
Direct Sourcing 2.0

The Next Era of Direct Sourcing: A Future of Work Exchange Research Sneak Peek

In just a few weeks, Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange will publish the next edition of its landmark direct sourcing series, The Next Era of Direct Sourcing. Today, we present a sneak peek of the groundbreaking new research study. Stay tuned to the Exchange for more news about the new report (and maybe another sneak peek!).

Just a few years ago, the majority of direct sourcing programs revolved around a near-simplified core of processes and strategies meant to assist the overall organization in developing flexible talent pools and talent communities. Since then, direct sourcing has become synonymous with the continued evolution of talent; businesses that desire deep organizational and workforce agility are actively harnessing the power of talent pools (and placing top candidates into the recruiting process) as a viable means of reducing talent acquisition costs, ensuring top-tier skillsets and expertise, and structuring a truly dynamic workforce.

Historically, direct sourcing delivers value by enabling (1) deeper candidate pipelines, without the need for staffing suppliers or intermediaries, 2) more active recruiting and engagement of known talent, such as “silver medalists” and past contractors, and 3) more savings, both hard (reduced staffing markups, more competitive rates, etc.) and soft (higher-quality talent, faster fill rates, stronger performance, reduced risk of bad hires, etc.). In essence, direct sourcing entails several key “phases” that comprise a larger and dedicated program:

  • Talent curation. Talent curators (often consisting of business leaders well-versed in talent acquisition and hiring) are responsible for identifying top-tier workers and “collections” of expertise and skills that can be tapped in an on-demand manner.
  • Talent pool development. Talent pool development involves grouping various types of candidates into an on-demand channel of known workers, such as retirees, alumni, silver medalists, past freelancers/contractors, and new candidates that are engaged via branded job portals.
  • Talent pool segmentation. By segmenting talent pools, businesses can better align new job or project requirements with available candidates. Talent pool segmentation most often involves the cross-section of candidates by geography/region, skillsets and expertise, compensation, certifications, etc.
  • Integration with core enterprise recruitment streams. One of the most critical pieces to direct sourcing is placing talent pool candidates into the main recruiting streams that hiring managers leverage to source new workers. Talent pools should be integrated and readily accessible in Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), Vendor Management Systems (VMS), and other key talent acquisition and contingent workforce management platforms.
  • Talent nurture and communication. This deeper element of direct sourcing involves frequent communication with candidates in talent pools to ensure that they are properly engaged and show interest in potential employment. Talent nurture has become a critical piece of today’s direct sourcing programs, as businesses contend with the “Great Resignation” and a higher number of disillusioned workers that prioritize communication, empathy, and other non-monetary benefits.
  • Repeatable candidate engagement through company branding and other marketing facets. One of the essential items of direct sourcing is simple on the surface: how do we engage candidates and encourage them to opt-into our talent network? Leveraging job boards and job portals that reflect the company’s overall brand (specifically its color schema and notable design elements) and culture (social responsibility, etc.) are the ideal means of driving candidates into a network from which can be curated into deep talent pools. On top of this is the art of referrals, which, when automated, can allow existing candidates to refer like-minded and similar-skilled workers to join a company’s talent community.

While the above attributes are the veritable core of any direct sourcing program, the truth is that the strategy as a whole has evolved since it began its meteoric rise several years ago. Although even the most intermediary of efforts drive tangible value, there is so much more at stake for direct sourcing than cutting costs and expanding the overall talent pipeline.

Direct sourcing in 2023 is more than just the sum of its parts; in fact, what it represents is a near-alignment with the direct of business now and in the relative future. The labor market is still unsettled, while economic uncertainty (unfortunately) still rules the day. Businesses are in a continued war for talent, as unemployment sinks to historic lows and millions of job openings remain.

Too, the transformations happening as part of the Future of Work movement actively dictate that businesses shift their hiring strategies. All of these facets together represent a new challenge, yet, a new opportunity for direct sourcing: help enterprises cultivate a flexible and scalable workforce that drives true talent sustainability.

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The Impact of Direct Sourcing on 2023 Hiring Strategies

Last week, Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange hosted an exclusive webcast, Scale Your 2023 Hiring Initiatives With Direct Sourcing, that highlighted the impact of direct sourcing on talent acquisition in 2023 and beyond.

Over the past three years, there may be no hotter topic in the world of talent and work than direct sourcing, and rightfully so: it was a top overall priority for enterprises heading into the pandemic, and, during it, these businesses realized the workforce scalability and candidate experience enhancement inherent in direct sourcing programs. Last week’s event discussed:

  • Why the volatility of 2023 will be an ideal setting for direct sourcing strategies and programs to shine.
  • The functionality required to digitize recruitment and catalyze direct sourcing success.
  • How “Direct Sourcing 2.0” represents the next generation of direct sourcing via mobility, AI, and an enhanced hiring manager experience, and;
  • The specific ways direct sourcing can impact hiring strategies, talent acquisition initiatives, and extended workforce programs in 2023.

If you happened to miss the live event, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Check out the on-demand edition of Scale Your 2023 Hiring Initiatives With Direct Sourcing below, and stay tuned to the Future of Work Exchange for our next exclusive live event.

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Believe the Hype: Direct Sourcing is a Key Element of the Future of Work

I can remember a moment back in January 2020, an era that seems so very long ago. At that point, the world looked so much different: we weren’t so worried about a global pandemic, nor we were masking up whenever we left the house. We weren’t bombarded by 24/7 news on social media about mass suffering and sickness. And, as we know all so well know, the way we looked at our workforce was much, much unlike the way we perceive talent today.

Ardent Partners’ 2020 State of Contingent Workforce Management research study found that, when polled regarding their top priorities heading into the new decade, direct sourcing and talent pools were #1 and #2, respectively. There were many executive leaders that participated in that study who saw the writing on the wall: talent acquisition needed to change and so did the ways businesses engaged top-tier skillsets and expertise.

Call it omniscient, or call it plain luck; no matter how we describe these pre-pandemic insights, those forward-looking business leaders were onto something. In elegant, MSP-led programs in Europe years ago, direct sourcing took the form of “contingent RPO,” in which businesses built their own talent pipelines via pseudo-agencies that they controlled and operated outside of traditional staffing supplier relationships. So, while direct sourcing isn’t a new concept, it certainly feels like that when we consider the incredible growth of these programs and the attention and focus paid to the concept over the past few years.

(I also have to give immense credit to a dear friend of mine, Jeff Nugent. Here’s a post from 2014 in which he discusses the benefits of direct sourcing. Yes, 2014!)

In the business arena, ideas and strategies that attract so much attention are inevitably destined to fail to live up to the hype. There may have been a moment or two a couple of years ago when it seemed that direct sourcing could have headed down that same fateful path. However, it very much did not, due to three main reasons:

  • Talent pipelines and talent communities became the lifelines of businesses throughout the COVID-19 pandemic as they required flexibility and scalability regarding their workforce.
  • The candidate experience, which became ever-so critical, followed a core element in Best-in-Class direct sourcing programs: talent nurture capabilities, and;
  • Businesses required a steady flow of both active candidates and passive candidates to power through The Great Resignation.

Heading into 2023, the very realm of “hiring” will take on new meaning as businesses contend with a variety of issues that could impact their organizational pathways in getting work done…and, of course, merely surviving. The war in the Ukraine continues to rage and disrupts global trade. The Great Resignation is turning into “The Great Resettling” as workers begin to discover how they want their careers to unfold. The specter of an economic downturn hovers, with recessionary fears sparking precautionary layoffs and major transitions by organizations. And, yet another COVID winter surge is just up ahead.

For enterprises today, direct sourcing isn’t just a concept that’ll ease some measure of talent shortfalls. Direct sourcing is, and has been, a key element of the Future of Work movement. Whether it’s the ability to traverse omni-channel talent engagement, building deep, segmented talent pools, fostering core talent communities, or developing enterprise-wide workforce scalability, direct sourcing remains a powerful strategy as the world of talent and work continues to evolve.

Join Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange on Thursday, November 10 at 2pm ET for our next exclusive webcast, Scale Your 2023 Hiring Initiatives With Direct Sourcing. Register for this exciting new webinar and learn more about the impact of direct sourcing on talent acquisition and recruitment in the months ahead.

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Scale Your 2023 Hiring Initiatives with Direct Sourcing (Upcoming Webinar)

Hot on the heels of our Five Things You MUST KNOW About the Future of Work webcast earlier this month, Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange are excited to announce that our next virtual event will be held at 2pm on November 10. This time, we’re focused on perhaps the most dynamic topic in today’s exciting world of work and talent: DIRECT SOURCING.

Going into 2020, direct sourcing and talent pools were top priority areas for businesses across the globe. One global pandemic and a Future of Work-accelerated business arena later, it has become even more critical for businesses that want to thrive in the months and years ahead. 2021 and 2022 were mired in “The Great Resignation” and a “Great Resettling” of workers across various industries, roles, verticals, etc. Along with the volatile labor market that this sparked, businesses are also worrying about the specter of another economic recession while also attempting to plan for an important calendar year in 2023 from corporate objective standpoints.

Direct sourcing, and the concept of Direct Sourcing 2.0 (a FOWX original term meant to define the next era of direct sourcing), has proven to drive incredible value across several key areas of talent acquisition, recruitment, and workforce management, including: enhancing the candidate experience, boosting the hiring manager experience, revolutionizing talent engagement, improving the overall quality of talent, and enabling seamless talent redeployment.

Join Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange on Thursday, November 10 (at 2pm ET) or an exclusive webinar, How to Scale Your 2023 Hiring Initiatives With Direct Sourcing. We’ll unveil some brand new data points, several Best-in-Class strategies for launching and maximizing direct sourcing programs, and so much more! Register now!

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Key Providers for 2022: LiveHire

The Background:

Over the next two years, nearly 70% of business leaders expect to implement an “integrated” talent acquisition strategy within their organizations, according to Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research. This mode of approach towards worker engagement, in essence, translates into the ability to blend traditional measures of talent acquisition with new and innovative means to foster better relationships with candidates and drive recruitment success.

An integrated talent acquisition strategy doesn’t just render the intermingling of “old” and “new” together, but rather involves a fresh approach towards talent engagement and candidate sourcing that 1) drives better time-to-fill rates, 2) improves the overall success of projects led by both FTE and non-employee candidates, and 3) infuses the greater organization with top-tier skillsets and expertise that can be deployed and retained for both current and future initiatives.

Enter LiveHire.

Why They Were Selected:

LiveHire was the first true direct sourcing technology platform to disrupt the market well over a decade ago, buoyed by its unique mixture of ATS, CRM, and talent community management functionality. They have long been a market leader in this industry, and rightfully so: a truly global software entity, LiveHire has redefined what it means to technologically-enable “total talent management” through an innovative array of powerful recruitment solutions.

In Their Own Words:

LiveHire is the most proven technology for direct sourcing and total talent acquisition with more than 200 clients across 20 industries globally. Independently awarded for exceptional candidate experience, product design, innovation, and client outcomes, we enable our clients to universally attract and engage all worker categories, including direct-hire, contingent and independent workers, for a true total talent solution. We are proud that LiveHire is not only the most proven but also the most loved technology by candidates and recruiters alike, with almost a decade of top NPS scores and industry ratings.

Our mission is to empower the flow of the world’s talent, so we consider candidate experience our superpower and know that it leads to unmatched outcomes in speed of hire. In direct sourcing, we are known as the battle-tested, heavyweight technology to achieve hiring scale through our powerful candidate relationship management (CRM) and applicant tracking system (ATS), unique talent pooling, intelligent matching, 2-way text messaging and candidate journeys through “moments that matter.” 

Our leaders combine deep experience in technology and staffing, as well as some of the world’s most admired thought leadership firms for talent strategy, workforce solutions, and the Future of Work. Continuing to innovate and evolve our product is a top priority for LiveHire, and we frequently seek market feedback to identify improvement opportunities that will deliver measurable results for our clients.

We would love to hear from you. For more information, visit us at or contact Follow us on LinkedIn.

The Outlook:

The Future of Work Exchange has maintained, since its inception nearly 16 months ago, that the realm of direct sourcing is positioned to transform the ways businesses think about talent, work, and workforce management. However, no longer does simple automation for talent curation and talent pool development portend an effective direct sourcing technology platform in today’s frenetic, volatile, and dynamic business arena.

LiveHire is well-positioned to not only continue as a dominant force in the direct sourcing market, but also become a revolutionary solution due to its laser-like focus on the candidate experience, innovation within the integration of ATS, CRM, and direct sourcing functionality, universal talent engagement and talent nurture capabilities, disruptive recruitment automation, and frictionless total talent management offerings.

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Key Providers for 2022: WorkLLama

The Background:

There are many slivers of the Future of Work movement that traverse beyond the concept of “work optimization.” In recent years, the very idea of “the evolution of talent” has translated into businesses harnessing the power of new and alternative talent sources while also tapping into the robust functionality of direct sourcing and digital staffing platforms.

Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research has found, over the past two years, that the 1) development of talent communities/talent pools and 2) the initiation of direct sourcing programs are two of the top five priorities for enterprises as they think about how they address work and talent. To effectively achieve these goals and implement robust strategies and processes for direct sourcing, organizations require innovative technology and automation that can revolutionize the ways they engage, source, and manage top-tier talent.

Enter WorkLLama.

Why They Were Selected:

Before entering the enterprise market a few years ago, WorkLLama was battled-tested in the world of staffing; this time spent in that arena allowed the solution to hone its functionality and quickly become a dominant player in the direct sourcing technology marketplace. Through their continued progression, WorkLLama has become a major purveyor of the “Direct Sourcing 2.0” movement, in which advanced functionality, artificial intelligence, access to superior talent, an enhanced candidate experience, and the enablement of repeatable and scalable direct sourcing processes all contribute to a more advanced program.

“Direct Sourcing 2.0” follows the next generation of direct sourcing strategies and is fundamentally rooted in the linkage between key technological arenas, a renewed focus on the candidate experience, a seamless connection between talent pools and the projects and roles that require specific expertise, and a retooled “hiring manager experience” that takes into account Future of Work-era innovation.

Through its dynamic mix of ATS, CRM, and progressive direct sourcing tools, WorkLLama is a pure a reflection of Direct Sourcing 2.0. In addition, the platform has proved that it has the capabilities to transform the ways businesses find, engage, and manage talent through its total talent-ranging functionality and automation.

In Their Own Words:

WorkLLama is a total talent acquisition and engagement suite. Our platform harnesses the power of AI with a complete suite of applicant tracking system (ATS), candidate relationship management (CRM), and direct sourcing tools to help companies build communities of highly engaged talent for all hiring needs. Visit us at Follow us on LinkedIn.

The Outlook:

Although WorkLLama has become one of the market leaders in the direct sourcing technology arena, there is so much more to the platform than just functionality related to talent curation, talent pool development, and candidate management. Innovative offerings such as its AI-fueled, conversational bot (Sofi), simple and automated referrals, and in-mobile-app candidate assessments are examples of how the platform will thrive in the coming months and years.

In addition, WorkLLama has partnered with three major solution providers over the past several weeks; these partnerships will extend the vision, capabilities, and ultimate value of the WorkLLama suite of offerings:

  • The company’s partnership with global workforce solutions giant Randstad Sourceright as its preferred direct sourcing platform is a hallmark union that will push WorkLLama’s powerful functionality into the global market.
  • WorkLLama’s recent partnership with background screening platform Checkr will enable faster time-to-hire and improve the overall candidate experience by integrating screening with its already-robust talent acquisition functionality.
  • By partnering with EverHive, the relationship between the two providers will meld the direct sourcing offerings across WorkLLama’s technology suite with EverHive’s contingent workforce management offerings, resulting in a boost to extended workforce programs that require direct sourcing automation to enhance access to top talent.

WorkLLama’s bright future in the workforce solutions market is buoyed by its dynamic offerings and commitment to the Future of Work.

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There’s So Much More to the Future of Work

There’s so much more to the Future of Work than what we’ve experienced thus far.

Around two years ago, during the very first summer under pandemic-era living, we had all had a strong taste of what the so-called “Future of Work” had to offer: remote work became a normalized attribute of the modern business, corporate leadership was consistently changing in the face of survival, and digitization proved to be a competitive differentiator as enterprises moved operations as a direct plan of attack against transformative times.

Since then, we’ve collectively learned to “live” with a life-changing virus whilst embracing the major changes in the way we address how work is done. While some businesses have instituted “return-to-office” plans, many others have settled on models that work well for both productivity and the satisfaction of flexibility for the workforce.

More so, businesses are operating in environments that are increasingly more digital and more human, two vastly different elements that are shaping the Future of Work for organizations across the world. The Future of Work Exchange has covered these aspects since its inception, however, there is so much more to this movement than what we’ve experienced thus far over these past two-plus years:

  • The (continued) transformation of talent acquisition and the power of “open talent.” The extended workforce continues to grow. Freelancers and contractors, sparked by The Great Resignation, are “resettling” into new and different (and most importantly, flexible) roles that better suit their needs and purpose. The technology behind how we find and engage talent has been centered on innovation more now than ever before. We haven’t even begun to truly think about how functionality like blockchain can change the Future of Work game; just look at an organization like the Velocity Network Foundation, which blends digital wallets, blockchain-fueled credentialing, and a truly foundational, evolving “rulebook” that guides candidates/talent and businesses.
  • The real-deal application of artificial intelligence within the confines of “work.” Just because an organization currently leverages a flavor of AI does not mean that this translates into a true application of the technology. AI can become even more of a Future of Work gamechanger when organizations apply deeper elements of its powerful reach, including driving efficiency in hiring, powering predictive and prescriptive insights, and enabling stronger efforts in recruitment. Platforms like HiredScore,,, and ModernHire are taking AI in talent acquisition and talent management to a new and exciting era in today’s frenetic labor market.
  • The rise of conscious leadership. The realm of conscious leadership follows a similar path to the one paved by empathy, in that nearly every facet of human contact between an executive and his or her colleagues and staff is rooted in a meaningful, genuine purpose. A leader’s core approaches involve them becoming more aware of their actions, more aware of how kind and, yes, conscious, those actions and insights may be perceived by the organization’s workforce.
  • Strategies that began as extensions of extended workforce management that will become table stakes for the world of talent and work…particularly direct sourcing. Direct sourcing experienced its biggest spike in both prominence and utilization since the beginning of 2020 and there are no signs that businesses will slow how they leverage talent pools and talent communities to inject top-tier talent into their organizational projects and initiatives. Direct sourcing technology is evolving, too, in such a way that “Direct Sourcing 2.0,” which follows AI-fueled, digital recruitment-led functionality (as well as next-generation talent curation), will become the prominent form of direct sourcing as businesses progress their utilization of these critical platforms. Providers such as WorkLLama, LiveHire, Prosperix, Opptly, High5, PRO Unlimited (Direct Source PRO, which has recently integrated WillHire into its solution), and AMS are all contributing to the Direct Sourcing 2.0 revolution.
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The Impact of Direct Sourcing (and Direct Sourcing 2.0) Beyond 2022

In the throes of year of Year Three of a pandemic, historic inflation, and an uncertain economy, the labor market is the very definition of “volatile.” Today, there is a powerful undercurrent happening in the business world that promises to permanently transform the way work is done: the growth, power, and impact of the extended workforce. Enterprises are on the cusp of a permanent change in how works gets done, accelerated by a pandemic that has pushed direct sourcing to the top of HR, talent acquisition, and procurement executives’ priority list.

The sudden shift to remote and hybrid work models forced businesses to pivot their work optimization strategies while simultaneously managing ongoing operations amidst a wildly uncertain present (not to mention, the most severe public health crisis in a century). Two major workforce priorities came to light directly as a result of 2020’s challenging times: the “reimagining” of workforce management (84%, according to Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research) and the greater need for contingent labor (82%).

The era of social distancing, citywide curfews, and global lockdowns have had a profound effect on how businesses find, engage, and manage their workforce. In-person interviewing, scheduled recruiter meetings, collaboration between HR and hiring managers and other “taken-for-granted” procedures became nearly-impossible to perform due to new coronavirus restrictions. In direct response to the biggest public health crisis of the last century, business leaders developed new and innovative approaches to recruiting and hiring.

Too, the increase in utilization of non-employee labor (43.5% of the total workforce in early 2020 vs. nearly 47% of total workforce today) is a leading indicator of where the world of work is heading, and, more importantly, why direct sourcing will become a dominant form of talent acquisition well into 2023 considering that enterprises were required to rethink and “reboot” their workforce management processes. And, as the need for non-employee talent increases, direct sourcing makes ideal sense as the gateway to better staffing processes and superior talent.

Even basic direct sourcing programs can drive value through a combination of on-demand, plug-and-play talent, and hard-cost savings. But the pandemic’s impact on the workforce has dramatically accelerated market shifts. Today, talent is scarce and comes at a premium. As a result, workers are demanding greater flexibility from their employers. They are more focused on work-life balance, while also desiring greater independence.

Among many things, the “Talent Revolution” indicates a seismic shift in power towards the worker and away from the employer…meaning that businesses require a more powerful, more flexible, and more scalable version of direct sourcing. Enter “Direct Sourcing 2.0.”

Now is the time for “Direct Sourcing 2.0,” the next generation of sourcing strategies that blend innovative solutions with a renewed focus on the candidate experience and an ability to use talent pools to populate the key projects and roles that require expertise and experience. Today’s business climate has accelerated the need for a reimagined approach to candidate engagement. As the market for talent continues to tighten amidst the lingering pandemic and a surging number of resignations, businesses find themselves in a new kind of “war for talent,” one that is far more extensive and complicated than anything experienced pre-pandemic.

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Digital and Human Convergence: The Art of Managed Direct Sourcing (MDS)

Sixty percent (60%) of organizations actively blend digital and human recruitment processes, according to Future of Work Exchange research, reinforcing the notion that direct sourcing must unify traditional talent acquisition methods with innovative direct sourcing technology. This is exactly the foundation of “managed direct sourcing,” which entails a multi-phased series of strategies, underpinned with technology, that drives a continuous flow of candidates who can be engaged and hired in an on-demand fashion. MDS differs from traditional direct sourcing in the sense that it is more controlled, repeatable, and, most critically, highly-scalable.

MDS is typically offered as a services-based solution through a Managed Service Provider (MSP) and augmented with direct sourcing technology offered by an ecosystem of platform partners. An MDS offering will typically drive talent curation and other key program elements, while the direct sourcing platform partner will enable a series of repeatable processes including referral campaigns, nurture strategies, and messaging and collaboration. What sets MDS apart from traditional direct sourcing is its symbiotic relationship between full-lifecycle, human-led services and agile digitization.

What enables MDS to stand out from traditional direct sourcing programs is its “beating heart,” comprised of a technology stack that can build on the human-led strategy and transform hiring processes to be repeatable and scalable, while establishing new prospect channels for hiring managers. As described earlier in this report, the major differences between MDS and traditional direct sourcing are the factors that frequently impact how the whole of the business finds, engages, and sources its top-tier talent. Businesses with direct sourcing automation are able to execute on “deeper” elements of this talent-led program. With less dependence on traditional, resource-heavy sourcing and recruiting approaches, a “digital-led” direct sourcing program that relies on deep CWM expertise can drive superior talent outcomes.Businesses that have tapped into direct sourcing automation are able to improve their programs with scalable processes that can drive superior talent engagement, help nurture top talent, and boost the overall candidate experience:

  • Direct sourcing automation is an ideal tool to improve candidate matching and talent engagement. A technology-led model requires less dependency on internal staff, drives greater “talent funnel” generation, while also improving the identification of and engagement with high-value candidates. For example, human curation is an excellent strategy for businesses that requires a high-touch approach towards talent pooling. However, the impact of direct sourcing automation adds additional value by improving the overall targeting of candidates by enhancing the alignment of enterprise requirements and available skillsets, and, most importantly, by enabling direct sourcing processes and strategies to be streamlined and standardized across the enterprise. Best-in-Class direct sourcing solutions also offer robust candidate referral functionality that can drive additional talent engagement without the organization spending significantly more time and resources. These capabilities are generally available and optimized within a solution’s mobile application
  • Direct sourcing platforms enable repeatable, collaborative processes with key candidates. The most overlooked aspects of direct sourcing are within its “secondary” phases, particularly talent nurture strategies and candidate communications. While MSP leaders in a managed direct sourcing program will guide businesses to craft/use the messaging they will need to engage candidates after they have been curated and locked into talent pools, the direct sourcing platform can transform these processes into repeatable campaigns that involve both email and SMS/text message communications, ensuring that all candidates feel valued and “in touch” with what is happening within the greater
    organization. This is a key element in fostering an environment of connectivity, openness, and inclusivity. These attributes are becoming more critical for today’s evolving workforce and they allow independent workers to better align their skillsets with specific projects and pick-and-choose how they want to work.
  • Direct sourcing solutions enable users to tap into the power of their brand and culture to attract the best candidates. Compensation is not the only aspect that today’s workers (either traditional or contract) value in a potential employer. Direct sourcing solutions offer functionality that can help users build “job portals” that leverage the enterprise’s brand, colors, and other unique, marketing-specific attributes. Candidates that align with a company’s brand are more likely to opt-in to receive news about job postings, new roles, upcoming projects, etc. This can be an incredibly powerful lever for managed direct sourcing because it taps into the power of an enterprise’s culture to attract star workers and candidates. This can also foster greater loyalty between contingent workers and their employers, something that is often missed by legacy talent acquisition models.
  • Direct sourcing automation enables holistic reporting that can cascade into other talent acquisition strategies. The intelligence gleaned from direct sourcing platforms and MSP-driven direct sourcing programs can be harnessed for greater workforce planning, particularly when forecasting future utilization of both contingent and full-time talent.
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Procurement’s View of Direct Sourcing

The role of procurement is ever-evolving. Chief Procurement Officers are executing strategies in a world wrought with immense volatility and unpredictability. While the scale of disruption is unlike anything witnessed in a century, procurement serves as the rudder for many enterprises, helping navigate this uncharted territory.

It is a position that CPOs are accustomed to — think back to The Great Recession from the not-too-distant past. Times of change and uncertainty are when procurement takes center stage. Amid current supply shortages and extended lead times, procurement’s sphere of influence has expanded to talent acquisition and the Future of Work.

What kind of scene did procurement walk into? It’s well-documented how the pandemic forever-altered workplace dynamics when tens of millions of workers shifted from on-premise to remote working. And as the pandemic abated, The Great Resignation took hold with millions leaving their jobs or the workforce entirely. It’s also important to mention that the workforce itself is transitioning from what was mostly full-time employees to nearly 50% contingent workers. The Future of Work Exchange (FOWX) cited in its recent article, Where Does the Extended Workforce Go From Here?, that “FOWX research pegs contingent labor at 47% of the average company’s total workforce, a statistic that is only expected to grow in the months and years ahead.”

Enterprises are now waging a war for talent amidst a highly competitive recruiting environment where traditional recruitment methods alone are no longer viable. It requires a several-pronged approach and internal ownership using direct sourcing to plan, execute, and manage a talent pipeline for the future success of the organization. It’s nearly table stakes to operate with agility and resiliency. The competitive differentiator is attracting talent that brings new outlooks and outcomes to your global market and envisions markets and lines of business yet to be explored. Procurement should be right at home in this environment, adjusting to the intricacies of talent acquisition and the concept of direct sourcing for recruitment.

According to Ardent Partners’ The Direct Sourcing Toolkit, “talent pool creation and development” was the leading priority for talent and workforce management in 2020. And, in 2021, Ardent and FOWX research pointed to talent and skills access as a core priority heading into 2022. The question remains, then: How can procurement approach talent acquisition and a direct sourcing strategy?

First and foremost, it requires collaboration with HR to understand the talent needs of the enterprise. Where are there gaps in specific departments? Are there major initiatives with vacancies in key roles? Does the organization need additional support for promotional or seasonal purposes?

Procurement complements HR in this effort because of its cross-functional relationships and deep understanding of operations and ongoing product development. Leverage those relationships to glean insight into talent issues and where the organization could use support. It may be necessary to form a talent committee with representation from various business units. Communicate the new direction for talent recruiting and the shift to direct sourcing. Since the enterprise is curating and managing its own talent pipeline, leaders should be encouraged to recommend prospective candidates — both passive and active — from their own networks.

As the talent pool(s) builds with new and on-demand candidates, such as alumni, silver medalists, and former freelancers and contractors, they can be segmented based on their skillsets and competencies for various types of roles. Procurement can collaborate with IT to ensure recruitment and talent management applications and platforms [e.g., applicant tracking systems (ATS) and vendor management systems (VMS)] integrate well with the larger enterprise network.

Many enterprises utilize external partners to meet their contingent workforce management objectives. Monitoring various talent channels is resource-intensive and requires a dedicated team. Procurement can lead the search and selection of a Managed Service Provider (MSP), for example, which has access to supplier networks for talent needs across the enterprise and supply chain. Expertise with supplier selection and relationship management pays dividends when procurement leads this effort — cost awareness, contract management, and relationship building with the MSP. It also ensures procurement’s continued involvement with the direct sourcing program and the opportunity to influence its future direction.

Technology is critical to a direct sourcing program. An ATS and VMS are core to attracting and managing a contingent workforce. However, Industry 4.0 solutions (e.g., artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics) are now being utilized with direct sourcing initiatives to fine-tune potential candidate placement and predict talent needs. These technologies are integrated into many manufacturing operations, so it’s no surprise that talent management is now benefiting from a human perspective as well. Here again, procurement is well-versed in the use and potential of AI and predictive analytics. Where are there opportunities to further leverage AI to achieve talent management objectives? How far can predictive analytics provide mitigation against critical talent shortages or succession dilemmas? Imagine using a digital twin to simulate the workforce needs in the next decade?

Procurement has a vital role in today’s talent management initiatives. Leading direct sourcing programs alongside HR is not only good for business, but a necessity in today’s frenetic labor market.

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