
Contingent Workforce

What’s Ahead for Extended Workforce Management?

Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research has recently discovered that the extended workforce (also known as the contingent workforce) now comprises 49% of all enterprise talent. This astounding figure represents nearly 15 straight years of growth and represents the agility, flexibility, and value of non-employee talent. Today, we present an exclusive infographic that not only highlights the future of extended workforce management, but also includes new Ardent and FOWX research, as well.

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The Recession-Ready Enterprise

There has been great debate in recent months about a recession. Are we already in a recession? If a recession occurs, will it be light or something more impactful? Or will the economy be resilient and avoid a recession entirely? Enterprises in technology and media industries are already reacting to recession fears by laying off tens of thousands of workers. As we move further into 2023, how could a recession impact the extended workforce?

Business As Usual

There’s no doubt we’re experiencing challenging economic times. However, businesses must continue with mission-critical projects and initiatives that often require specialized expertise. The skills gap remains inherent in many enterprises, leading to continued demand for contingent workers. And as the Future of Work Exchange research indicates, 47.5% of the enterprise workforce is comprised of extended workers. That figure cannot be ignored, especially during times of economic distress.

Digitization Evolution and Workforce Mercenaries

Despite the recessionary climate, there is an enterprise evolution occurring: digitization. Whether it’s talent acquisition platforms, accounts payable solutions, or larger enterprise resource planning systems, businesses are transforming from tactical (manual) to strategic (digital) strategies across the operational landscape. And with digitization comes the extended workforce.

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To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

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The Talent Supply Chain Is Evolving…It’s Time to Rethink How We Approach It

Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of joining Prosperix‘s CEO, Sunil Bagai, and Defiant Solutions’ Bryan Pena for a spirited discussion on the evolution of the talent supply chain. Everything You Know About The Talent Supply Chain Is Wrong featured some new Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research, as well as a high-energy roundtable chat focused on how businesses can balance the power of today’s progressive labor market with the proper strategies for thriving in the months ahead.

If you missed the live event, we have you covered. Check out an on-demand edition below.

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Optimize Your Staffing Suppliers

The contingent workforce is now an essential component of enterprise execution and competitiveness. For many organizations, direct sourcing or online marketplaces are a primary means of securing non-employee talent. However, enterprises continue to utilize traditional staffing suppliers as well. In some cases, these relationships are based on a long-standing foundation for sourcing contingent workers.

Staffing suppliers, however, come with their own risks and rewards. Ongoing oversight is necessary to ensure these relationships are optimized and the organization’s staffing and workforce goals are met. The following are several considerations when managing staffing suppliers for contingent workforce engagement.

Track supplier performance for greater optimization. There are metrics for a host of business processes; the same should be true of staffing suppliers and their impact on talent management goals. According to Prosperix, a provider of workforce innovation solutions, staffing suppliers are not just meeting a talent need but contributing to a total talent management ecosystem. As such, a service-level agreement (SLA) detailing specific performance metrics must be established with regular tracking to mitigate potential risks.

What performance metrics are critical and specific to staffing suppliers? Prosperix says four KPIs are the most important.

  • Submissions to Positions
  • Submissions to Interview
  • Submissions to Hire
  • Assignment Completion

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To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

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The Top Talent Challenges of 2023 (So Far)

The business arena is shrouded in disruption and uncertainty, given the volatility of the labor market, supply chain risks, and economic challenges that are plaguing a variety of industries across the globe. With talent as the modern enterprise’s top competitive differentiator, it is no wonder that these external factors are placing pressure on talent-specific operations within the average organization, particularly workforce oversight, extended and contingent workforce management, skills analysis, talent engagement, talent acquisition, services procurement, etc.

In another exclusive Future of Work Exchange infographic, we highlight some brand new Ardent Partners research and unveil the top talent-oriented challenges for businesses (thus far) in 2023.

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Is It Time to Reintroduce Ourselves to Total Talent Management?

For the past decade, the very concept of total talent management has been akin to the Bigfoot or Loch Ness Monster of the business arena: a mythical idea that has only seen slivers of reality across global organizations. Sure, we’ve seen dribbles of total talent programs in some enterprises, as well as specific elements of these initiatives (i.e., total talent acquisition, total talent intelligence, etc.) offered by some of the industry’s more progressive workforce management solutions.

However, on the whole, total talent management itself has still not yet experienced its true arrival as we all would have anticipated. Back in 2011, I wrote perhaps the industry’s first full research study on total talent management, which found that there was extreme desire for such a program; the caveat, however, was that the tools weren’t quite there yet…and neither were the foundational elements required to make such a program successful.

So, here were are in 2023, with a toxic workplace environment (due to many, many workplace culture issues), a volatile labor market, and a Great Resettling that represents a continued revolution of talent. There may or may not be a recession swirling around us like a dooming specter. And, above all else, enterprises realize that they require the right talent at the right time at the right cost to get work done in an efficient and optimal way.

Dare I say that we should reintroduce ourselves to the idea of total talent management? Should we truly flip this concept from theory into reality? Here a few reasons why:

The rest of this article is available by subscription only.

Introducing a New Subscription Model

To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

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The Future of Work is Now: Top Trends for 2023 (New Research!)

2023 promises to be a year unlike any other. With rampant inflation, economic uncertainty, and a volatile labor market, enterprises must balance agility, flexibility, and dynamic strategies to thrive in these uncertain times. The year ahead will surely challenge enterprises, with the specter of an economic downturn lingering overhead as well as continued uncertainty regarding the volatility of the labor market. However, as businesses have done over the past three years, they will persevere, they will thrive, and, most critically, they will innovate.

In the spirit of looking ahead, Ardent Partners and the Future of Work Exchange developed a brand new research study: The Future of Work Is Now: Top Trends for 2023. Sponsored by Guidant Global, this exciting new research study highlights the key trends of today’s dynamic world of work and their implications on business operations in the year ahead. Click here to download the new report.

We identified seven key trends that will shape the way businesses find, engage, and source talent, manage their extended workforce, and optimize they ways they get work done. Download the new research study today!

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Artificial Intelligence Streamlines Contingent Workforce Management Decision-making

In today’s labor and economic climate, enterprises cannot afford to make poor hiring decisions. And with 47.5% of an organization’s workforce comprised of contingent workers, per Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research, an extended worker hire is just as critical operationally as a permanent employee. The ramifications of a hiring mistake — whether it’s an extended or permanent role — can cost businesses 30 percent of the employee’s first-year earnings, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. However, artificial intelligence is now shaping the future of contingent workforce management (CWM) to help avoid those employment missteps.

CWM Optimization Through Artificial Intelligence

Through artificial intelligence, enterprises can harness the value of structured and unstructured data to streamline contingent workforce management decision-making. AI also opens the door to new user experiences to better attract, acquire, and retain top-performing talent and improve operational execution — all leading to cost savings. Using prescriptive analytics for CWM optimization is an evolving but critical piece of AI strategy. While artificial intelligence has existed for a decade or more, the wider scope of its capabilities is only now being utilized.

Subsets of AI, such as machine learning (ML), predictive analytics, and natural language processing, coupled with complementary technologies like augmented reality and the metaverse are game changers for contingent workforce management optimization.

Putting Artificial Intelligence to Work

Enterprises and HR executives who are not at least exploring the possibilities of AI’s impact on CWM will find themselves at a competitive disadvantage when sourcing talent and executing extended workforce strategies. Ardent Partners and Future of Work Exchange research cites that 80% of businesses expect AI to transform CWM in the year ahead. These are several ways that AI and associated technologies are getting the job done.

  • Enhance the candidate matching process. Enterprises are under pressure to not only attract and acquire the right candidates but do so in a short time-to-hire time-frame. The talent need is often immediate, leading to more costs as the vacancy persists. Enter artificial intelligence that can streamline the candidate screening process by matching critical role-specific skills with existing candidates in enterprise talent pipelines (e.g., direct sourcing, talent marketplaces, etc.). AI can narrow the field even further through questionnaires and even simulated exercises to test candidate skill proficiency — all while increasing hiring speed and attaining higher-quality candidates. With 74% of businesses planning to leverage AI to enhance the candidate experience (per Ardent Partners and FOWX research), it’s clear that the potential of the technology is being recognized. This is critical because it means enterprises can use data to understand how and why candidates are choosing our business or leaving/jetting for other companies. It also exposes gaps in the hiring process that must be remedied to enable real-time hiring capabilities. The war for talent is raging…having a process that essentially finds those talent needles in the haystack is the competitive differentiator.
  • Expand overall total workforce visibility. Much of the value attained by artificial intelligence is more efficient identification, organization, and utilization of data. Prescriptive analytics, for example, provides the optimal use of collected data. When evaluating the total workforce holistically, enterprises need insights into their full-time and contingent employees. What are their skillsets? Which department do they work in? How long have they been contracted with the enterprise? What is their past project or team participation. Answering these questions creates a strategic profile for every full-time and contingent employee. Those total workforce profiles make real-time hiring and seamless succession planning a reality. Transparency into both operational challenges and available talent is a dual threat to lagging competitors.
  • Leverage predictive analytics and scenario planning. Ultimately, organizations want the ability to use data to predict future scenarios and potential outcomes. As a subset of artificial intelligence, predictive analytics is used in a variety of operational settings, particularly for supply chain planning. However, it is just as valuable for contingent workforce management as a predictor of future talent needs. Predictive analytics takes prescriptive analytics and workforce profiles a step further by combining operational and profile data to identify talent deficiencies and operational weaknesses, while also projecting how talent should be utilized to close those gaps. This is transformative for large-scale enterprises with tens of thousands of employees across the globe. It can also be talent-defining in scenarios where succession planning comes into play. So much of the hiring focus is on the “immediate need” rather than the gaps silently forming with aging workers eyeing their next opportunity post-retirement. Predictive analytics can address workforce scalability related to resignations, retirements, labor movements, etc., and how those will shape the workforce short and long term. In the case of a recession or other economic crisis where scalability becomes an essential strategy, enterprises can leverage internal talent data and combine it with market and labor insights to more effectively understand how operations will be affected. Which skills are required immediately versus long-term CWM planning? The ability to scale the workforce quickly and efficiently cannot be understated.

AI Becomes a Permanent Fixture for Talent Strategy

Artificial intelligence is becoming a permanent fixture as part of today’s enterprise operations and talent management strategies. For the contingent workforce, AI serves as an essential technology to streamline candidate pairings with operational needs, while increasing transparency of available skillsets and workforce contributions. Those insights prove valuable when talent gaps appear, or workforce scaling is necessary. Artificial intelligence will continue to evolve and with it, more CWM opportunities will emerge. Today, leverage the AI capabilities that exist to better plan for tomorrow.

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Is It Time to Reintroduce Ourselves to Total Talent Management?

For the past decade, the very concept of total talent management has been akin to the Bigfoot or Loch Ness Monster of the business arena: a mythical idea that has only seen slivers of reality across global organizations. Sure, we’ve seen dribbles of total talent programs in some enterprises, as well as specific elements of these initiatives (i.e., total talent acquisition, total talent intelligence, etc.) offered by some of the industry’s more progressive workforce management solutions.

However, on the whole, total talent management itself has still not yet experienced its true arrival as we all would have anticipated. Back in 2011, I wrote perhaps the industry’s first full research study on total talent management, which found that there was extreme desire for such a program; the caveat, however, was that the tools weren’t quite there yet…and neither were the foundational elements required to make such a program successful.

So, here were are in 2023, with a toxic workplace environment (due to so-called “quiet quitting” and “quiet firing”), a volatile labor market, and a Great Resettling that represents a continued revolution of talent. There may or may not be a recession swirling around us like a dooming specter. And, above all else, enterprises realize that they require the right talent at the right time at the right cost to get work done in an efficient and optimal way.

Dare I say that we should reintroduce ourselves to the idea of total talent management? Should we truly flip this concept from theory into reality? Here a few reasons why:

  • The technology is finally there to support TTM. A decade ago, the phrase “extended workforce” didn’t exist…nor did the proper technology to make total talent management a reality. Contingent workforce management (CWM) was just beginning its ascent to true strategic imperative, while less than a quarter of the total workforce was considered “non-employee.” Today, the story has evolved: extended workforce systems are innovative offshoots of Vendor Management System (VMS) platforms that can easily integrate with the core human capital systems (ATS, HRIS, etc.) for true visibility, management, and oversight of both contingent and FTE labor. Point-of-entry automation for new requisitions and talent requests can access various forms of talent, including the ever-important talent communities developed by direct sourcing solutions. And, most importantly, today’s workforce management technology can easily help businesses understand their total workforce, an attribute which allows them to pinpoint the best-aligned talent (be it contingent or an FTE already on staff) for a given project or role.
  • Functional collaboration today is a must-have capability. Unlike in years past, it is much more common for businesses to experience core cross-functional coordination; procurement and finance tackle their problems together, for instance, for the sake of the bottom-line. HR, talent acquisition, and procurement have all experienced challenges and pressures over the past two-and-a-half years, each unit emerging from the acute pandemic phase stronger than ever before. As such, the idea of collaborative strategies is much easier to maintain in today’s business environment: in the quest for survival during those scary days of 2020, enterprise functions learned that they needed each other to thrive. And, today, these three distinct groups now understand that, in a world where talent is an incredible competitive differentiator, they must work together to bridge the gaps between extended workforce management and traditional hiring. By combining efficiencies and blending strengths, the triumvirate of HR, procurement, and talent acquisition can form a formidable backbone of total talent management.
  • Aspects such as purpose, flexibility, and empathy boost the importance of the candidate experience, with the notion of “engagement” playing a critical role in total talent acquisition. No longer does a great hourly rate set the tone for freelancers, contractors, and other types of non-employee talent when choosing their next destination. Workplace culture (and leadership style) are more crucial now than ever for hiring managers to hook new talent; as such, the idea behind total talent acquisition (a key phase within TTM that involves a centralized, standardized set of guidelines and processes for engaging and sourcing all types of talent) becomes one of engagement, as well. True total talent management programs harness the power of employee engagement and candidate experience tools and tactics to ensure a steady approach towards talent acquisition for both contingent and FTE talent populations.
  • The need for business agility, combined with the volatility of the labor market, translates into the perfect gateway for total talent management. Simply put: total talent management is needed today, now more than ever. Businesses must execute lightning-fast talent decisions to thrive in an uncertain economy; the “total talent intelligence” enabled by total talent management programs and associated platforms allow hiring managers and other leaders to understand 1) the current makeup of talent across the organization, 2) the best-fit resources (whether it’s someone in house, a current contractor, etc.) for a new project or role, and 3) provide a dynamic entryway into a truly agile workforce.

Total talent management has been an oft-maligned strategy that has bordered on the hypothetical for over a decade. However, the platforms available today and the transformation of work and talent, combined with the need for such a program, positions total talent management as an innovative strategy for the months and years ahead.

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The Continued Rise of the Extended Workforce

During The Great Recession of 2008-2009*, businesses faced a harsh reality: do more with less…or else face a reckoning. Tens of thousands of enterprises were forced to lay off swaths of their staff in the wake of rough financial times, with so many others undertaking additional cost-cutting measures beyond slashing their total headcount.

Many incredibly talented professionals found themselves out of a job, and many once-thriving organizations found themselves without the same level of expertise they once maintained. However, unlike recessions of past, an interesting event occurred: a bounce-happened quick enough that those very businesses required talent to meet a rising demand for their products and services. And, those professionals who were cut from their positions became open to flexible work and new working arrangements.

Enter the “perfect storm” that signaled a revolution.

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To continue providing valuable insights and resources on the future of work and extended workforce management, we’re transitioning our site to a paid subscription model. While some posts will remain free, subscribing will grant you exclusive access to in-depth analysis, market research, expert interviews, and actionable strategies that will help improve your business. Solution providers and practitioners are invited to join today and gain a competitive edge by tracking the industry’s important innovations, emerging trends, and best practices.

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