revenue. What’s been surprising and educational are the needs of mid-market companies and how similar they are to larger enterprises we’ve worked with around contingent labor. The mid-market is using more contingent labor and looking to balance cost, quality, and how long it takes to find people. So, there are similarities there. Equally interesting is how the mid-market is looking for this very turnkey, fast-to-deploy, nimble solution. That’s been very educational for everyone.

Jen Torney: Those are great points, Brian. Two things surprised me most. The first was a disappointment. The second was the chaos of the economy and the impact on our clients’ workforces. There were layoffs, then rehiring, then layoffs. It’s never been that unpredictable. It was a lot of change, which shouldn’t be all that surprising with the last couple of years we’ve had. But the unpredictability that happened was interesting.

CD: As we move through 2024, what are your biggest predictions for the year?

BH: We’re going to see real total talent management start to happen and I’m excited about that. I also believe we’re going to see an AI correction if you will, where companies are realizing that the providers they’re relying on are not using AI in the right way and exposing them to risk. And because areas like large language models (LLMs) are growing so quickly in a variety of industries, we can expect some form of regulation put around them. This is already occurring in the EU.

JT: I couldn’t agree more on the AI aspect. There’s a sort of false understanding of what providers are even doing with AI. There’s a lot of hyperbole. In terms of predictions, I’m going to throw my hat in the ring and say there won’t be a recession … but maybe a slow recovery. I may very well be wrong. It might still be a tricky year. I do think there’s going to be more mergers and acquisitions activity. We’re already seeing some acquisitions. In this type of economy, with the 2023 books closed, there will be more acquisitions in the market.  

CD: I have dual questions here. Where do both technology and services go in 2024? We’ll begin with Jen and managed services.   

JT: I’ll be so bold as to say some of the work we’ve been doing with our partners, Beeline specifically, will begin to converge and intertwine with what we do with our core technology partners. Some of the direction that MSPs are going is becoming more outcome-based focused and less processing management. We have so much expertise to lend and truly believe that organizations are seeking advisory direction and support — particularly on supply and procurement strategy. In addition to recommending a supplier, it’s more about how you are buying and understanding the right strategy to engage and achieve the most value for what you’re trying to drive toward. That’s going to be a big but slow shift.

BH: We’ve started this evolution of who Beeline is because of the new things we have rolling out. We have products that are available to serve parts of the market we have never had before. That will continue. It’s part of what we want to be, which is offering great experiences and products for every persona involved in contingent labor. We’re already doing that with Beeline Professional, our solution for the mid-market, as well as some of the work we’re doing with suppliers that I’m incredibly excited about.      

CD: We’ve talked about what surprised us and some 2024 predictions. Let’s close with what each of you would to see most in 2024 — not what you expect to happen — but what you would most like to see.

JT: I have two. The first is I’d like to see Beeline top its 80s party from the CWS Summit. Very much looking forward to that. My real honest answer, and not to sound beauty pageantry, is I’d love to see more world peace. 2023 was a volatile year concerning civil unrest. There’s nothing more I’d like to see than some of that quiet down. I know that’s probably not realistic to see it completely resolved, but that’s my utopian answer.

BH: Challenge accepted for the Beeline party. My answer was going to be similar. The word I’d use is normalcy. We had two-and-a-half years of the pandemic. And 2023 with economic uncertainty, the war in Ukraine for the last few years, and what’s going on in Gaza. We’re now in a year of a political presidential election cycle that’s going to be horrible, no matter what side you’re on. I would just like to see normalcy and civility. I’ve always loved the saying, “moderation in all things, including moderation.”

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Big Trends and Predictions for 2024 (Upcoming Webinar)

The procurement function plays a critical role within the Future of Work movement. This business unit, in addition to their typical, operational prowess in optimizing spend management and supply management, also holds responsibility for influencing extended and contingent workforce management and its many links to the ways enterprises drive value from their non-employee talent. Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange, in partnership with Beeline and iValua, are excited to host an exclusive webcast tomorrow focused on the big trends and predictions that will shape 2024 for this crucial enterprise function.

Andrew Bartolini (Ardent’s Chief Research Officer), Brian Hoffmeyer (SVP of Market Strategies at Beeline), and Vishal Patel (iValua’s VP of Marketing) will join me for a spirited discussion on hot-button topics such as inflation, economic conditions, the talent wars, extended workforce growth, direct sourcing, and the 2024 impact of artificial intelligence on business operations. Join us tomorrow (Thursday, February 1) at 10am ET. You won’t want to miss this event!

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Talent Experts on FOWX — Evolution of Staffing and Growth of Extended Workforce

Our “Talent Expert Series” on FOWX features podcast excerpts of today’s Future of Work thought leaders who appear on The Future of Work Exchange Podcast. The series kicks off with an excerpt from Season 7, Episode 12 featuring Kara Kaplan, CEO of High5, as she discusses a range of topics from the evolution of staffing to the growth in the extended enterprise to the next stage of direct sourcing.

Click to listen to the full interview. Note that this excerpt has been edited for readability.

Christopher Dwyer: Let’s begin with your general insights into the staffing industry, especially given your unique vantage point with High5. When you think of the evolution of staffing and the rise and continued growth of the extended workforce, where are we today?

Kara Kaplan: For starters, the evolution of staffing and the emergence of the extended workforce has ushered in this profound transformation that we’re seeing. It’s a fundamental shift in how companies view and engage with talent. The traditional employment model has been supplemented and, in some cases, supplanted by an extended workforce. Thus, you see many organizations today, if not most, embracing the extended workforce as an integral component of their talent strategy.

And when we look at the term “employee” in general, it’s really evolving with these new models. You have everything from full-time, part-time, contract, gig, remote, hybrid, shared and other terms emerging. Those organizations that rigidly stick to the traditional relationship are going to find themselves fighting an uphill battle. Conversely, enterprises that appreciate and use a mix of workforce models will ultimately be the ones that succeed and have access to more talent and better talent.

It’s more of an adaptation to the new global economy that we now live in and all the complexities and opportunities that are part and parcel of that global shift. At the end of the day, organizations need to embrace this evolution not as an option but more as a strategic imperative. The exciting thing is that organizations are starting to do that.

CD: There is definitely a talent revolution occurring and obviously companies like High 5 fit into that. However, how do you see companies like High5 and other digital staffing platforms fitting into this change in talent acquisition?

KK: Today’s talent revolution signifies a profound shift in how organizations acquire and engage talent. We’re seeing it become much more commoditized. Talent is more dynamic and diverse, as well as more digitally connected than ever before. With the rise of talent marketplaces and digital staffing solutions, they’ve been instrumental in reshaping talent acquisition strategies and truly enabling organizations to adapt and thrive in this global landscape.

At their core, talent marketplaces democratized new access to a global pool of talent. These platforms are empowering organizations to source talent with levels of speed and accuracy that were not possible just a short time ago. For example, in the recent past, when working with many staffing agencies, there was a significant amount of manual effort required in matching a worker with a shift — even if they had a robust ATS, it would only benefit them to a degree. However, today’s digital staffing solutions driven by artificial intelligence and automation have redefined the recruitment process and streamlined nearly everything from candidate sourcing to screening to onboarding and payrolling. It saves a vast amount of time and resources.

CD: In our industry when you think about digital staffing, what comes to mind is BMS, MSP, direct sourcing, total talent, workforce management technology, and artificial intelligence. AI has moved beyond hype and is generally accepted as table stakes in our industry. What are your views on AI and its impact?

KK: To your point, we can’t have this conversation without talking about generative AI and what it means. However, the idea that AI is table stakes for competitive differentiation may be overly simplistic. While AI can undoubtedly provide a significant edge, it’s not a cure-all as companies are seeing. Enterprises still have to remain focused on their core offerings and the human aspect of talent as well as customer relationships to build a sustainable competitive advantage. It’s certainly an exciting time for AI but also a scary one as well. AI is not going away and we’ll continue to hear frequently about the technology, but going forward we need to think about AI in the right way and in the smart way.

CD: Let’s pivot to direct sourcing which was gaining momentum even before the pandemic and is now another table-stakes strategy for businesses if they want to deepen their talent pool and scale their workforce. There’s so much more to direct sourcing than simply contingent recruitment process outsourcing (RPO). With that in mind, where do you see direct sourcing heading?

KK: So much has changed in just the year since I started High5. There’s no doubt that direct sourcing has emerged as a pivotal force in recruiting and is definitely here to stay. There are sessions at major conferences dedicated to direct sourcing with brands like Northern Trust, Toyota, and Meta espousing its benefits. When that starts to happen, the more prominence direct sourcing will have. Clearly, in terms of the future of direct sourcing, the benefits are there. However, its adoption will require an education process. Anytime an education process is involved, it’s going to slow things down, particularly from a sales cycle perspective, but that process plays a vital role in ensuring that organizations realize the efficacy of direct sourcing. To be successful means ensuring that best practices are being followed. When direct sourcing initiatives fail, it’s because they didn’t follow best practices. Again, I’m extremely bullish on the future of direct sourcing, but I do think it will take some time for that education to catch up.

CD: Before we wrap up, 2023 is quickly coming to an end. What do you see on the horizon in the year ahead?

KK: I wish I had a crystal ball. For us, 2024 is about strengthening our position in the market. Being known as the “tech first” company, we’re making heavy investments in our tech enablement, our marketplace, and our other platforms. We have a great deal of excitement around some of our recent tech acquisitions and the compelling value proposition that creates for us going forward.

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